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InternetNZ pleased to support Open Source Awards

Media Release - June 21, 2007 - InternetNZ (The Internet Society of New Zealand) is pleased to support the New Zealand Open Source Awards and has agreed to sponsor one of the categories.

The Awards are being organised by CatalystIT and The New Zealand Open Source Society and will be held in October with nominations closing on August 17 (Details at
President Colin Jackson says the Internet and Open Source are joined at the
hip. “Much of the Internet is built on Open Source software, particularly in
the areas of web servers and other key infrastructure software components.
Also, most Open Source projects rely on the cooperation of teams of people
working across the Internet.”
executive director Keith Davidson points to InternetNZ’s historical support for
Open Source. “InternetNZ funded the development of the .nz registry system used
by our subsidiary .nz Registry Services at a cost of hundreds of thousands of
dollars. That software was then made available as Open Source for other
registrars around the world for their own use.”
New Zealand
economy is increasingly dependent on access to, and use of, the Internet.
InternetNZ's vision is for an open and uncaptureable Internet accessible by
all. Open source has played, and continues to play, a key role in achieving
that vision,” says Davidson.
is pleased to be able to support these awards and specifically the award
category for "Open Source use for community organisations”.
For more
information contact:
directorInternetNZ021 377

JacksonPresidentInternetNZ021 393

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