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Minutes of Technical Policy Committee - 15 October 2008

Minutes of a meeting of the Technical Policy Committee held on 15 October 2008.

Present:                      Jamie Baddeley (Chair)

By Phone: Michael Wallmannsberger, Simon Riley


In attendance:           Keith Davidson, Campbell Gardiner, Richard St Clair


Apologies:                  There were no apologies.


Opened:                     3.21pm



Minutes of Last Meeting – 21 August 2008:                                              
Minutes of last meeting adopted as a true and accurate record.


Action Points / Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes:                 

AP - Email Best Practice Tiger Team and Tech-Pol list calling for an exemplar best practice document – To do.


AP – Elevate Broadband measurement discussion within Consumer – Scheduled for Monday 20 October.


AP – Write to advise ISPANZ, TCF, Telecom, TelstraClear and WorldXChange that INZ has committed to a broadband measurement project – Drafted. To send following Consumer meeting.    


Best Practice Programme:

This project has been on the Tech-Pol agenda for quite some time. Nathan Ward is going to draft an exemplar best practice document for us. Keith will use his ED’s delegated authority to fund. The exemplar document is aimed at testing the waters and people's enthusiasm. If there is a lack of buy-in then we'll flick the project off.


Campbell to complete AP1 from previous meeting minutes.



There was a hope that the IPv6 Hui could be held this November off the back of the Australian IPv6 meeting but this hasn't eventuated.


Keith will come up with a proposal for stand-alone event next year. He noted that we are beginning to build some momentum re: possible industry partners.


Certificate Authority:

There is an agreement to contract Don Stokes to conduct a study of SSL-enabled web servers in .nz but the project has been classified as a low to medium priority, with staff keeping a watching brief.


AP – Campbell to follow up with Don on his earlier action point.



Workshop held 26 September. There was a good assembly of the right people there and valuable audience input.


It was the advice of AusCERT that an NZCERT is required. CERTs are as much about relationships/networking as technical; and you can't run that out of Australia.


CCIP announcement - they are very enthusiastic about the concept of setting up a CERT. Keith is due to meet informally with them to follow up and get more clarity on what is planned.


AP - Campbell to circulate commentary of proceedings to those who attended the workshop and Tech-Pol list.


Simon maintains the fact that something is happening outside of Government about CERT needs to be reported back to Government and that we need to establish the process and context for going forward. However, it was noted that in working with CCIP, DIA, etc we must respect their veil of privacy.


For the next three years we’ve tentatively budgeted $100k per year for this project.


It was noted that some of the security research projects such as Honeypot could be knitted together under an NZCERT.


Broadband Measurement:

A meeting with Consumers Institute is scheduled for Monday 20 October. The letter (see AP7 from previous minutes) won’t be sent until after that meeting.


Re: Lumeta Internet Mapping Project - It may be ‘free’ but probably won't be in the long-run and would consume InternetNZ resources and distract from the broadband measurement path that we're on.


The path we're taking is the right one. Staff to complete broadband measurement APs from the previous minutes. Consumers willingness to support this is key.


AP - Update Tech-Pol on the outcomes from Consumer meeting. 



The Honeypot study continues. The third quarter report is due shortly. Keith is taking a Honeypot paper to IGF in India in an attempt to encourage participation in Honeypot-like studies by other ccTLDs.



The NOG’s new servers are up and running. These are being used for website hosting and mailing list.


Re: discussion with Gavin Adlam – Keith is meeting with Dean Pemberton and others shortly. In addition, there will be a presentation at the NOG about the model. It will probably take the form of a trust. And a committee appointed to organise the annual conference.



The ENUM project is still officially on hold, but the TCF working group is due to be resurrected in mid-November. Discussions with the Commerce Commission on IP interconnection issues have been held in recent weeks.


Brief discussion on getting ENUM on the NZNOG conference agenda. The business case for ENUM internationally remains carrier-based not user-based. The carriers are anti user ENUM. It would kill their revenue. There is no compelling business case for user ENUM and no interoperability for carrier ENUM at this stage.


Is it worth commissioning a small think piece on ENUM outlining what is happening with it worldwide? Should InternetNZ be getting more proactive on ENUM and setting the issues agenda?


There are things beginning to happen in this space. A conference is being held next February looking at all submissions on numbering in NZ, including ENUM. Out of this, the TCF will create an IP Interconnection Working Party.


General Business:

Re: conversion of InternetNZ’s office LAN to IPv6 - there no open source native IPv6 firewall available. But, there is a US-based OS project in this area (pfSense) that INZ could help fund.

This would be worthwhile pursuing on the basis of our IPv6 advocacy alone, and would help solve the problem of IPv6 conversion in New Zealand for small and medium businesses. Staff will update Tech-Pol as the discussion firms up.


3.58pm: Simon Riley left the meeting


Closed: 4.01pm

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