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Report of the Governance & Constitutional Committee 30/08/03

By Law Changes

As required under the current Bylaws Clause 2:
"Changes to Bylaws [...] Any motion to change the Bylaws must have presented 14 days prior to the vote being taken." The G&C Committee will be presenting at the Council meeting on Saturday 30 August at which the following motions will form part of the presentation.

Moved by Chris Streatfield

Seconded by David Farrar

The Governance and Constitutional Committee is recommending to Council the following Changes:

Motion 1.
That Clause 3.2 be amended such that the following sentence be added:
", except for Emergency meetings where 48 hours notice must be given"

Reason: There is currently no formal provisions to cover the process of calling Emergency meetings.

Motion 2.
That Clause 8.3 be amended such that the last sentence will now read:
"The voting period on such a ballot will be three working days unless a different period is specified prior to the opening of the ballot."

Reason: Under the clause as currently stated a vote may never come to a conclusion and there are no mechanisms for solving this problem.

Motion 3.
That an additional clause be inserted into Section 8 Conduct of Electronic Meetings as follows:
"8.4 The Secretary is required to call electronic ballot of Council within 2 working days of receipt of such a request accompanied by a properly moved motion in compliance with Section 4 above."

Reason: To give the right of a Councillor to call for a vote. Current statement does not make clear who or how a vote can be called.

Motion 4.
That Clause 9.2 be amended such that:

  1. the responsible person noted as "The Secretary..." be replaced by "The Treasurer..." and
  2. the term "...within seven days..." be replaced by the term "...within one month..."

Reason: The responsibility for ensuring financial rules are complied with sits with the Treasurer and experience tells us that seven days is too tight especially if new Officers are elected and trying to sort out their responsibilities.

Motion 5.
That Clause 9.3 be withdrawn from the Bylaws.

Reason: The operational and governance changes that have occurred over the last few years have this matter much less clear than when the clause was written and the Treasurer was the sole responsible financial person in the Society.

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Last updated 18 August 2003

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