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Formalising the relationships with ICANN

At the August 2006 Council meeting, it was agreed that NZOC would outline their proposed approach for formalising the relationship with ICANN to the next Council meeting for approval.

NZOC therefore recommends the following process to Council:

  • NZOC will manage the project reporting directly to Council. As part of this NZOC will provide information to Council, together with appropriate recommendations, enabling Council to make informed decisions.

  • There are two options available for formalising the relationship with ICANN – an Exchange of Letters and an Accountability Framework. An evaluation of these two options will be undertaken. This evaluation will include an analysis of formal agreements other ccTLD managers have entered into with ICANN.

  • A discussion paper will be developed based on the evaluation of the options. NZOC will seek comment from various people and groups on this paper including InternetNZ members, various committees of InternetNZ and Council itself.

  • Following this consultation, NZOC will make a recommendation to Council of its preferred format for formalising the relationship. Reasons for how NZOC decides on this recommendation will be provided but the final decision as to the format of the agreement will be for Council to make.

  • Council will be asked to agree on members of a negotiating team, to work with ICANN staff on the content of the agreement. NZOC will provide recommendations to Council as to the composition of this team and also the Terms of Reference and scope of what they are authorised to negotiate for the agreement.

  • Any negotiated agreement will be subject to formal approval by Council.

Though a detailed project plan and timeline has not yet been developed, it is anticipated that the recommendation to Council regarding the format of the agreement would be done in time for the first meeting of Council in 2007.


NZOC recommends that Council approve the approach to formalising the relationship with ICANN either:

  1. As proposed

  2. As per agreed changes

Frank March

Chair, NZOC

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