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Council Nominee - Scott Bartlett

Nominee for Council 2007-2009

Scott Bartlett - Orcon Internet

Scott Bartlett

Scott is the Chief Executive of Orcon, New Zealand's fourth largest internet and telco.  In this role he oversees all of Orcon's operations in both New Zealand and Australia, as well as representing Orcon in industry and regulatory affairs.  Scott is the vice-president of ISPANZ (Internet Service Providers Association of New Zealand), a Director of the TCF (Telecommunications Carriers Forum), a member of the NAD (Number Administration Deed) Management Committee and is also a council member for the TDRS (Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Service).  Scott has been responsible for negotiating large intra-industry agreements and brings international and forward-looking network/commercial experience to the various boards on which he sits.  Scott holds a degree in e-commerce from the University of Waikato, majoring in Systems.

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