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Steven Heath

Biography for Steven Heath

  • Been involved in commercial use of the Internet since 1992.
  • Joined the first commercial ISP in Canada in 1993 as employee number 19. (it was formed in 1989). My last position at iSTAR (as it became) was Product Director, Web Technologies with one of the largest web hosting farms/client base in Canada. When I left we had over 300 employees, were the first 'internet IPO' in Canada and had one hell of a ride.
  • Left to become GM of GreyInteractive West based in Vancouver. This was owned by Grey Advertising and my SBU had one of the highest profitability and high level of client satisfaction for 2 years running. After almost 3 years I decided to return home to Wellington.
  • Joined Ernst & Young as a Senior Manager in their newly formed eCommerce group. Did numerous eCommerce related work both internally and for clients. In April 1999 (soon after arriving back in NZ) was the Chair for the ISOCNZ 1999 Summit on Internet Governance. Joined ISOCNZ soon after and have been watching with growing disappointment to events ever since.
  • I joined SeraNova as a Solutions Architect in January of this year with a Asia Pacific wide mandate.
  • I was one of the few non 'lunatic fringe elements' attendees that supported changes to Domainz and *.nz at the 1999 AGM and even had the curious position of seconding the DPF motion to form a WG to look into the 'SRS' concept. I then later joined the SRS WG (aka Hine Commission)
  • I will be voting for the concepts behind the WG draft paper at the AGM.
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