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Council Minutes - 20 August 2004

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Minutes of the General Meeting of the Council of InternetNZ

Held at the InternetNZ Council Room, L9, Exchange Place, Wellington, at 1p.m. Friday 20 August

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

Status: Final, as adopted by Council at its meeting on 29 October 2004.


  • The President opened the meeting at 1.15pm, and welcomed the new Councillors and presented Fellowship Certificates to Mark Davies and Andy Linton.


  • Present
    Keith Davidson (President), David Farrar (Vice-President), Chris Streatfield (Treasurer), Michael Wallmannsberger (Secretary), Simon Riley, Michael Sutton, Jonathan Ah Kit, David Harris, Grant Forsyth, Sean Weekes, Rodney Prescott and Peter Macaulay (Executive Director).
  • In Attendance
    Debbie Monahan, DNC (.nz Oversight Committee Report), Frank March (.nz Oversight Committee Report), Carol Stigley, (Chair NZRS), Dave Baker NZRS (NZRS Report), Peter Dengate-Thrush (International Committee Report), Andy Linton and Mark Davies for Fellowship awards, Gale Blikshavn (Minute Taker).


  • Jennifer Northover, Brendan Murray, Nick Wallingford
  • It was noted that Cr Wallingford had missed two consecutive meetings and that if he missed a third would not be eligible to continue to sit on Council. Action: the Secretary note to Cr Wallingford

MOVED (President/Secretary) "THAT apologies be accepted."

Carried U


  • None


Cr Sutton noted the register of interested had not been updated. Action: Office

Cr Riley noted conflict with the non-officer honoraria and the President noted conflict of interest with Code of Practice and Honorarium agenda items.

Frank March, Debbie Monahan, Dave Baker and Carol Stigley joined the meeting.


June | July | Zone Transfer Policy

Frank March welcomed the new councillors and spoke to his report, noting that Colin Jackson had been elected deputy chair of NZOC. Frank spoke to the paper on DNSSEC that had been put forward jointly by NZOC and NZRS. The agreed view, put forward as a recommendation to Council was that both for policy and operational reasons, DNSSEC development should not proceed as originally planned given the zone walking issue.

Frank March also noted with regard to the dispute resolution policy that NZOC has asked the DNC to restart the Dispute Resolution Process.

Cr Streatfield inquired how much the draft Zone Transfer Policy had changed from the current policy, Frank March replied the current policy was ad-hoc and this new policy provides a formal structure. Some further questions tabled and addressed. Frank March noted that those who will be given access will be reported on in future NZOC reports.

MOVED (President/Farrar): "THAT NZOC report for June and July be received, that the Zone Transfer Policy policy be approved and that the joint recommendation of NZOC and NZRS to put DNSSEC development on hold be approved " .

Carried U


Carol Stigley spoke to the NZRS quarterly report. She noted there had been decision on preferred supplier for outsourcing and NZRS now were in negotiation with Catalyst. Carol referred to the DNSSEC paper put forward with NZOC and the President noted the endorsement from Council to put it on hold.

MOVED (Cr Harris/Cr Prescott): "THAT NZRS quarterly report be received" .

Carried U

Frank March, Debbie Monahan, Carol Stigley and Dave Baker left the meeting.


Error on page 11, Delaney incorrectly spelt, should be Delany

MOVED (Treasurer/Harris): "THAT the minutes of the council meeting held on 2 July be accepted as a true and correct record.


Cr Weekes
Cr Prescott

Cr Streatfield noted pages were not numbered as per the agenda, Cr Farrar noted unique resolution numbers on motions were useful and should be reinstated. Also noted the wrong date of previous meeting had been entered on agenda.


No matters arising.


MOVED (Cr Farrar/President): "THAT InternetNZ approve the attendance of David Harris to the 2nd OECD Anti Spam Workshop in Busan, South Korea from 5 to 10 September 2004, at an estimated cost of $6,500.

The attendance is backed by both the Spam Taskforce and the International Affairs Committee.  Attendance was planned and is part of the $40,000 net budget for anti spam activities for this year.  InternetNZ attended the 1st workshop in Brussels, which was extremely useful (report was tabled at April Council meeting).

An e-vote is requested, rather than wait until Council on Friday, as only one seat remains on the cheapest airline, with the next cheapest option costing $1,000 more.

The President noted the Resolution that the motion was approved.


The President spoke to his report .

InternetNZ Committee/Task Forces/Working Groups 2004/05

President spoke to the draft structure and changes to the current structure and invited discussion, none received.

MOVED (President/Treasurer): "THAT this report be received be adopted, that the structure for committees, task forces and working groups be ratified and the recommendations for Chairs of the various committees, task forces and working groups be ratified".

Carried U

Simon Riley left the meeting for the discussion around


MOVED (President/Cr Sutton) "THAT That the process for the appointment of the non-officer member of the Executive Committee be referred to the Governance & Constitutional Committee, seeking to allow for Council election to the position in future years."

Carried U

MOVED (President/Treasurer) "THAT an honorarium of 80% of the Officers rate apply to the non-officer member of the Executive Committee effective from 1 July 2004."

Cr Harris inquired why it was only 80% and it was noted that the officers hold the ultimate responsibility. The President noted that the rate will be reviewed regularly to keep it at an appropriate level

Carried U

MOVED (President/Treasurer) "THAT the Terms of Reference for the Executive Committee be approved.

Carried U

Simon rejoined the meeting and was updated on the decision.


The Vice President spoke to his report .

Legal & Reg - Law seminar organised by Brightstar is coming up in Wellington, Cr Farrar noted he had provided InternetNZ logos to raise our profile, and that two attendees could go free and 10% discount for members wishing to attend had been obtained.

Anti-spam taskforce - Cr Farrar noted meetings with Government were ongoing. Cr Riley asked if DIA is pushing not to be the enforcement agency is anyone pushing back? Cr Farrar noted that no-one wants it. There was discussion around industry issues and effectiveness of various options.

Domainz - brief discussion on the sale of Domainz (in committee).

MOVED (Cr Farrar/Cr Harris) "THAT Vice President's report be received."

Carried U


The meeting schedule was tabled and the Secretary stated the agendas were now open. The President noted that these dates should be adhered to unless there were extenuating circumstances, and encouraged committees to annually schedule their meetings. The Secretary noted that committee meetings could be incorporated when received.

MOVED (Secretary/ Treasurer) "THAT that meeting schedule be received and accepted ".

Carried U


Treasurer spoke to his report and was pleased with the new reporting and processing of accounts aligning expenses to the strategic plan.

MOVED (Treasurer/Cr Weekes): "THAT Treasurer's Report for June and July 2004 be accepted."

Carried U


President excused himself, handed chair to Vice President for the discussion and left the meeting. Cr Farrar updated the meeting on the background so far. Cr Prescott queried a conflict of interest issue around NZOC members.

Cr Farrar inquired why do we pay NZOC committee but not Councillors? It was noted the previous Council had rejected this and that only officers should receive honoraria, but as NZOC specifically are seen as professional board that it had been agreed they receive the fairly small amount of honoraria.

MOVED (Cr Riley/Treasurer) "THAT the fees for members of .nz oversight committee be $3,000 per member, $5,000 for deputy chair and $9,000 for the chair."



Cr Forsyth noted an action point for Peter Macaulay to meeting with Cr Forsyth re a peering presentation and Cr Forsyth said he was happy to arrange.

Apricot bid - Cr Harris noted he had received approaches from interested parties to be involved. Also he had received no formal notification of action points outstanding from Exec Com minutes. Cr Streatfield noted "draft" should be added to the Executive Committee minutes until accepted at the next meeting

Moved (Secretary/Treasurer) "THAT Executive Committee Report be received".

Carried U

Cr Forsyth concurred with e-regions relationship he would be keen to understand if anything has been developed on what the relationship should be. The other question was 2 nd paragraph on the InternetNZ position on advocating fibre loops and was there such a position ? The President stated our position was for an open and uncapturable internet. Cr Forsyth noted to include "on the internet" be inserted into the paragraph.

Meeting went into committee for 10 minutes.


Peter Macaulay spoke to his report . He noted that tweaking was still required on video conferencing. He also asked for input/comment on use of open exchange and noted some training was required. John will be setting up firewall for Auckland office.

Office processes - Executive Director asked for input on building assistance for committees and noted the Project Management Office handbook will be released next week.

Interop Cashflow figures were tabled and it was noted that wording on seed funding was "not to fund other activities". It was also noted on page 5 that 50k had been included in the $440k budget and was to be subtracted. Cr Forsyth raised several issues around the project status report and project structure in relation to task force and steering committee.

ICT strategy , Cr Forsyth raised concerns and suggested if we try and amalgamate such a diverse set of organisations and views that we will not achieve anything constructive, although he supported aligning roles with organisations. Cr Riley noted this had come from a desire by Government to compress the 134 organisation with IT focus to a more manageable group for consultation. He noted that Peter's appendix is a start to see how far we can go to create a bilateral conversation with organisations, and there are some encouraging comments coming forward. Cr Farrar noted it would be a useful lightweight forum to share information, and cooperation where possible.

MOVED (President/Secretary): "THAT the Executive Director"s and Interoperatability reports be received.

Carried U


Cr Sutton proposed Interoperability project to be given to Technical Committee rather than Executive Committee, with oversight by Crs Riley, Streatfield and Farrar, so that it is bought into the technical environment. Cr Riley noted as sponsor he was still awaiting the Interop Project Initiation Document to progress. The President noted it should be joint initiative and it is the express desire of Executive Committee to be retired from the technical aspects of the project.

Cr Harris spoke for Chair of Technical and expressed caution and for it not to be delegated to Technical until properly discussed.

Meeting broke for 10mins

When meeting reconvened Grant Forsyth Cr Sutton were absent


Cr Farrar noted that now we have a business plan that it is our job to ensure it is met. He reiterated that further years were not fixed in stone, this year's was not a straight jacket if there is something that comes up that is necessary to do we do it but we have to be accountable to members on any new initiative and live within our means.

Cr Sutton rejoined the meeting

Cr Streatfield wanted it make clear that the budget is built on the business plan and would like us to live within our budget and that we have financial responsibility to do that. The President noted we shouldn't become totally budget driven and not to forget our overall objectives.

Cr Harris noted that with two members out of town that meeting costs for Technical Committee would be increased. Treasurer noted this was not an issue as meetings had a requirement for attendance.

Cr Weekes inquired as to why the AGM is not held closer to the end of the financial year and it was noted by the President its necessary to prepare the final accounts etc and administratively we can't get out of.


It was noted we have now formally resolved not to have the ICOP working group and to convert the ICOP process into a project to work through.

The ICOP plan was tabled and Cr Streatfield as sponsor spoke to a recent meeting and the tabled plan. He noted that a meeting would be held on the President's return from Vanuatu to finalise the plan. The President noted although plan was incomplete that Council's approval of the draft was now to required to employ researchers and get on with the business of engaging in consultation, to develop the code into a workable form and appointing a group to oversee the development. It was also noted Cr Weekes/Cr Forsyth's interest in being involved (Cr Prescott also?).

Cr Riley enquired, what will the external resource be? Peter Macaulay noted that some research resource was required but not a lot of external resource would be needed, he also noted the research officer would be internal resource as will be employed by InternetNZ. He noted person employed would also be backfill for the Executive Director role.

Cr Weekes inquired as to why not just let government legislate? The President noted the Government is looking for a responsible approach in self regulation. Peter Macaulay noted the Government was looking to InternetNZ so they don't have to legislate. Discussion was held.

Cr Forsyth rejoined the meeting.

Peter Dengate-Thrush joined the meeting 16.27pm

Discussion continued.

Cr Forsyth questioned when the steering group is to be formed. The President updated the meeting from previous discussion and Cr Forsyth suggested that it be formed sooner rather than later as we may have greater chance of buy-in. Taken under advisement.

Also Cr Forsyth noted that the Australian COP was not included in the plan, President noted that it was just a sample. Cr Forsyth asked that InternetNZ COP be aligned with the Australian, so noted.

With appendix 2, Cr Forsyth asked for an explanation of sponsor/manager as in who is going to have the principle role of drafting the code and consulting and inputting information. The President noted it will be done jointly between Peter Macaulay and the President; Cr Streatfield would be the main conduit for reporting to Council.

Cr Weekes asked re penalties if someone pulled out of the code once in place and the President replied it was a question of what sanctions would be put in place and this required engagement with ISPS and Government on what can be done and it being incorporated into the Code during development.

Cr Riley noted parallel with internet best practice.

MOVED (Treasurer/President) "THAT: the project initiation plan be received as a draft".

Carried U

The President welcomed Peter Dengate-Thrush to the meeting.


Cr Harris spoke to the report on Cr Murray's behalf. Noting that Technical committee will be meeting more regularly. There were several recommendations including:

"InternetNZ has a small fund to provide travel assistance to people that have made a significant contribution to the internet in NZ for conference or similar travel where they will be presenting a NZ perspective"

Cr Streatfield noted a small amendment - is it overseas travel? Cr Farrar noted the business plan has an amount allocated for attendance at international technical forums.

"Provide an Internet Innovation Fund, to support worthy projects that promote the internet in New Zealand. Projects might include some technological development, or a work experience program to develop internet engineers. InternetNZ will be developing application guidelines and seeking applications soon".

"That all members of council should use pgp or gpg for all official communications, that all documents on the web site be accompanied by a digital signature to ensure their veracity. This should apply with the new council."

The recommendations were tabled and referred back to Technical committee for further discussion clarifying with alignment to business plan.

MOVED (Cr Harris/Cr Riley) "THAT the Technical Committee report be received."

Carried U


Peter Dengate-Thrush spoke to the International report and also tabled a paper on hosting Apricot meeting in Auckland which he spoke to. The President noted that a task force to look at the bid, and raised whether it should be under international or a separate taskforce comprising both international and technical committee members. It was noted it should have wider range than just International as it will need technical support. It was also noted that Auckland would be preferred location and asked for Auckland based Councillors to volunteer. Cr Weekes inquired whether professional events management agency would be engaged for the conference. Noted it would be part of preferred recommendation. Cr Forsyth noted interest in being involved however had not been to an Apricot and would need someone who had been to one to consult with. The President invited Cr Forsyth to Chair task force, Cr Forsyth questioned funding, it was noted there was still budget from ICANN bid available for Apricot Bid.

Peter Dengate-Thrush noted pleasure in amount of Kiwis attending the recent ICANN meeting, including Frank March. Cr Forsyth noted disappointment that MED did not sponsor him. Cr Riley noted that a motion had been passed for MED to sponsor Frank next time that it had been an Action point: Office to ascertain motion and Peter Dengate-Thrush noted that he speak with Frank March and International Committee on MED sponsorship.

MOVED (Farrar/Streatfield) "THAT: the following recommendations be approved:

1. Endorse the work of the Executive Director in preparing a bid to host the APTLD secretariat.
2. Endorse further work on investigating and making non-binding preliminary steps towards hosting APRICOT 2007
2a Appointment of Grant Forsyth as Chair of APRICOT Task Force to investigate hosting Apricot 2007 in Auckland and amount of $5k be transferred from ICANN proposal.
3. Investigating ways to support the work of the UN WSIS WG, including support of its secretariat.
4. Arranging participation by Technical Committee in the Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Taskforce (APEET). "

Cr Streatfield requested change to this recommendation that "Tech committee" be replaced by "ENUM Task Force".

MOVED (Cr Farrar/Cr Harris) "THAT the recommendation for arranging participation by Tech Committee in the Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Taskforce (APEET) be approved."

Cr Forsyth asked Peter Dengate-Thrush to circulate Apricot paper to entire council and ask for volunteer participants.


MOVED: (President/Treasurer) "THAT the Vanuatu paper be received.

Carried U


Meeting went into committee.

MOVED (Cr Prescott/Cr Harris) "THAT the International Affairs Committee be tasked with investigating ways to support the WSIS and UN

Carried U


Cr Harris noted he intended to have discussion paper on election issues but due to illness, was unable to prepare, however there will be a paper on electoral reform at next meeting.

The President noted Peter Dengate-Thrush was reappointed as Chair of International Affairs, offered congratulations and that his first tasks were to populate the committee, and to establish the ToR for the committee for the ensuing year.

Cr Forsysth noted that the ICANN call for candidates closes on 25 August and is still seeking nominations for 9 positions. President noted Cr Forsyth to send reminder to members.

A question was raised why members aren't receiving papers, prior to the meeting and the Secretary noted this requires papers to be submitted well in advance. If papers are received early they can be made available.

Meeting Closed 5.40pm

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

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