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ICANN Funding Letter

Date sent: Monday 24 June 2002 at 01:18:12 - 0700
To: Sue Leader
From: "M. Stuart Lynn"
Subject: Re: FW: Contribution to ICANN Funding Support (Links updated)

Dear Sue:

Thank you for your letter communicating the position of the Board of InternetNZ regarding a contribution to ICANN for 2001-2002.

My fund solicitation was for voluntary contributions (in the absence of any agreements with a given ccTLD). I am very pleased that there has been such a generous response of support from so many countries. We have certainly appreciated the voluntary contributions from InternetNZ in the past.

I would not, however, want to see InternetNZ spend on solicitors what I am sure are valuable funds that perhaps could put to better use. We would certainly understand if InternetNZ chose not to make a contribution to ICANN at this time if doing so does not fit with InternetNZ's current goals, or with InternetNZ's view of ICANN and the directions that ICANN is pursuing. Nor would we expect any such contribution. To put it another way, there are no circumstances now or in the future under which ICANN would accept funds tied to specific policy outcomes. Policy development is a community process.

I receive many letters from small registries who do not charge for domain names that express their strong support for ICANN even though they cannot afford to contribute. In many ways these letters mean as much to me as the generous contributions we receive from most of the financially stable registries.

Please pass on my thanks to the Board for considering this matter.


Stuart Lynn
President and CEO
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Tel: 310-823-9358
Fax: 310-823-8649

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