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Report 03/08/01

Report from the Constitutional working Group - 3 August 2001

The WG met on Saturday 28 July. We examined the consequences on our work of the Membership vote, the ToR and determined a strategy for proceeding from this point.

The consequences flowing from the Membership vote are that we are recommending to Council

  • the adoption of the amended Bylaws, the motion is specified below
  • that we foreshadow that we will be recommending a straw poll of Members for the position of Vice-President, following the final ratification of the Constitution
  • that as the Council accepted the Straw poll of the membership for the Officers, that the incumbent President (and when elected) Vice-President will serve until the 2003 AGM and that the Treasurer and Secretary will hold Office until the 2002 AGM, when they will be eligible to re-stand for Office.

Implementation of other proposals are:

  • The Secretary is requested to ask Gavin Adlam for a legal opinion on Clause 12.1 regarding whether indeed Organizational Members get a vote on top of their nominated Ordinary Members
  • The Secretary is requested to notify the SRS Chair and SRS Manager of the passing of the AGM motion that registrars contracts include a clause promoting InternetNZ membership
  • The Secretary is requested to inform the Office of the Renewal Reminder policy passed at the AGM
  • The Secretary is requested is to include all passed policy motions in the Policy Handbook.
  • The Executive Director is requested to inform Associate Members of their change in status to full Membership rights, but that they are still eligible for reduced fees, and to check that the web site also reflect this decision.
  • The Admin Committee is requested to prepare ToR/Charter for the Fellowship Committee and ensure that Council pass the necessary delegation of Authority to the Committee
  • The Admin Committee is requested to consider appropriate levels of Honoraria for Councillors who are not Committee Chairs and to put in place quarterly performance reviews.
  • The Admin Committee is requested to conduct a full review of levels and eligibility of honoraria by year-end to work into the budget for 2002/2003.
  • The Admin Committee is requested to undertake a review of the InternetNZ mailing lists

On examination of our ToR we determine that the majority of the points listed have been addressed but outstanding are Code of Ethics for Councillors, rules for calling meetings, matters concerning the IAG, existing Policy on structure and management, examination of the Objects of The Society, and that we need to discuss  - Job descriptions for all positions, what sort of meeting should take place in February/March for Member input into Budget and Business (and strategic) planning, and the examination of the mailing lists as noted under 2.vii.b & c which we are asking Admin Cmte to review.

The revised Constitution, taking note of the successful motions from the AGM, is attached . There is still some minor tidying up to do, but once we are happy with it we will be passing it to Gavin Adlam and Rick Shera for legal opinion. We hope to have feedback within 10 days so we can ask Council to call an SGM in early September to ratify the Constitution.

Motion on the Bylaws:

That following the successful motions from the AGM, the Constitutional Review Working Group has confirmed the appropriate changes to the Bylaws, as first published 20/04/01, and recommends to Council to adopt the revised Bylaws as attached.

© 2001 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 1 August 2001

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