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Technical Committee Report 18/12/04

The Technical Committee was to meet on November 23 2004. We decided we had lots of things to do and a meeting was not going to make them get done any faster. An updated task list was sent to the members of the committee to encourage completion.

It has since been decided that since most members of the committee will be in Wellington for the December Council meeting that it would be useful to have a short meeting on 17 December 2004 to see where we are at.

Some activities have been completed or progressed. They include:

  • Brendan Murry to attend Apricot 2005 as InternetNZ Technical representative
  • Progress had been made on technical library with Safari trial being completed.
  • Liaison with NZNOG initiated and InternetNZ holding 'spam handling' tutorial 2nd Feb.
  • IPv6 Gateway debrief report completed (Michael Sutton's confirmed agenda time for this at council)

The next official Technical Committee meeting will be held in Hamilton to coincide with NZNOG.

As always these notes were prepared with Gale's excellent, and pro-active, assistance.

Brendan Murray
Chair, Technical Committee

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