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Executive Directors Report to Council 31/05/03

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Executive Director's Report to Council
for 31 May 2003
Peter Macaulay

Since the last council meeting InternetNZ has been picking up speed, and we have started or are continuing with several projects, the most significant of which are:

  • The Sale of Domainz
  • The Festival of Technology/Summit/AGM
  • Annual Report (print version)
  • The relaunch of the Code of Practice.
  • Redesign of the Web Site.
  • Business as Usual.

Business as Usual covers all activities not within the list of projects and major priorities. At present these take about 15 hours a week of my time and over 30 hours of Zofia's, except when we have an event. As we learn more about the processes and rules of the society, we are finding ways to reduce the effort needed to produce the required output. Not only in business as usual, but in all areas we are striving to focus on output rather than process.

Working with the Administration Committee I have produced a set of actions, and we are working towards setting priorities and timing for each action.

The remainder of my report is the reduced list of the current set of actions, without priorities or timing, except where events or controlling factors drive us!

1. Planning

  • 1.1 Budget
    Current budget is completed, and the chart of accounts now maps to the budget.
    1.1.1 Budgeting tools
    We are reviewing tools for budget setting and reporting for next year
  • 1.2 Strategic Plan
    The strategic plan is almost fully researched from work done last year, and requires a review against our present situation to provide the basis for a complete strategic planning document. Most of my actions have been taken from the background documents. We have parked the strategy until after the AGM, as there was no chance of competing it in time to present.
  • 1.3 Business Plan
    Our business plan tends to hinge around the budget, until we launch the strategy document.
  • 1.4 Resourcing plan
    As we move to a project based operation, the need for permanent staff should be stable, while we use contractors and other organisations to deliver the resources necessary to deliver the outputs.
  • 1.5 Staff training
    Operating with a head count of 2.5 will place demands on staff to operate outside of their present skills. As we identify needed skills we decide whether to allocate the work outside or to train a team member. In addition we will have regular refresher training in basic business skills to keep us current and thinking about our roles.
  • 1.6 New Premises
    1.6.1 Co location with DNC and registry
    1.6.2 Target December 2003
  • 1.7 Committee management
    To make committees more effective we need to provide a higher level of support and a better set of tools. The tools are on the way, and Zofia will literally manage committee schedules and reporting with a high degree of direct and regular contact with committee chairs.
    1.7.1 Chase actions
    1.7.2 Reporting
    1.7.3 Member profiles

2. Funding

Traditionally the funding of InternetNZ has been from the first two sources. We aim to make it possible to reduce the dividend requirement on the registry to allow the reduction of the domain registry fee. We also would like to see more activities self funded from sponsorship, while leaving membership and event registration affordable, while creating a sense of value.

  • 2.1 Clipping the registration ticket
  • 2.2 Membership fees
  • 2.3 Event registration
  • 2.4 Sponsorship
  • 2.5 Grants

3. Governance

  • 3.1 Role of Admin Committee

4. Outreach

  • 4.1 Cyberlaw Initiative
  • 4.2 Proactive presence
  • 4.3 Research
  • 4.4 China Internet Society Visit
  • 4.5 ENUM focus
  • 4.6 IPv6 Leadership
  • 4.7 Spam
    4.7.1 Prepare a recognised definition
    4.7.2 Eliminate NZ based spammers
    4.7.3 Build strong international resources
    4.7.4 Prevent silly legislation
    4.7.5 Promote better filters and education
    4.7.6 Set up an authoritative opt out site.

5. How we are seen

  • 5.1 Internet Presence (Web Site etc)
    Dyad have been retained to study our site and deliver a report on what we have and how it works. Provided we find comfort in the work they do in publishing their findings, we will retain them to define the architecture of the new site. Dyad do understand our special needs and support our goals.
    5.1.1 Evaluate Web Site
    5.1.2 Report and Review
    5.1.3 Develop Architecture and choose tools
    5.1.4 Select designer
    5.1.5 Create parallel Site
    5.1.6 Reload content
    5.1.7 Launch
  • 5.2 Collaboration tools
    5.2.1 Webevent
    Webevent has been upgraded and we have a 30 user licence. We have completed testing, and although there are a few issues, we belive it is much better than the current version, and will be implementing the new version shortly. Councillors' individual calendars Members' open event calendar PDA synch
    5.2.2 Web Meeting tools
    The technical committee is evaluating Meetingworks, and we look forward to comparing their findings with the other products on offer. Webex Meetingworks
    5.3 Mail Lists
    Mailman is delivering good results, and it is over to us to learn to use it better. We are reintroducing some old groups rather proliferating new ones. It is unlikely that we will change this system in the foreseeable future. We do expect to see good collaboration tools reducing the use of lists for projects.
    5.3.1 Review

6. Internet Code of Practice

One of our major thrusts for this year. I have looked at several other coeds, and find that the original InernetNZ code only needs minor tweaks to act as a starter. We want the code (or whatever it is to be called) to be simple to follow, while having real teeth. I am working with recent codes from other industries to find a better model. To make the code work we need strong support from service providers. To learn about them we have met with a few of the main players. To get real depth, I retained Nicola Duckworth for two weeks to identify, locate and interview as many service providers as we could. I will submit a report based on NickiĆ¢??s findings next week. We have more than 150 records to study. All expect one were supportive, and especially keen to see and advisory group set up.

  • 6.1 Assemble other examples
  • 6.2 Redraft
  • 6.3 Discuss with stakeholders
    6.3.1 ISPs
    6.3.2 MOC
    6.3.3 Consumer Institute
    6.3.4 Sample users
    6.3.5 Members
  • 6.4 Code Advisory Group
    As an outcome of the interview process strong support for an advisory group was discovered. The key to this was in two areas. Firstly to reduce the likelihood of InternetNZ elections changing the rules, and secondly, to give the code effective processes and sanctions.
    6.4.1 Draft formation Document
    6.4.2 Ask for contributions
    6.4.3 Appoint task force
    6.4.4 Develop structure
    6.4.5 Draft constitution
    6.4.6 Election
  • 6.5 Disseminate for comment
  • 6.6 Sell to Service Providers
  • 6.7 Sell to government
  • 6.8 Adopt as basis for self regulation

7. Internet Best Practice

The Code will be a the foundation for Internet practices. We also want to see service providers offered a higher standard to aim for. To this end we will establish a group to identify, adopt and disseminate best practice.

  • 7.1 Locate BP sources
  • 7.2 Work with other countries
  • 7.3 Identify review group

8. Stakeholder relationships

  • 8.1 ISP
    8.1.1 ISP association
  • 8.2 Business
    8.2.1 Sponsorship
  • 8.3 Our Industry
  • 8.4 Education
  • 8.5 Academia
  • 8.6 Geek
  • 8.7 Government
  • 8.8 Citizens

9. Sibling Organisation Relationships

  • 9.1 ITANZ
    As a source of sponsoring organisations, and partners for projects ITANZ is a target. I have a strong relationship with the team at ITANZ.
  • 9.2 TUANZ
    Historically there has been some friction with TUANZ, as our territories overlap slightly. Since setting up regular meetings their Executive Director, Ernie Newman, we have cleared the way to a more postive working relationship. TUANZ has agreed to InternetNZ and NGI taking the lead in the broadband roadshows.
  • 9.3 NZCS
  • 9.4 Websafe
  • 9.5 Uniforum
  • 9.6 Consumer Institute
  • 9.7 NOG
  • 9.8 NGI
  • 9.9 Maori IS

10. Membership Growth

  • 10.1 Who do we want?
  • 10.2 How Many?
  • 10.3 Classes of member?
  • 10.4 WIIFM
  • 10.5 Features
  • 10.6 Benefits
  • 10.7 Advantages
  • 10.8 Fellows

11. Domainz Divestment

A separate report on the selling process will introduce the Information Memorandum. This outcome came from the appointment of Tim Russell of Deloitte Corporate Finance a our sale advisor.

  • 11.1 Domainz Staff communication
  • 11.2 Conflict of Interest letter
  • 11.3 Sale advisor
  • 11.4 Communication plan
  • 11.5 Increase Value
  • 11.6 Track Interest and form a register
  • 11.7 Monitor Sale Process

12. DNC relationship

Although we share an office, and resources, it is vital that certain parts of the DNC operation are kept confidential. Recognising this issue means that we have to apply some tight but minor walls.

  • 12.1 Shared Resources
  • 12.2 Accountability
  • 12.3 SRS

13. Internal Processes

  • 13.1 Document and map processes
  • 13.2 Document "rules"
  • 13.3 Staff profiles
  • 13.4 Aim for Open where sensible
  • 13.5 Fastnet Banking
    Tested and ready to role out to the Adminstration Committee. Fastnet Office meets the society's need to ensure dual authority for all outgoing funds, while allowing remote authorisation and review.
  • 13.6 Accounting System
    Nicola Draper of Trinity Systems was retained to upgrade, convert, and train us on the latest version of QuickBooks. In the process Chris was able to introduce a new chart of accounts, which at last, maps to the budget chart
  • 13.7 Office tools
  • 13.8 Web Publishing
  • 13.9 Messaging
  • 13.10 Telephony
  • 13.11 Tech refresh

14. Legislation

  • 14.1 Copyright Act
  • 14.2 Other legislation
  • 14.3 Watch possibly shared with siblings
    We have a quote for a legislation watch service which we are considering.

15. Government watch

  • 15.1 Lobbying

16. E-government

  • 16.1 Authentication Project

17. National and Global Watch

  • 17.1 Clipping service

18. International relations

  • 18.1 International Review
  • 18.2 Keep watch
    Fortunately we have a strong and effective international team, as simply monitoring all the lists of the international organisations which affect .nz is a more than full time job. I am able to review summaries and lurk in the more vital areas.

19. Executive Director Reporting

  • 19.1 Regular summary to president
  • 19.2 Monthly report
  • 19.3 Position papers

20 Forum/ Seminar/Event/Festival

It became clear immediately after I started in January that there was a need for a somewhat larger event than our normal summit to present on issues that are going to become real objects and actions this year. As the complexity and short time made it more difficult we decided to appoint Martin Foster to manage the "Festival of Technology" hinged around our AGM. There is a separate report on the Festival.

  • 20.1 ICANN issues
  • 20.2 Netsafe
  • 20.3 Broadband
  • 20.4 Code of Practice
  • 20.5 2LD discussion
  • 20.6 International
  • 20.7 Spam
  • 20.8 Name Dispute resolution

21 AGM Preparation

Although AGM is a "business as usual" the nature of our AGM rules, and the linkage with the Festival make it a separate project. At the time of writing everything is going to plan.

  • 21.1 Annual report presentation
    Our annual report has been a simple document purely of interest to members (at least some). This year we are producing a formal annual report which can be used as a selling document to strengthen our case in any area where credibility needs to be enhanced. It will also be used as part of our lobbying efforts, and to establish InternetNZ as a brand to Members of Parliament. To bring this to fruition Brooke Ashton-Taylor of Vertu has been retained to produce the report. We will have drafts to show at the council meeting.


We are in the middle of a time of stability, yet high activity. Over the next three months we should see the benefits of the current work, and a continuation of high activity in the areas that are being parked at present. We look forward to suggestions for projects, and welcome advice and support in all our work.

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