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Jamie Baddeley

I'm running for council for several reasons, but first I should explain who I am. I live in Brooklyn, Wellington. Prior to this, I've lived in both Auckland and Christchurch for a number of years.

I have two young boys. I am married to Nikki, who is wonderful.

I first learnt about the Internet in 1982. My thanks to an Apple IIe, a graphics program called Logo and a teacher with these wild ideas about some computer scientists building a global computer network. When asked about why, he said that if people communicate openly, they have less to fight about. Now this is not exactly tree-hugging, but it was an intriguing idea nonetheless.

My background is in Radio Communications. In the early to mid nineties I worked for a great NZ company called Tait Electronics, commissioning and supporting wireless networks around the world. Thanks to Angus Tait, I've been flung to places like the Gobi Desert, Macedonia, Germany and the lovely Argentina. An unforgettable experience. Since then I've led IP and Internet Systems Development at BCL, and am now General Manager of Internet Services at FX Networks. We're busy reigniting the Internet in NZ. It's a great time to be in this industry.

I've been an interested observer of InternetNZ for a number of years. There's been some times where there's been some conflict, and there's been times where there has been some great achievements. The recent ICANN meeting is a brilliant example of what InternetNZ can achieve. FX Networks as Gold Sponsors of this event were proud to assist people like Vint Cerf get online in our part of the world (with the help of our friends at Citylink), and we thank InternetNZ for the opportunity to do this. I'm convinced that the hard to quantify intangible benefits of the meeting will pay dividends to the NZ Internet Community in the years to come. When the likes of Vint Cerf and Steve Crocker come to town, interesting conversations are had.

I was impressed by the recent submission by InternetNZ on Telecommunications Reform, and it is primarily in this area I would like to assist as a member of council. I think the submission was well balanced, and covered all of the key areas. There is however work to do in finetuning both the public understanding of these recommendations and the recommendations themselves. I also think more work needs to be done in terms of a strategy to deal with the challenges of International Transit, which behind Telecom's position and behaviour in the marketplace is probably the biggest issue facing the Internet economics equation in NZ. Good old tyranny of distance.

I'd like to assist InternetNZ, and it's members in other areas of the 2006/2007 business plan.


I am a techie. Now, before you run off, I think we still have a fair way to go in terms of "Supporting Internet Innovation and Leadership", particularly around facilitating the development of NZ originated IETF style best practices. Rough Consensus is what it's all about. I think Internetnz have a number of ways of both facilitating and incenting this development.

There's elements of the 'Protect the Internet' strategy that I'd like to help refine. I think public education of what peering really means needs to be worked on, and also think Enum needs to be looked at in broader terms.

In terms of .NZ management, a good job is being done and really there's broader areas to do with the Internet in NZ where I think InternetNZ couldadd real value. I'd like to see InternetNZ have a broader leadership role.

Incidentally, an InternetNZ project 'History of NZ Internet' is something that I am passionate about. I feel that if you don't know where you've been, how can you know if where you're going is worthwhile?

So I'd like to help drive that project to success.

Finally my thanks to Andy Linton for nominating me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.



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