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Board Meeting Notes

Hualin notes Board over year old- new elections held. Very important period- ICANN reform, Outreach, technical changes, privatisation of some ccTLDs, IDN.

BKK announces election results

Chris, Peter, Hualin, Yumi, Vincent, Young-Lee; plus Ramesh

Ramesh - Chair - unanimously

Snr Vice Chair - PDT

Vice Chair - membership YM Lee

Vice Chair - treasurer - Yumi

ccTLD sponsorship agreement - .jp

  • Feb 27 signed - all on web IANA or ICANN

  • JPNIC - non-profit ('93) - [dns, IP numbers, outreach] /JPRS [dns only] - commercial - growth in numbers since 93, and desire to compete with .com etc, speedy decision making process which doesn't happen in public org such as JPNIC, investment flexibility needed. => JPRS setup and sign with ICANN - decidedby JPNIC and approved by almost all members

  • see ppt slide from Melbourne re way of getting a 'communication' from govt - no certification, no trilateral, no write to ICANN - yes either respond to ICANN letter or ignore such letter. In end get govt to reply to govt inq. Effectively - jp wrote to ICANN asking for redelegation to JPRS, stating JPRS will contract to ICANN. JPNIC signs agreement with JPRS; govt endorses; ICANN writes to govt to see if appropriate; govt writes a letter saying yes.

  • Running policy - changed clauses in ICANN model agreement - key point is that JPNIC serves the LIC not the govt; includes JPNIC in doc as key part of LIC interest - JPNIC + JPG (leads to the response letter); 2.1, 2.11, 4.3, 4.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.3 modified.

  • 2.1 authoritative communication (not govt comm)

  • 2.11 term - when transfer from JPNIC completed

  • 4.3 JPNIC + JPG plays role on behalf of LIC

  • 4.3 JPNIC not JPG does data escrow

  • 6.2 JPG can't get JPRS to be removed unless JPNIC consulted

  • 6.3 same - includes JPNIC to re-assign

  • 6.3 published not written personal data use commitments

  • If disagreement between JPNIC and JPG - not resolved. JPG is contact point with ICANN only.

  • JPNIC maintains escrow - retains power

  • JPSR has advisory committee appointed by JPNIC - sets algorithm for performance - so JPNIC informs govt if problems

  • funding still needs more consultation and agreement

  • will be bound by ICANN policies so long as ICANN obeys own bylaws and policy making process.

AP At Large Membership under ICANN Reform Environment



Lynn Reform Proposal - Andrew McLaughlin

  • Mostly about the structure is not working - all players agree. "Too much process, too much wasted effort, too little focus on doing".

  • Lack of participation by key players eg backbone ISPs; narrow but disproportionate

  • Stuart's ideas just a starting point for discussion

  • No action to be taken by Board in Accra; if we don't like elements, come up with something better

Daily Functions

  • 2 kinds of functions - poor job of explaining what does on daily basis. Broadly assure a stable system of unique identifiers. => IP and DNS and address #s must be globally unique and routable/etc, Protocols must be interop.

  • maintain publish root zone file for TLD's - dns and IP. A number of policy fns go with this. => gTLD's full policy - price, DRP etc. But ccTLD's - those determined locally only has top-level delegation and redelegation.

  • IP addresses - make allocations of top level blocks of IP addresses IPV4 and IPV6. Make to RIR's - but can also take requests to set aside by IETF. Conserve add space and make avail

  • Protocol area - do what IETF tells them

  • Root services

What's not working- For each process fails in some way:

  • for gTLDs DNSO too much yak too little outcome. Consensus not real. ccTLD's mixed in to non relevant material. Must do ploicy for existing gTLDs and making new gTLD's

  • for ccTLDs - small obligations but although good participation from 40-50 cc's but not the rest. Spend sig time on resolving nameserver problems. => the people who impose the cost are not the ones which contribute $

  • ASO - doesn't function as well as it should according to some as indirect relationship. The ASO council is not the Registries. No real purpose/work in ASO

  • PSO - IETF directly linked with ICANN, but also ETSI, ITU, and - no direct relationship however.

  • compounded by funding problem. objective to have broad funding base to get away from US centric. ccTLDs could broaden but hasn't happened. Can see why. If ICANN to do the job must have reliable and diverse..15 staff - too few.

  • increasing pressure to tighten relationship with root server operators. 13 relatively distributed root servers. The system works well, but not moving forward. They say this can't last - eg determining position of new dist'd root servers and ability to pay to fund. Near to sign MOUs - however the govts not happy about that level of informality.

agree that gTLD issues dominate and don't have time to do the technical stuff properly

The Proposal - general points

  • smaller Board

  • move away from direct representation at gTLD and work for consensus

  • move cc's to own area

  • tech body

  • address and protocol functions

  • rootserver and security

  • At Large qualified failure - distortions in voting, nationalism, fraud (minimal) - therefore suggestion that govts choose reps and the nominating committee chooses

Timing of Paper

The MOU with US G - ICANN supposed to complete by (Sept). Great nervousness about handing over the control - staff's conclusion is not ready to take on. Can't report to USG that making good progress with ccTLDs. Also rootserver co-ordination - would prefer a dedicated authoritative primary rather than the A at NSI - can protect as well. Need 24x7 staff to do. Anycast technology - to give distribution. Needs funding to test and measure.

Hope the change will improve structure and participation. Please provide alternatives.

Agenda revisions

Formal thanks to Prof Qian for chairing for past year.


AGM - APTLD 020303 - notes

  1. Election announcements

  2. Financial Report

  3. Membership Activities - note this contains the VL, LG, ML, M categories re DPF

  • no associates or individual memberships

  • one application in for (another small) member

  1. APTLD Outreach 2001-2002

  • objectives and goals - pg 4 - To be adopted by Board

  1. WG's

  • add ccSO WG

  • add Redelegation Survey WG

  • other WG's will be deleted if the leader does not submit a new ToR by 31 March****PDT

  1. Budget

  • NB .nz are in advance $US 2500 for 2002

  • .au will raise from medium to large - so will move from $US2K to $10K

  • raise outreach from $US 3K to $US10K - noting that Pacific needs more money and targeting, noting that scattered populations need to bring them to a venue rather than going out to them - e.g., airfare.

  • Sponsorship - as long as doesn't go over 50% of cost

  1. ccSO - Andrew confirms essentially a waste of time to work more on ccSO MOU


.nz - 104K DNs, SRS Implementation, lobbying work,

.kr -

  • Restructure of Registry [Competition Model] - DN personal W22000 - NZ$39.63.

  • using RAP (registrar application protocol)

  • DRP - W880000-1.76M ( NZ$1585 - 3170 )

  • also redoing geographical 2LD's (Pusan to Busan etc)

  • Defence - non-distinctive, under legitimate use, identical with personla name, title, Trade name, service mark entitled to

  • no compo

  • non-binding so can go to Court

  • maintain status quo until decision made

.cn -

  • non-profit org charged by Ministry of Information Industry to do;

  • do dn's, research policy; also Chinese DN's, keynames, and ENUM

  • 127K names

  • carried out testbed

  • CNNIC is registry

  • dispute res

  • registrars appointed by CNNIC

  • resellers below registrars - "agents" - testbed phase

  • DR Institute - appointed - to do

  • 2LD - openness - upgrading name 3LD's to 2LD's directly under .cn (but not

  • survey - Internet development in China, Information Resources, and in China

  • IFIK "international forum of internet keywords"

  • hosting 2003 ICANN

  • number of meetings China Inet, APTLD,

  • DRP procedures (see Cr Rainbow for details)

  • complaints online and text

  • 20 days to respond

  • may go to arbitration or mediation

  • decision within 14 days

  • started 1/1/1 - 19 cases - 5 domestic, rest international - 17 judged by year end

.tw -

  • English/Chinese dn registration (registry/registrar model)

  • 4 different 2LD registry/registrar areas

  • created 1/7/02

  • gross numbers up but rate of increase slowed

  • 14 cases DRP since March 29 01- (trs to complainant 6, registrant 4, withdrawal 1, cancellation 3)

  • benevolent activities website

  • electronic newsletter to every registrant every month

  • - CERT/CC nameserver check

Reform ICANN

Andrew again - see Richard's notes

Kilnam long comment:

  • analogy "thunder out of blue sky" - so is this is a good way or the only way. Should show which items are very firm and which soft - end with an issue list. Gives impression you just take this - not good way to build concensus.

  • near unanimous consensus - lakc of consultation with (APTLD) ccTLD, probably discussed with US govt, Ca govt, EU - AP feels left out. Bad PR at least. Similar with White Paper, Green Paper. We don't have an EU - perhaps should talk with APEC and us or similar. AP - all aspects feel left out. Hope doesn't repeat in future

  • welcome candid admission of weakness and failure by ICANN - like is talking to us rather than bureaucratic. Should have been done long time ago.

  • open can of worms - may go all the way, are you sure you have the confidence to go all the way. Serious fundamental issue. May need to split DNS and address - observe over last year - why not divide and conquer. ICANN 1 - dns and ICANN 2 - IP. Or ICANN 3. Problem with IPV4 is centralisation. ICANN can only survive with decentralisation. If necessary we can create one.

  • you proposing too many remedies at once - system engineering to focus on one or two and solve. Here too many and cannot address in a timely manner. Even if you succeed will be seen as a failure.

  • the remedy proposed doesn't have correlation between problem (ccTLD, IIR, rootserver) and solution re govt involvement, funding. Each have very different reasons - some of the reasoning not correlated. Danger - e.g. funding may solve some issues but not all; govt involvement may solve some and create some

  • too many tough probs: funding, ccTLD and IIR's contracts, - is this the rigth way to solve. Way too ambitious. Even if fix with funding and people, still takes 5-10 years to fix. Should make simpler and then look for what to solve at the moment

  • K's proposal "just do it right" - if you can't do it, then we will. Can't go back. To do it right treat like systems problems - fix one at a time, becomes solvable problem. (mark as a 'C'). The revolution approach won't solve - rather than incremental approach. It's not an ICANN secretariat problem or ICANN Board problem - is the community problem now and can't put it away. Must have proper consultation process - AP and ccTLD - no outreach or serious consultation. Should be approaching us as friends not as hostiles.

  • the first step is that by whatever means must increase the staff numbers. If can't put one person on each issue may be worse than if didn't do anything at all. You've opened the can - must do immediately.

Andrew - replies

  • the crisis is the last point. Can't hire anyone else. Isn't any money.

  • consultation: problem - if talk to one upset others. This is the first consultation with any ccTLDs. Did talk to some govts around AP region.

  • taking it all the way re splitting functions - did think about it - problem if numbers and names separate orgs - many stakeholders think is headache to have more meetings. Open question but feeling is not way to go.

  • too much at once: trying to solve funding problem first as affects. The lightweight MOU should move it forward but the financials can be set yet. If only option is asking govt for money have to give them some input, and the minimum approach is chosen. Would buy time to work on harder issues.

  • Chris: mistrust earnt by ICANN cf IANA - up to ICANN to work hard to earn the trust

  • BK - what kind of consultation required? Should be regional.

  • Kilnam - go ahead with ccSO etc and review reform proposal in light at. Wrong approach for RIR and root servers. We raised this couple of years ago. Should have posted on issue - then could have looked at funding items. All types of consultation - workshops, symposia etc etc. way more than dialogue and had enough of this.

  • Sue: Totally endorse Kilnam's points. To move forward: do a Calendar for APLTD for ICANN input. (Sue drafts and APTLD votes - NB .au didn't sign at time as Chris had toleave. BK to follow up to see if can support)

Statement from APTLD Members Meeting in Thailand 3/3/02

APTLD will be involved in the consultation on ICANN restructuring proposal

by Dr Stuart Lynn and will undertake the following consultation schedule

On that basis APTLD strongly requests that

the ICANN Board make no final decisions on the matter until after the

Shanghai ICANN Meeting.

APTLD Consultation Calendar

Lynn Paper released

24 February 2002


APTLD Board Receives paper

3-14 March 2002

Consult LIC

15 March - 20 June 2002


Draft Paper 1 and APTLD draft position

22 June 2002

Consult LIC

23 June - Sept 1 2002

AP* - redrafting meeting Shanghai - Draft 2

29 August 2002

APTLD Online final redraft - Draft 3

Sept 2 - Oct 14 2002


APTLD Position paper to Board (version 4.0)

Mid-November 2002


.jp, .my, .cn, .kr, .lk, .nz, .tw

S Leader

© 2002 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 4 April 2002

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