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AGM Minutes - 13 November 1996

The Internet Society of New Zealand's 1996 AGM was held at the James Cook Centra Hotel in Wellington on Wednesday 13 November 1996.

Present: Roger Hicks (chair) and approximately forty members of the society.

Apologies: Rex Croft, John Greenwood, Reg Hammond, Don Hollander, Bart Kindt, Brendan Murray, Lin Nah, Elizabeth Probert, Ken Spagnolo

Meeting opened: 4.00pm.

Minutes of 1995 AGM

Motion: That the minutes of the 1995 Annual General Meeting are a true and accurate record.
B. Lobb / R. Donaldson Carried NC - Abst.: 3

Motion to Amend the Articles of Association

Motion: That paragraph 6.3 of the Articles of Association, which now reads:

6.3 The Industry Advisory Group shall be entitled to appoint a member of Council. Until the end of 1997, The Tuia Society Incorporated shall be entitled to appoint two members of Council. Until the end of 1997, the members of the Network Society of New Zealand shall be entitled to appoint two members of Council.

be amended to read:

6.3 The Industry Advisory Group shall be entitled to appoint a member of Council.

And that paragraph 6.7.2, which now reads:

6.7.2 If a vacancy arises for an Appointed Council Member, the Chairperson shall give notice of the vacancy in writing to the appointing body for which the vacancy has arisen. The appointing body may appoint an Ordinary Member to fill the vacancy, provided that the body's right to make such an appointment has not expired (as specified in paragraph 6.3 of these Articles), and that Council is notified of the new appointment not later than sixty days after notice of the vacancy was given by the Chairperson.

If no such new appointment is made, the Council may fill the vacancy by co-option.

be amended to read:

6.7.2 If a vacancy arises for an Appointed Council Member, the Chairperson shall give notice of the vacancy in writing to the appointing body for which the vacancy has arisen. The appointing body may appoint an Ordinary Member to fill the vacancy, provided that Council is notified of the new appointment not later than sixty days after notice of the vacancy was given by the Chairperson.

If no such new appointment is made, the Council may fill the vacancy by co-option."

D.Neal/C.Jackson Carried - For: 35, Against: 7, Abst.: 1


Motion: That the elected Councillors will serve a term of two years.
J. Higgins/R. Donaldson Carried - Against: 3, Abst.: 1

Election of Council Members

Four nominations were received from the floor. These were:

Nominee Nominated by
Mark Harris Colin Jackson
Peter Mott Andy Linton
Rodney Prescott Jenny Shearer
Steve Withers Bernadette Jew

The full list of nominees was therefore:

Stephen Bell Richard Donaldson Liam Greenwood
Mark Harris Jim Higgins Don Hollander
Neil James Brenda Lobb Ian Mitchell
Peter Mott Rodney Prescott Aaron Scott
Jim Shaw Jenny Shearer John Vorstermans
Steve Withers

Written votes were then received.

Chairperson's Report

Motion: That the Chairperson's Report be received.
Chair/J. Higgins Carried U


Motion: That the Report on the Work of the DNS Legal Structure Working Group be accepted.
R. Donaldson/ Carried NC , Abst.: 1

Comments on Possible DNS Restructuring

There was some discussion of the $16 invoice charge being levied by the Society.


The Treasurer, Colin Jackson, spoke to his report, and described a proposed budget for 1996/97. There was some discussion of whether society activities unrelated to the DNS should be funded from DNS revenue.

Motion: That the financial reports be accepted.
J. Higgins/J. Vorstermans Carried NC , Abst.: 1

Subscriptions for Organisational Members

Motion: That there be no change to subscriptions for Organisational Members
M. Harris/J. Vorstermans

Amendment: That the motion read "That Council is empowered to set different levels of organisational membership subscription at a lower level than that currently set.
I. Mitchell/R. Prescott Carried - Against: 6, Abst.: 6

The amended motion was put and

Carried - For: 22, Against: 3, Abst.: 2

Election of Auditor

Motion: That Carol Corlette be elected as auditor.
D.Neal/M. Harris Carried NC - Abst.: C. Jackson


The following Council Members were elected:

Stephen Bell Liam Greenwood Mark Harris
Jim Higgins Don Hollander Neil James
Brenda Lobb Rodney Prescott Jim Shaw
Jenny Shearer John Vorstermans Steve Withers


Motion: That this AGM of the ISOCNZ authorise and advise the council to urgently investigate the provision of professional secretarial and executive services.
F. March/P. Muller

Amendment: That the following words be appended to the motion: "and that the AGM also authorises the council to investiaget the use of the funds generated by the Internet Registry of New Zealand."
T. Albertson/S. Withers Accepted

Discussion of the amended motion was ruled out of order following a 7:12 vote against consideration of the motion.

Meeting closed: 6:35pm.

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