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Council Minutes 23/02/01


Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

Status: Minutes adopted at Council meeting 010323


Peter Dengate Thrush opened the meeting at 1.20pm and welcomed those present including Chris Streatfield (member observer)


  • Peter Dengate Thrush (Chair), Frank March (Secretary), Simon Blake, Richard Bourne, Jordan Carter, Roger De Salis, Steven Heath, John Hine, Andy Linton, Jennifer Northov, Andy Linton, Jennifer Northover, David Zanetti, Sue Leader (Executive Director).


  • Beverley Irvine (Administration Manager),


  • Absence: Bob Gray. Frank March for part of the meeting, Keith Davidson (Treasurer), Howard Frederick, Andrew Mason, Rick Shera, Mark Harris
  • Lateness: Roger De Salis, Andy Linton

01/01 MOVED: (Chair/) That the apologies be accepted. CARRIED U


  • Chris Streatfield (and later in the meeting: John Rumsey, Tiopira Rauna, Don Stokes)


The Agenda was restructured as the meeting might have difficulty maintaining quorum.


Cr Carter asked that the recording of the vote for resolution 230 be amended to note that he voted for the motion which read:

"00/230 MOVED: (Secretary/Carter)That ISOCNZ extend the term of current directors of Domainz indefinitely. CARRIED

For: March, Bourne, Northover, Frederick, Hine, Mason, Heath, Zanetti, Shera

Against: Dengate Thrush

01/02 MOVED: (Chair/) That the amended Minutes of the Council Meeting held 24 November 2000 be accepted as a true and correct record.


ACTION: Executive Director - amend Motion 00/230


  • Cr Hine asked about progress on appointing a 5th Director for Domainz. The Admin Committee Chair noted that the Admin Committee report recommended that the matter be deferred for a month as one of the 2 nominees is out of the country. The Chair commented that he was happy for the issue to be delayed as things are different now than when the process started some months ago, and the Directors' report at the Strategic Planning session stated that progress on other matters being made (e.g. SRS Implementation).The situation had changed and the need for a further Director was not now so important.

The Admin Committee Chair commented that it while the matter could be deferred he would be uncomfortable with it being longer than month, or for anything other than the stated reason, in the absence of a report from the Chair of the Domainz Board.

  • The result of e-vote 010201 was notified.

A clear majority was in favour of Cr Shin favour of Cr Shera substituting for the Chair at Geneva.

01/03 MOVED (Chair/) that the result of e-vote EV010201 be recorded as part of the minutes of Council sitting electronically CARRIED U

[Cr Shera was unable to attend the meeting]


The Chair presented an oral report to the Council. He mentioned that he had houncil. He mentioned that he had had significant technical problems with his computer system and had only just got things up and running again and he apologised for the lack of a written report.

The Chair commented on how busy the Executive Director had been; the impact the office move and the delay in getting into the new premises had had on the running of the Office; and complimented the Executive Director and staff on working so well under pressure. He said he was looking forward to the opening "party" when the new offices were finished. He has sent in a list of people to be invited to that function.

The Chair noted that much work was now being done by Councilors on various working groups and committees:

- International Affairs a series of international meetings

- Constitutional Review significant amount of work has been done and major changes have been proposed and published for comment.

- ISWG Submission made to the Law and Order Select Committee and arrangements have been made to makede to make Oral Submissions at the Hearings

- 2LD see report from Cr Heath. High profile activity, there has been interest expressed by the banking industry and the media, including from overseas.

- SRSIOC. Unfortunately Cr Gray is not present to speak. The Executive Director reported there have been two responses to the Green Paper with more promised with the extension of the date for submissions to March 2.

-The Strategic Planning days hopefully some outcomes will be settled at this meeting.

-The blocking of Domainz and Actrix with their listing on ORBS database took up significant time. There needs to be policy progress on this so if it happens again there is policy in place to refer to. The Society needs to have progress on this.

-Media attention has been reasonably high about the Society's activities. Four lectures have been given on the ICANN process to lawyers, the National Bank and the NZ Computer Society.

Cr Northover asked whether the Chair would be supplying a written report and the Chair said yes.

01/04 MOVED:(Secretary/Heath) THAT the Chair's report be received


ACTION: Chair to supply his report in writing


The Chair gave an oral report. The major focus for the IAC has been negotiatingn negotiating with the ICANN staff in relation to the ccTLD role in ICANN.

  • APTLD Hawaii Meeting with ICANN Staff

The meeting in Hawaii was between APTLD and the ICANN staff regarding ICANN/ccTLD relationships. He assumed the chair in his role as senior vice president of APTLD on behalf of the Chair of APTLD. The meeting was attended by the President and CEO of ICANN, his Vice President an of ICANN, his Vice President and two members of the Board. The ICANN staff presented their proposal for how ccTLDs were to be incorporated, and were then questioned by Asia/Pacific representatives. ICANN Staff and Board believe that the international community should decide on ccTLD issues not the ccTLDs. Until now decisions on policies have been made by the individual ccTLDs, for example, .nz decisions on offensive names, and the current process on new second level domains - issues completely within the purview of each ccTLD, but ICANN Staff and Board want the global internet community to make those decisions to gain common policies. We need to decide whether we want to be a part of that or not, and if we do what safeguards for the ccTLDs can be put in place.

The Society needs to clarify its position on these issues and needs to have formal discussions with the NZ Government about them, ideally before the Melbourne meeting. The Society needs to determine both internally, and in discussion with government, what the alternatives are should the negotiations with ICANN fail, and also the alternatives if ICANN itself were to fail.

At the Geneva meeting earlier this week ICANN was to put the same scenario to the European ccTLDs. A report hadn't come out yet, and it is important to know what the European position will be.

  • Melbourne ICANN Meeting

The Chair recommended to Council that all Chairs of Col Chairs of Committees should be funded to attend the Melbourne meetings.

There was discussion of the benefit to the Society of a large group attending because of relatively low cost of it being held in Melbourne. It was noted that this gave the ability to spread attendance over a larger number of fora, specific groups would find it useful to network with others from the wider Internet community, e.g., Social Impact and Technical committees. Councilors supported taking a broader part in these meetings but decided there needs to be a clear benefit for the cost, which can be conveyed to the members.

The Executive Director noted for the record that Cr Harris, Chair of the Technical Committee did not wish to attend. She suggested that ed that those sent need to be specifically targeted, and the inclusion of Cr Shera in relation to the upcoming Domain Dispute Resolution consultation was a good example.

It was agreed that:

  • Something must be brought back to the Council by those who attend.
  • Those attending should be representing ISOCNZ (not other constituencies) and as such they should be subsidized or recompensed.
  • There should be a cohesive delegation following delegation rules and not just speaking on their own behalf.

The International Committee's original recommendations deferred to be redrafted in the coffee break.

01/05 MOVED: (Dengate Thrush/March) THAT the Council recognises the importance of representation at the ICANN meeting in Melbourne.

And given that there will be a cohesive Delegation Plan, the Council agrees to pay:

  • Travel and accommodation costs for the Chairs of the International, Social Impact, and Legal and Regulatory Affairs Committees, and the Executive Director

All delegates will provide a written report after the ICANN meeting.

FOR: Bourne, Zanetti, Blake, Heath, Carter, Dengate Thrush, De Salis, March, Linton, Hine



01/06 MOVED: (Dengate Thrush/Carter) THAT, in recognising the time and recognising the time and monetary contribution made by two other Councilors (Bourne and Northover) who are attending the Melbourne ICANN meeting at their own cost, the Council will reimburse them to a value of NZ$600 each. Both delegates will provide a written report after the ICANN meeting.

FOR: Zanetti, Blake, Carter, Dengate Thrush, De Salis, Linton, Hine, March


ABSTENTIONS: Bourne, Northover

ACTION: Executive Director - confirm travel and accommodation arrangements with delegates

1.50pm Cr De Salis arrives

1.52pm Cr Linton arrives

01/07 MOVED: (Chair/) That the International Affairs Committee Report be received



The Executive Director presented her report in written and visual format.

  • She noted that it had been a very frustrating time with the delay in moving to new offices which is not yet resolved. It will be worth it.
  • The Executive Director cecutive Director complimented the Internet Surveillance Working Group for the excellent Submission to the Law and Order Select Committee. She supports the Chair of Legal and Regulatory Committee's recommendation for a vote of thanks to the ISWG Convenor, Ewen McNeill. The Society has been notified that 15 March is the date for appearance before the Select Committee to make Oral Submission.
  • The new Website Project is complete. Will go live when the new servers are live.
  • The Executive Director asked the Council for a vote of thanks to Cr Harris for the mentoring work, which was over and above his other work. Gail Cornell, having completed the Project has now left to return to the UK, she passes on her good wishes to the Council. Executive Director asked for a vote of thanks to Gail for the extra time she put in to make the website a very good product.
  • The Executive Director noted that she had been pleased to announce to Councto announce to Council two weeks ago that she had secured the services of John Vorstermans as Technical Manager for the Society. The Council was fortunate to have someone of John's caliber, as most would be aware that John was the Technical Manager of Actrix Networks, and one of it's original founders. John would be arriving after the meeting to be welcomed.
  • She presented the Services Schedule for the new Technical Manager who will be working 20 hours per week. She commented on the need for a senior person who had the experience to manage the office requirements and bring all services in-house. In looking for a senior person she wanted someone who had credibility in the industry, and who would be able to provide technical support to the proposed ccTLD manager and/or SRS Implementation Manager if needed. The Chair repeated his earlier (email) congratulations on obtaining John Vorstermans' services.

ACTION: Cr Zanetti and Technical Manager to prepare a presentation onsite over all the new in-house services.

The Executive Director recommended that the Technical Manager become a member of the Technical and MEP mailing lists. After discussion where Councilors were reminded that a staff member's presence on a list does not mean that councilors can direct work to be done as that must be done through the Executive Dirough the Executive Director, Council agreed to accept the recommendation on a trial basis.

ACTION: Executive Director to add Technical Manager to mailing lists as agreed

  • Cr Bourne asked whether the Technical Manager would have a role beyond that of technical management for the Office and Society, i.e. commenting on technical issues in relation to .nz, for instance. The Executive Director stated that under the current arrangement arrangement for a part time position that was not envisaged. She was happy to think about that as the role developed and to consult Council on it's wishes.
  • Executive Director asked for a vote of thanks to be passed to Cr Zanetti for his extensive work in setting up the new system in the new office.
  • She reported there were three new Signatories to the Internet Code of Practice (ICoP) after receipt of the letter from the Hon Paul Swain, IT Minister sent out by the Society in December. She proposes further follow up to this.
  • She noted that one response was that the ICoP "does not meet the needs of the ISPs" and some have indicated they will not sign. After further discussion, the Chair suggested that there needs to be consultation with the ISPs, perhaps by way of a Summit or Forum so that workable self-regulation can be achieved, in line with the wishes of the Government not to impose regulation. It was agreed t regulation. It was agreed that Cr Linton will head a working group to set up an event to further discussions about the Internet Code of Practice and other industry issues

ACTION: Cr Linton to set up a Working Group to set up an event to further discussions about the Internet Code of Practice and other industry issues

01/08 MOVED: (Northover/Bourne) That Cr Harris be thanked for his work mentoring Gail Cornell with regard to the production of the new website


01/09 MOVED: (Northover/Bourne) That Gail Cornell be congratulated on her work producing the new website, and wished a safe journey now she is returning to the UK


ACTION: Executive Director to convey Motion 01/09 to Gail Cornell.

01/10 MOVED: (Chair/) That Cr Zanetti be thanked for his work advising on technical issues for the new premises and setting up the new system to run the website and office network.

CARRIED U (Acclamation)

01/11 MOVED: (Chair/) That the Report from the Executive Director be received and she be thanked for preparing it CARRIED U

The Chair offered his thanks to the Executive Director for her considerable help and support during the time his technical system was not working.


The Treasurer was absent but his report was circulated - Balance Sheet , Profit and Loss and Domainz December 2000 Financial Report


  • A review and update of budget requests from the Strategic Planning meeting was presented by the Executive Director. She indicated the further changes to the 2001/2002 Budget Draft since the figures which were presented at the Strategic Planning days. The Council needs to ratify the projects and this can be done by approving the associated budgets.
  • Domain Names Dispute Resolution consultation costs and some of the Technical Committee costs in relation to SRS implementation are to be transferred from Council to Office of the ccTLD Manager.
  • Cr Northover asked on behalf of Cr Frederick, Chair of Social Impact Committee, that provision be made for an increase of $5000 to $15000 to cover the costs of three events planned as an extra event was to be run because of interest shown.
  • There was discussion on the wisdom of showing the SRS costs as expenses of the Society when they were in fact capital expenditure. This could be misleading and these should be offset against SRS income. Tinst SRS income. The Executive Director explained that some figures were decided by the 2000 Budget and Business Plan WG which were to be taken over two yea two years but now would not happen before the next financial year (viz DRS review and SRS Implementation). Cr Northover suggested that the budget be redesigned to show capital expenses and operating expenses separately.

ACTION Executive Director to redesign Budget to show capital expenses and operating expenses separately.

  • The Chair noted that the procedure will be for ISOCNZ to prepare a plan and Domainz to prepare a plan, then both organizations to review the other's.
  • Timeframe: all requests for funding to be with the Executive Director in time for the draft Budget to be finalized by the next Council Meeting (noting that Executive Director will be away in Melbourne from 7 14 March).

ACTION: All Chairs and Convenors to supply Executive Director with any further Budget or Resourcing requests by March 16th.

ACTION: Executive Director - circulate final draft Budget before March 23 Council Meeting

The Chair expressed his thanks to Executive Director for her work on the budget projections.

The Secretary apologized for having to leave the meeting at this point.

3pm Break taken for refreshments

3.05pm Observer Tiopira Rauna arrives

3.30pm Meeting resumes

The redrafted motions from the International Affairs Committee (IAC) were passed and appear within the IAC report above..


In the absence of the Committee Chair, the Executive Director presented his report

  • Review of Council Meeting timetable.

The dates as set down for meetings for the rest of the year were discussed. It was decided to move all the dates from 29 June to a week further on. The meeting dates will now be:


  • 23 March
  • 27 April
  • 25 May
  • 22 June (AGM)
  • 6 July (first meeting of new Council)
  • 3 August
  • 7 September
  • 5 October
  • 2 November
  • 7 December


  • 22 February
  • 22 March

01/12 MOVED: (Chair) That the Council adopts the dates set down


  • Review of Office Holder Performance and amended Executive Director 2001 Contract will be circulated to Council in the near future.
  • Re-branding exercise

There is a need to agree to the next step.



01/13 MOVED: (Chair/) That the trading style of the organization be changed as approved by the Strategic Planning Session be adopted


There was discussion about consultation with members and the need for Council to take a leadership role

Implementation to be handled by Staff; the Chair will action the trade mark issues. After the presentation to the Council by staff it will be put to the membership for comment

ACTION: Chair to take required action to deal with any Trade Mark issues arising from the re-branding decision

ACTION: Executive Director to move forward on the rebranding once the Trade Mark issues have been dealt with.


Chris Streatfield spoke to his report.

There have been several face to face meetings. The resulting proposals are on the ISOCNZ Website, and a discussion list set up. There has been a small amount of feedback. There will be another meeting in the next couple of weeks with the final draft report available by the end of March. The Working Group suggests that an SGM needs to be held 5 6 weeks before the AGM. Still will be some work in the next financial year.

Significant changes are recommended which include:

  • restructuring of Organizational Members into a constituency structure,
  • each constituency to have the right to elect their own person to sit on Council.
  • Suggest specific constituencies of ISPs, Registrars, domain name holders (Ordinary Members who have registered domain names).
  • The IAG will restructure into a constituency for Businesses on the same lines.

The reason for doing this is not because groups have specifically asked for it but to reflect the separation as required by the SRS.

It will provide a direct channel of communication by specific groups on the Council which reflexes feedback from the community . The current IAG grouping has no common interest.

Need to decide what happens if a constituency fails to function. They should be self managing with their own rules under the oversight of the Council. Delegate Councilors from a constituency cannot be ordinary councilors. Numbers of each type of councilor have not yet been decided.

Another proposal is that the Officers of ISOCNZ should be elected from the floor of the AGM. No two seats on Council can be held by any one Councilor. Comcilor. Committee Chairs are an administrative convenience, not constitutionally elected.

The Chair thanked Chris Streatfield for his report.


Cr Bourne apologized for the lack of a written report. Matters under consideration arender consideration are:

1. e-voting procedure (such as 2LD and general voting in Council)

2. Recording of meetings (in the new offices they will be streamed to avoid very large files. Plan to purchase recording equipment)

Executive Director raised that Cr Harris recommended that on the new site the Members only area is not password protected.

MOVED: (Chair/) THAT the ISOCNZ website operate on the principle that all documents are publicly accessible except those characterised by the Council as confidential (Withdrawn after discussion)

There was discussion as to whether this applies to all documents or just on the Website. Everything should be open and available.

  • What areas should be kept confidential? Council area is still closed, minutes, confidential parts of reports. Things which were previously deemed to be confidential must still be treated as confidential. Which raises whether such an area is needed. It was agreed that this needs further thought and the Chair withdrew the motion. A working Group headed by Cr Hine, with CHine, with Cr Shera and the Executive Director will work on the issues of a more open operational stance where all information is as open as possible.

ACTION: Crs Hine and Shera to meet with Executive Director to begin document policy

Cross posting restrictions on the lists were discussed. Executive Director will investigate the exill investigate the existing rules and ask the Technical Manager to advise on it.

ACTION: Executive Director to discuss crossposting rules with Technical Manager

01/14 MOVED: (Chair/) That the Report from the Admin Committee Chair be accepted


4:00pm - Cr De Salis departs


  • Appointment Of SRS Implementation Manager

Cr Heath reported that he had been assisting the SRSIOC by collecting CVs from interested parties for the role of Implementation Manager and passing these to Cr Gray for review. There were four so far. Any could start immediately

  • Implementation Oversight Committee

The Chair has asked the Registrar-Liaison Working Group to find a nominee from the Registrar Constituency to serve on the SRS IOC.

Progress has been made towards producing a White Paper with the close of Green Paper submissions next Friday (March 2).


Cr Heath spoke to his report. The options and associated motions were set out in the prepared paper. The Executive Director reported that there had been two emails with feedback. There was discussion on how to verify who waere was discussion on how to verify who was voting and whether a useful result will be achieved. Return email verification would need to be added to the proposal from Election.Com.

Cr Heath noted the process outlined in his report and his recommendation for the electorate.

It was clarified that this is for the straw poll only. Council will make the final decision.

4.50pm Don Stokes arrived

4.55pm John Rumsey arrived

The constituency most practical to use was thought to be those who had a .nz email address. There are difficulties inherent in excluding double voting but physical sighting of the votes should minimize this. The Executive Director reported that there had been some feedback indicating outrage that NZers using .com addresses or expatriates should be excluded. Thded. The Chair noted that all ISOCNZ members have a .nz address available to them as part of their membership. The practicality of discerning who is genuine was discussed. The use of phone numbers instead of physical addresses was considered but decided to be no more accurate. It is reasonably easy to defraud any system set up. There must be a reasonable attempt made to verify that the voter is entitled to vote. However the result must be seen after the event to have some validity.

There was discussion about the necessity to verify who the votes were coming from. It was felt that the most practical arrangement would be that any vote would have to be retve to be returned to sender before it became valid.

Cr Heath to go back to Election .Com and ask for a voting "bounce back" to be incorporated for verification purposes.

There was discussion on how much detail of the vote should be released afterward. Privacy issues were raised as well as the openness of the process. Information cannot be collected without stating what it is going to be used for.

A vote was taken on Option 3:

01/15 MOVED: (Hine/Blake) That the electorate for the RFV for the be any person that has an email address in the .nz name space. A person would be only able to vote once no matter how many email addresses they had that qualified.

FOR: Bourne, Heath, Carter, Chair, Linton, Hine, Bine, Blake

AGAINST: Northover, Zanetti


The Chair noted the good work done by Cr Heath in setting up the procedures for the straw vote.

01/16 MOVED: (Chair/Northover) THAT Steven Heath be appointed the voting official for the RFV as well as up to two scrutineers, one from the applicant and one appointed by Council. CARRIED U

01/17 MOVED: (Chair/) THAT Cr Bourne be appointed the ISOCNZ scrutineer for the straw poll of CARRIED U

There was discussion on the level of the fee to be charged to applicants.

  • The straw poll is the a procedural matter to see if enough support exists to move the proposal to the next stage. The decision to use rather than have the program developed in-house has to be made in relation to the current availability of resources. The limiting factor at the moment is that the servers are not yet in-house because of the delay in the new premises.
  • If the Straw Poll is out-sourced to, the cost cannot legitimately be recouped from the applicant as it is an internal decision.
  • The $1000 fee for the next step of the proposal process has not gone through an analysis against actual costs.
  • If there is no charge for the Straw poll the Society needs to own the process. It was agreed that this is an operational m operational matter and therefore to be passed to the Executive Director to consult with the Technical Manager for comment.
  • Cr Hine will meet with the Executive Director to set the fee on basis of what it costs the Society to complete the process. The discussion will include whether there should be differential between for or not for profit applicants.
  • A decision was deferred until the Executive Director reports back. In the meantime Cr Heath will rewrite his proposal to take account of the issues raised, especially:
  • Privacy statement about the use of collected data - i.e., only names of voters, and the total number votes in each aes in each area, will be published.
  • The voting mechanism must include an "auto-reply" email to ensure the email address is valid.

Voting for the straw poll was intended to start on 5 March and be completed by 14 March and this may have to be delayed

ACTION: Executive Director to consult with Technical Manager on an in-house voting process.

ACTION: Cr Hine to meet with Executive Director to do an analysis of actual costs of the 2LD process

ACTION: Cr Heath to rewritto rewrite the Voting Proposal in line with Council discussion


Cr Northover spoke to the Road Show working group report. There is support for the Road Show concept from the community. There is a need to include a further event in Gisborne. There will be a request for two Councilors to take part in every event. Help will be needed with publicity and particularly press releases from the Staff. The Working Group is trying to have the Event Manager or partner doing the work. The Council was asked to note that the April Council Meeting was scheduled for the same day as one Event and that consideration be given to changing the date of the meeting.

01/18 MOVED: (Chair/) THAT the report of the Road Show working Group be received



The report of the Committee and draft ToR for a new Domain Name Dispute Resolution Working Group was circulated before the meeting. The Chair spoke on behalf of Cr Shera who was unable to attend the meeting.

01/19 MOVED: (Chair/Bourne) THAT a working group be formed under the auspices of the Society's Legal and Regulatory Affairs committee:

(a) to investigate whether there is a need for an organized service outside the court system, to resolve, or in some way assist in resolution of, disputes relating to ownership and/or any other rights associated with domain names in the .nz country code top level domain; and

(b) if such a service is considered necessary or advantageous, to recommend the nature, scope and methods of operation of such a service together with a basic plan for implementation of those recommendations.


ACTION: Cr Shera to set up DNDR WG under the Terms of Reference in 01/19 [For Final Terms of Reference go to March 17 2001]


  • ORBS listed Domainz and Actrix in the past week in ORBS. There has been no explanation as to why Domainz and Actrix had been listed.
  • Cr Zanetti will write new Terms of Reference for the Working Group. He noted that he wants to include DUL (Dial up users list). The Terms of Reference will build on work to date and set out problems and potential solutions.
  • There was a suggestion that it be renamed the S renamed the Spam working group. J

The Executive Director noted that the placement of Actrix in the ORBS database had affected the Society's mailing lists

ACTION: Cr Zanetti - redraft Terms of Reference for Open Relay WG


The Working Group has produced the Submission to the Select Committee. The hearing will be on 15 March and will be attended by three delegates and the Executive Director will attend as an observer.


As the meeting had run overtime it was adjourned and Councilors and Observers were invited to tour the partially completed new premises.

Meeting closed at 5.30pm.

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

©2001 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 13 February 2002

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