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Minutes of Technical Policy Committee - 18 October 2007

Minutes of a meeting of the Technical Policy Committee, held on 18 October 2007.


Jamie Baddeley (Chair), Stewart Fleming, Sam Sargeant, Michael Wallmannsberger, Peter Macaulay, Simon Riley, Hamish MacEwan, Don Stokes, Jonny Martin.

In attendance:

Keith Davidson, Campbell Gardiner

Opened: 3.02pm

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Tech-Pol Project Updates

a)       Honeypot

This will be a year-long project and is progressing well with Victoria University having purchased the necessary hardware. Keith noted that the first quarterly result is expected in mid-January around the time of NZNOG.

[AP – That non-Councillor Tech-Pol members be invited to Council meetings where Honeypot updates occur]

b)      IPv6

Discussion on the purpose of the upcoming IPv6 Hui and what is being done to get the business community engaged.

Keith noted that InternetNZ will organise the event in such a way that will attract businesses. In addition, there are funds available to secure a “big name” keynote speaker.

c)      NZNOG

InternetNZ is sponsoring the NZNOG conference in Dunedin in January 2008 and has had some discussions around hosting the NOG website. A range of possible speakers have been identified for the conference. Jonny expects to progressively confirm speakers over the next few weeks.

d)      Certificate Authority

InternetNZ is in the process of contracting Richard Bourne from Liverton to conduct Certificate Authority scoping. Keith Davidson noted that the State Services Commission will have some input into scoping.

e)      Peering

Keith circulated the Peering Process document, which will be discussed in-depth at the Council meeting on October 19.

Keith Davidson and Peter Macaulay left the meeting at 3.22pm.

f)        NZCERT

Campbell updated the meeting on initial discussions InternetNZ has had with the SSC, CCIP and AusCERT.

Two main issues were identified – 1) identify the need for an NZCERT, 2) who will fund an NZCERT.

A range of CERT options were discussed. The role of Government in CERTs was also discussed. 

It was suggested that InternetNZ, in-line with its promotion and protection of the Internet mission,    allocate some resources to a scoping study that would demonstrate to government why a CERT is required. Scoping would be done by a technical expert, well-versed in computer security.

[AP – Draft a scoping Terms of Reference – INZ Staff]

[AP – Identify experts that could be contracted to scope – Tech-Pol members]

3. Tech-Pol membership

Jamie noted that as a result of structural changes the existence of Tech-Pol could change. Nevertheless, he would like to see technically knowledgeable Tech-Pol members sourced from across InternetNZ and elsewhere. Two names were put forward for consideration - Andrew McMillan from Catalyst and Jonathan Brewer from Araneo.

The meeting was asked to think about any other suitable candidates for Tech-Pol.

It was noted that Tech-Pol committee has the ability to affect change in the internet area as it provides an opportunity to do good things from a technical perspective.

Hamish suggested Tech-Pol may want to consider raising its profile through, for instance, the NZNOG list.

[AP – Update NZNOG list with notable Tech-Pol activity] 

4. Tech-Pol Project Updates… Cont,

g)       Technical Capability Development Fund (TCDF)

Campbell outlined funds granted to-date this year. Jonny noted the possibility of an IPv6 workshop in Auckland later this year, and possibly another in Christchurch before APNIC next year.

Keith Davidson returned to the meeting at 4.10pm

Keith says there is limited staff resource from here until December and suggested February/March 2008. He also noted that the InternetNZ office can set about resourcing in respect of TCDF once we know what the Tech-Pol priorities are.

h)      State of Broadband

ComCom wants to measure qualitatively the state of broadband in the New Zealand market. InternetNZ has contracted Don Stokes to provide a technical review of the ComComs proposed three measurement tools. Further, InternetNZ has been asked by ComCom if we would like to help fund.

Discussion followed on the nature of the project, which appears to have changed and whether a change of name is in order. 

Keith noted that we need to maintain the budget for this project over at least a three year cycle, or increase the budget.

5. Work Programme

a)       Project Priorities     

It was agreed that Tech-Pol should focus on getting the projects “done and dusted”.

Michael suggested setting a milestone for NZCERT of end of March for scoping and that attention be given to Certificate Authority.

b)      Potential Future Projects

Jonny noted the potential for future technical workshops. Simon noted that the Strategic Plan and Business Plan must be borne in mind in respect of any future projects.  (See attached).

Discussion followed on a potential project that would map the growth of the NZ internet (network performance/traffic flow measurement) and that such a project may result in a quarterly report. Simon suggested talking to the WAND group.

6. Best Current Practice Project                       

Jamie introduced the Best Current Practice project. Simon noted that this needs to be identified as a line item in the business plan.

Discussion followed on parameters, incentive component, best practice template, rules around publication and peer review. It was agreed the process must be public, transparent and avoid personality politics. 

A panel will award travel grants (valued up to a maximum of $2500) for the top four successful authors of Best Practice statements each year. The travel will be earmarked for international travel to technical-related conferences.

Additionally, Best Practice drafts are to be floated on NZNOG for open debate, to achieve consensus.

Stewart Fleming left the meeting at 5.06pm.

Peter Macaulay rejoined the meeting at 5.09pm.

7. General Business

Brief discussion on the peering report. Hamish raised the issue of the consultation process and Peter advised that this is best discussed at the Council meeting on October 19.   


Closed: 5.22pm

Date of next meeting: TBC

Signed as a true and correct record:



Jamie Baddeley, Chair






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