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Minutes of Council Meeting - 16 December 2006

Minutes of the InternetNZ Council for the meeting held on 16 December 2006

Minutes for a meeting of the InternetNZ Council

Saturday 16 December 2006

Level 10 Exchange Place, 5-7 Willeston St, Wellington




a.      Present:           Colin Jackson (President)

                              David Farrar (Vice President)

                              Chris Streatfield (Secretary)

                              Michael Wallmannsberger (Treasurer)

                              Simon Riley

                              Peter Macaulay

                              Frank March

                              Mark Harris

                              Jennifer Northover

                              Michael Sutton

                              Jonny Martin

                              Sam Sargeant

                              Jamie Baddeley


b.      In attendance:             Keith Davidson (Executive Director)

                              Jordan Carter (Research & Policy Officer)

                              Nick Wallingford(Technical Policy Officer)

                              Susi Fookes (Project Administrator)

                              Debbie Monahan (Domain Name Commissioner)

                              Nick Griffin (General Manager NZRS)

                              Anne Urlwin (NZRS Chair)

                              Don Hollander

                              Roger Hicks

                              Richard Westlake

                              Vaughan Renner


9.30am – 11.48am Council alone time


The President opened the formal part of the meeting at 11.48am. He welcomed the new Councilors Sam Sargaent and Judy Speight.


1. Apologies

Judy Speight


2. Declaration of interests

Councillors with changes to their declaration of interests were asked to email them to Nick Wallingford to be posted online.


3. Consideration of Agenda - In Committee Items

- Discussion of Straw Man model from Westlake Consulting (Structural Review)

- Some items in Executive Director’s Report


4. Consent Agenda Item

International speakers project report has a name wrong – should be Michael Gurstein.


RN 94/06 (President/Secretary) “THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2006 be received and adopted as a true and correct record, AND THAT the following reports be received:

  1. President’s Report
  2. Vice President’s Report
  3. Treasurer’s Reports
  4. Executive Committee Report

The Executive Director’s Report and associated Project Reports for September and October 2006”



5. Matters Arising from the Minutes

Resolved Action Points from last Council meeting.


“To inform members of resolutions 89/06 and 90/06 regarding IG TT and of planned talks with NZ Government”.


The Executive Director, Vice President, Debbie Monahan and Cr March have agreed to be the participants in a tiger team to progress the formalisation of relationships between InternetNZ and the New Zealand Government and between InternetNZ and ICANN. The Tiger Team will seek external advice from experts in this arena, for example, Peter Dengate Thrush, when deemed by the group to be appropriate. This group will meet early next week, and Executive Director will advise members after the meeting


6. NZRS Report

Anne Urlwin spoke to the company’s report for the second quarter. She noted that NZRS is no longer involved in the State Services Commission tender but the process has improved the company’s relationship with the Commission. Negotiations for outsourced technical services with Catalyst have been concluded successfully. Doug Mercer was appointed to the Board at the AGM and that change (replacing Merv Delaney) formally occurred at the end of October 2006.


A benchmarking project is now also under way, in the early stages. The intention is to have NZRS best of class as a registry business.  TBSR Review’s second stage is under way, and is progressing well if slightly slower than originally intended. The Domain Name Fee setting process is under way, according to the usual timetable, and the Board and NZOC will meet late January to discuss assumptions etc, with a joint recommendation coming to Council in March 2007.


Anne invited questions but there were none. Colin thanked Anne for the work the company has done.


RN 95/06 (President/ ) “THAT the NZRS Report for the September 2006 Quarter be received.”



7. NZOC Report

Cr March spoke to the September and October reports, and prefaced this by noting an NZOC meeting had been held last Monday (11th December).


The September report noted the review of the RMC policy. Four submissions have been received, two being anodyne and two quite significant (SSC and Bankers’ Association).There are ongoing issues arising from this, arising out of phishing issues. The Bankers’ Association chose not to take the legal steps available to them to resolve the issue that arose.


By October the DRS received 41 complaints. Only 25 valid complaints in the 41. A well received service. 15 cases were resolved without having to pay any money.


Submissions are being held open for another month, and will now close mid-February to allow for comment by a range of parties.


Arising from the October report, the number of DRS complaints at end November is 54.  Frank outlined the status of complaints as per the written report. Demand is proving higher than estimated, showing that the service is both necessary and well received. A substantial number of complaints are resolved informally at minimal cost to the parties and the system.


Councillors made some comments, asked some questions of the reports and gave some feedback to the DNC, on the DRS and on other matters.


RN 96/06 (Cr March/Cr Macaulay) “THAT the NZOC Report for October 2006 be received.”



12.35pm – Debbie Monahan, Nick Griffin and Anne Urlwin left the meeting


8. Pacific Overview

The President introduced Don Hollander. Don spoke on the Pacific Islands in general; they are small in population, very dependant on international aid, and have poor ICT skills (except Fiji who have good ICT). He then moved onto how InternetNZ can support these neighbours:


-          Support PI ccTLDs - Some are very small and really need support. InternetNZ could provide technical and procedural guidance.

-          Pacific Internet Partners (PIP) - InternetNZ is already a strong partner. Next meeting is in the Solomon Islands. They will be running an IPv6 seminar, which is of relevance to InternetNZ.

-          Internet Safety


The floor was open to questions:

How can InternetNZ support Fiji with the state their government is in at the moment? General support of 20/20 would be good.

The Executive Director noted that he is negotiating a membership of 20/20 in lieu of rent for a meeting room in the InternetNZ office on Level 10.

Another way InternetNZ can support 20/20 would be to create a small focused committee. At this stage the committee will comprise of Cr Riley and the Executive Director as PIP representatives to work with 20/20 around other issues. Don noted that one day PIP could be expanded beyond ‘just geeks’. This could address regulatory and social issues.

Cr Macaulay noted that 20/20 is doing work InternetNZ would choose to do if it wasn’t being done already and that they are doing it very well. The President agreed and thanked Don and the 20/20 team for their work.


12.47 – 1.28pm Council broke for lunch


9. Strategic Plan

The President noted that the purpose of this item was to finalise the draft Strategic Plan. He recapped the process, the tiger team and staff have worked on the plan and it has been through a facilitated session. It is now in good shape.


RN 97/06 (Treasurer/Secretary) “THAT the draft Strategic Plan be adopted as the basis for further Business Plan preparations and for consultation with the Members in 2007.”



The Executive Director suggested it is a good time to take the plan to sibling organisations for comment ready for the member’s consultations.


Cr Macaulay, Cr Northover and Cr March noted that they will need to leave the meeting early.


10. Budget & Business Plan

The Vice President spoke to the item noting that Executive Director has proposed changes and will present these.


The Treasurer noted that Council chose a spending envelope and the Executive Committee saw it to be their task to fit a budget to this. However there are some items that got cut that shouldn’t have. He asked that Council accept the additional expenditure of $70K.


The Executive Director spoke to the proposed changes:

-          Staff travel is often not just one meeting and it is unfair to tag one line.

-          IPv6 Hui will need more than one keynote speaker for an effective meeting.

-          Remove the line for Councillor broadband connection line ($5,040) as 3G cards are already budgeted.

-          Cell phone use of $5K is an appropriate figure.

-          Members campaign is critical that the budget is returned to $30K (this was reduced by the Executive Committee to $10K). The Strategic Plan calls for a membership increase to 500, this needs a budget.

-          State of Broadband budget from 30K to $40K


RN 98/06 (Treasurer/Cr Northover) “THAT the draft budget (as amended) be adopted, and a business plan and capital expenditure budget be developed for presentation to Council at the next meeting.”



The President thanked everyone who worked on the budget.


The Executive Director said that the draft business plan can be now formulated from this budget.


11. Executive Director’s Report


 - ED’s report to Council

The Executive Director spoke to his report. He confirmed that InternetNZ will be a platinum sponsor at the NZNOG, the opportunity will be used to promote membership.

A new general ledger is being developed, a contractor is currently working on it, will be looking at moving to the new ledger on the 1st of April.

Reporting to Council is now being reviewed; reports come out after much more work has been done on a project. Staff would like to send out the finances separately on the 25th of each month and the main report to be sent out a day or two after they are completed.  This will result in more relevant reporting sooner. Staff would also like to move to web based reporting. Hard copies will be sent to Councillors that opt in and they will be printed in the format that the web based reporting produces.

Council agreed to the following budget changes, from the Executive Director’s recommendations:

1.Remove $5,000 each from Pub Pol & Exec Ctte meetings and members consultations, and add $15,000 to Staff Travel  <zero impact on bottom line>


2.IPv6 – increase by $10,000 to $30,000 to ensure value for participants  

3.Delete Councillor BB connection line of $5,040 (3G cards already budgeted elsewhere)

4.Cellphone use of $5,000 – delete

5.Members campaign budget increased by $10,000

Net impact on bottom line is an increase of expenditure of $9,960.


The Executive Director noted that InternetNZ may be about to join the KAREN network, this would be good for testing new technologies like IPv6. There may be an above budget request coming for this.

InternetNZ is looking into joining the Global Knowledge Partnership, this would involve a very small contribution, about $1000US. This will give InternetNZ more knowledge as to what is happening in that arena.

The Membership and Communications Plans are coming together. The Executive Director thanked Cr Riley for his planning session with Richard and Susi.

The Executive Director missed December board meeting as it clashed with an ICANN meeting. However they were informed that InternetNZ would like to join as an Associate member as in accordance with Council from the last Council meeting.

There are ongoing discussions with TUANZ around increased resource sharing and enhanced co-operation.


- ED’s report from ICANN

There is a new chief operating officer who will be the second in charge to Paul Twomey.


ICANN board members are unremunerated. ICANN should support their board members. As there are many potential members cannot afford this. There was consensus agreement that InternetNZ supports the concept of ICANN paying fees to its volunteer representatives


RN 99/06 (President/Secretary) “THAT InternetNZ endorse the principle of ICANN considering the introduction of fees for their directors.”



2.03pm Roger Hicks, Richard Westlake and Vaughan Renner joined the meeting


12. Structural Review Presentation

The President welcomed Roger Hicks, Richard Westlake and Vaughan Renner then handed the chair to Roger.


Roger explained the process that the review has gone through. The review started several months ago on the basis that there is currently no pressure on the society therefore a good opportunity to work on the structure.


2.14pm – 3.26pm Council went into committee


3.26pm – 3.44pm Council broke for afternoon tea


3.44pm – 4.07pm Council went into committee


RN 100/06 (Cr Northover/Cr Harris) “THAT the work of the Structural Review Task Force and consultants be noted with thanks.”


4.10pm – Roger Hicks, Richard Westlake and Vaughan Renner left the meeting


ED Report continued…


4.10pm – 4.25pm Council went into committee


4.26pm The Treasurer, Cr Macaulay and Cr Northover left the meeting


RN 101/06 (Vice President/Secretary) “THAT InternetNZ will nominate Chris Disspain for the Asia Pacific region CCNSO Councillor.”




RN 102/06 (Vice President/Secretary) “THAT InternetNZ will nominate Keith Davidson for the APTLD board.”


The Executive Director noted that some staff and Councilors are traveling to Bali for APRICOT and APTLD and that there was a process to select attendees. He continued that there has been discussion as to the safety of traveling in Bali, and the decision to travel was left to the discretion of each individual.

Philip Greene has been announced as the Cyber Law Fellow for 2007.

He moved onto member benefits. He has commenced discussions with an insurance broker, looking at the possibility of offering as a membership benefit, some simple forms of public liability and professional indemnity insurance cover. This might be a useful lure to InternetNZ for ICT professionals, self employed and 1 – 2 person businesses.

He is colluding with Westlakes on members consultation for our normal purposes and structural review from the 20th to 22nd of February.

The final legislation on telecommunications was announced this week; InternetNZ should be extremely proud of its role in shaping the changes. The Executive Director felt that this has further built our credibility and standing within Parliament and Government, and growth in knowledge and standing in the IT community. He thanked all those who helped with this project, and asked that a record of thanks be made to Jordan Carter for his efforts as his involvement was a vital ingredient of the success, this was agreed by all.

Nick Wallingford will finish up his fixed term role with InternetNZ next Friday. The Executive Director wished to record his thanks to Nick for his contribution during the year. However, Nick will still be involved with the Society by servicing the overall administration of the Zope and Plone functionality on the InternetNZ website. Staff and Council wished Nick the best for his future.

RN 103/06 (President/Secretary) “THAT this Executive Director’s report be received.”



RN 104/06 (President/Secretary) “THAT the Executive Director’s monthly reports for September and October be received.”



RN 105/06 (Secretary/Cr Martin) “THAT the Executive Director’s report on the Sao Paulo ICANN meeting be received.”



13. Digital Communities – E-Cities

Cr Riley spoke to the item; he noted that this was the last act of NGI and that they are possibly entering a MoU with LGNZ and EDANZ.


The Executive Director said that it was an excellent event and was very well organised by Cr Riley and Cr Macaulay. He noted that InternetNZ has offered assistance for Secretariat services.


RN 106/06 (President/Vice President) “THAT the Report on Digital Communities matters be received.


RN 107/06 (President/Vice President) “That the Digital Communities – E-Cities Report be received.”


RN 108/06 (President/Vice President) “That Council endorse InternetNZ’s commitment to a National Digital Communities initiative, in partnership with LGNZ and EDANZ.”


RN 109/06 (President/Vice President) “That the unspent NGI-NZ 2006 Budget of $5,000 be reallocated to a new budget line “Digital Communities Initiative”.


RN 110/06 (President/Vice President) “That InternetNZ authorizes up to $7,500 from the Special Projects fund for supporting the Digital Communities Initiative to 31 March 2007.”


14. General Business



Cr Sutton updated Council on the progress of ENUM; he touched on UCIs and PUAs and noted that they are still moving forward. He would like to make a comment to the authors in Europe and would like InternetNZ permission to do so. It was agreed that this will be put to the Technical Policy committee for input and need not come back to Council before going ahead.


Action point: Cr Sutton to draft up what he would like to communicate to the authors in Europe on ENUM, post it to the Technical Policy list and wait feedback.


The Secretary asked that Councillors be given electronic cards to have access to the 10th floor.

Action point: Staff to distribute cards at the next Council meeting.



Next meeting:

Friday, 16 March 2007


Meeting closed: 4.46pm


Signed as a true and correct record:








Colin Jackson, President, CHAIR



Register of Action Points arising from the meeting









To draft up what is to be communicated to the authors in Europe on ENUM, post it to the Technical Policy list and wait feedback.


Cr Sutton


Distribute swipe cards for the 10th floor at the next Council meeting.




The unspent NGI-NZ 2006 Budget of $5,000 to be reallocated to a new budget line “Digital Communities Initiative”




Keith Davidson to be nominated for the APTLD Board








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