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Admin Committee Budget 2002 - 2003 Report 01/12/01

2002/03 BUDGET

Admin Committee discussed a number of scenarios for the 2002/03 budget plus the wider issue of whether any domain name fees should be used in future to subsidise non .nz activities.

It was agreed that the concept of an e-mail survey of name holders on the issue was worth investigating as a cost effective option. David to liaise with DOMAINZ on practical logistics.

It was also agreed that any decision should be made after strategic planning which is scheduled for early 2002.

Thus it was resolved to prepared a budget for the first six months of 02/03 (1/4/02 - 30/9/02) on current parameters with Councillors to be asked to make budget bids in December. Admin Committee to meet in January and bring a budget to Council in February 2002 and to the members for approval in March 2002.

A budget for the second half of 02/03 will be dependent on the strategic planning process identifying core activities to be undertaken and consultation with members and name holders on the use of domain name fees. It is planned to have the 2nd half budget taken to members for approval at the June 2002 AGM.

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