i Domain Future Task Force Terms of Reference — InternetNZ
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Domain Future Task Force Terms of Reference

The broad objective of this group is to consider and assess what future exists for Domainz, after the removal of the registry and the entry of competitive registrars in the SRS environment, and to make recommendations to InternetNZ Council of suitable courses of action relating to Domainz' future.

1. Recognising InternetNZ resolutions, it is agreed that InternetNZ is unable to operate a competitive Registrar in a competitive Registrar environment.

2. Members of the Task Force have confirmed individually that they have no desire to purchase the whole or any part of Domainz's business. If this situation should change due to a specific declaration of interest from a member of this TF, the TF will be empowered to assess if any reason has arisen which should preclude that member of the TF from either participating in a purchase, or participating further on the TF, or both, in light of any confidential or privileged information that the TF may have received during its deliberations.

3. To consider and evaluate the following options

(a) To determine whether the value of Domainz should be built up in order to sell the company or whether it should be liquidated.

(b) To determine the precise timeframe in which a) will occur;

(c) If the company is to be sold, to determine any restrictions which are necessary in terms of its business activities;

(d) To ensure that decisions on the future of Domainz are approved by Council as quickly as possible, with the initial major recommendation being made to the November Council meeting.

4. While acknowledging that consultation regarding Domainz's future has occurred with the Local Internet Community and especially the potential Registrar community, the Task Force will attempt to ensure that appropriate consultation is undertaken with Domainz staff, and may communicate, and consult if necessary, with broader stakeholders. Stakeholders may include InternetNZ members, InternetNZ staff and the Local Internet Community (including Government, Industry participants etc).

5. A business plan has already been sought from Domainz, and may be referred to an appointed sub-committee comprising suitable professionals whose duty will be to assess the financial and business viability of any such plan.

6.To consider if the current Board of Directors provide the appropriate personnel to undertake the implementation of decisions made under clause 3, and to make recommendations to Council of an appropriate governance structure.


  • This group is empowered by InternetNZ Council to work under these general terms of reference, but is limited in power to make recommendations for InternetNZ Council resolution.
  • The final report and recommendations must be made to InternetNZ Council during October 2002.
  • Aspects of the TF work may involve matters which must remain confidential to its members.
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