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Summary of Feedback on Draft Strategic Plan October 2003

Proposed Responses by Executive Committee

Feedback Proposed Response

Strategy 1 does not include reference to DNSSEC or IPv6

Agree this should be added.Will be included as part of the new proposed innovation strategy

Being a good employer should not just apply to DNC staff

Agree.Will be transferred to Strategy 7 and make clear applies to all staff

Strategic Plan does not support innovation

Agree that a new strategy will be added with promoting internet innovation and technical leadership as the goal, incorporating multicast, IPv6, DNSSEC etc

Technical Committee is the only external committee that does not have a strategy to take ownership of

Propose that Tech Committee be given responsibility for the innovation strategy

Strategic Plan should include research

To be added as a goal under Strategy 8

Visionary Goal of overthrowing dictatorships using power of the Internet is extravagant and should be removed.


A goal of promoting responsible use of the Internet should be included

Agreed – to add to Strategy 5

InternetNZ should act not just for .nz registrants but also for New Zealanders who a gTLD registrants

Agreed – this will be made more explicit

InternetNZ should seek funding for any Pacific development work it does

This is already underway.

InternetNZ should develop other funding sources to reduce reliance on dividends from NZRS

Agreed.This will be added as a goal to strategy 7

That there should not be an assumption that the domain name fee should be lowered

In line with existing policy and directions there will be a review of the fee in late 2003 based on the stated dividend requirements.After completion of the business plan by 31 March 2004 the fee can be reviewed again as part of an annual process.

Consultation workshops should happen more often

Agreed. Propose to hold an annual one in Feb/Mar on the business plan and on average on other per year.

Mission statement should be “To protect the Internet and promote its use”

We prefer “To protect and promote the Internet in New Zealand” as a more succient statement

Alternate roots should be listed as a threat in SWOT Analysis


Goal Criteria of “If not done by InternetNZ, will it be done by anyone else” should be “Is this being done by anyone else”


Strategy 3 should have only one Committee with prime responsibility and others will provide input.

Agreed in principle.Will discuss which of the three Committees should be made owner of that strategy

Various suggestions on rewording Goal 4.1

This goal will be clarified

Goal 5.5 should be to establish and maintain strong and healthy links – not just to maintain existing ones


Goal 6.2 does not align well with our objectives

The alignment is not as strong as other goals, but we feel it is still justifiable.

Goal 6.2 should be transferred to Strategy 5 under Outreach

This will be considered as part of the International review.

Goal 7.2 should be “Operate an effective and efficient organisation”


Vision should be “The Internet, open to all as an unrestricted, high performance, person to person communication medium”

Not seen as significantly different from “The Internet, open and uncaptureable, offering high performance and unfettered access for all” but will be considere dby Council

A strategy of “promote technical innovation and adoption of technical standards” should be added


Goal 1.3 should include reference to being at forefront and/or leading technical innovation

Agreed – will refer to NZOC

That Strategies 2 to 8 not be funded from NZRS Dividends/ Run the registry at cost. No dividends - ever

Council has established dividend requirements for the next three years.The business plan which is subject to a membership vote will propose specific levels of funding for strategies and goals, and no doubt this issue will form part of that debate.

There should be a goal of recording the history of the Internet in NZ

Agree with sentiment but more a specific one off project than a strategic goal – will note down for possible inclusion in business plan.

There should be a goal of operating in a more open and transparent manner including a better website

The website is dealt with under goal 7.1. Operating openly and transparently is in the strategic plan as core values which form part of all goals.

Innovation strategy should include goals such as determining a short-term and long-term technology plan

This suggestion will be passed to Technical Committee for inclusion

Domain Name Holders should be offered substantially discounted membership fees

This will be considered in due course as part of goal 7.5

Multicast is not listed as a goal

A multicast goal will be added to Strategy 8

WSIS should be an opportunity as well as a threat


InternetNZ should publicise what proportion of the domain name fee funds InternetNZ

Not part of the strategic plan, but agree this should be done.

Name holders should be polled on acceptability of using proportion of domain name fees on non .nz activities


Make membership of InternetNZ an option with a .nz name

This will be considered in due course as part of goal 7.5

Best Practice not to have more than three strategies

Having eight strategies does have the risk of lack of focus, but overall feedback is we do need to cover all these areas.Worth noting that the plan is for over three years and InternetNZ does have multiple roles as .nz manager, industry representation and a user society

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