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Technical Committee Report to Council 13/12/03

Status: Received at Council Meeting 13/12/03

With Drew Whittle's resignation from Council, Nick Wallingford as deputy chair has taken the role of chair for the Technical Committee.

The Committee had one meeting after the AGM, though it appears that not all members of the committee had been notified. In the event, no major resolutions or binding decisions were made at the meeting, as it was used more to identify particular areas of interest and expertise among the committee members. As reported to Council previously, members of the Technical Committee participated in the workshop to discuss the appropriate licensing structure for the release of the Shared Registry System source code.

The Technical Committee met on Friday 22 November 2003 in the InternetNZ meeting room, with eight members present.

Historically, the Technical Committee appears to have primarily existed to provide particular technical advice to Council or other committees, often responding to ad hoc requests. The current membership anticipates this role to continue, with the committee providing a means to identify and access external technical subject specialists to provide advice.

The committee identified that one major InternetNZ initiative currently being operated, the IntererOP activities, was not being managed under the auspices of any particular committee. It was acknowledged that various members of the Technical Committee did have individual involvement, but the committee felt it might provide value if a proposal to provide a more tangible involvement in the management of such a project that can easily be considered as within the terms of reference of this committee. The committee will develop the intention into a proposal for Council's consideration.

Other projects discussed by the committee related to initiatives put forward by other groups that might require support in the form of funding and/or involvement by committee members. Two that were discussed were sponsorship/support for the NZNOG workshops, and providing assistance to create an IPv6/IPv4 tunnel service attached to the WIX and APE exchanges. The committee will develop a proposal to provide a mechanism for supporting such projects within the brief of the committee's work, giving the committee the ability to leverage the work of others while providing tangible and intangible advantages to InternetNZ. Again, these will be presented to Council at a later date after the committee has firm proposals to put forward for any approvals required.

Nick Wallingford
4 December 2003

Recommendation: That the Technical Committee report dated 4 December 2004 be accepted by Council.

© 2001 InternetNZ
Last updated 05 December 2003

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