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Exec Director's Report


I am pleased to present my report to the 2000 AGM of the Internet Society of New Zealand Inc. This will be a relatively brief report as my monthly reports to Council are available to members on the website. My last report was to the December 1999 AGM, and by comparison I was feeling that little had been achieved. When I looked more closely I realised that only six months had gone by and a great deal of "external pressure" was coloring my view point.

I suspect that no-one who attended the 1999 AGM really could envision the impact changing the Financial Year to March 31 to meet IRD requirements would have. In the intervening six months we have had:

  1. Christmas
  2. A new government/new Minister
  3. Y2K
  4. The NZ summer holidays
  5. A new Council and a new Chair
  6. An APTLD and an ICANN meeting
  7. A short six-month Financial "Year"
  8. Another AGM to arrange

Viewed in that light ,what has been accomplished is more satisfying. The work the Society has undertaken impacts upon the operational side, and the availability of resources on the operational side impacts on what work the Society can accomplish.

Democracy Issues

I view the work of this Council in establishing a democratic process for reviewing the management of the DNS in New Zealand as a major achievement. The Council, through its Working Group, has undertaken a major consultation process on a scale never before attempted.

On another front, the work of this Council, backed by a significant budgetary allocation to achieve it, to widen the communication process is a significant move forward.

As an ex-officio member of all Council mailing lists I am aware of the time investment made in these and other areas. One result of this work is a greatly increased interest in the work of the Society, and a corresponding rise in membership, both healthy signs.

International Governance Changes

The Council chose to include the Executive Director as a delegate to the ICANN and related meetings on the grounds of continuity. I have done my best to represent the New Zealand position at two meetings now, based on the guidance received at the 1999 Summit. In the event I had significant input into the processes, acting as the Advisor to the New Zealand government representative at the Los Angeles GAC meeting last November, and in my ongoing work as Funding Working Group Chair for the APTLD. As ".nz" Administration contact point I have registered votes in our constituency as directed by the Council. After the Seoul APTLD meeting I replaced Patrick O'Brien as the ".nz" representative on the Executive Committee of the APTLD. No meetings of this group have taken place yet and the organisation itself is in the process of change into a different structure. Because we are still under-resourced in the office, I have not been able to give any real input into this area.

I look forward to clear directions coming out of today's Summit to guide future representation in the next round of ICANN meetings.

Communication with government through our Minister has been hampered by the Hon Paul Swain's absence because of ill-health, but we finally had a fruitful meeting with him last week. One result of this is that the Minister will look seriously at ensuring continuity in New Zealand government representation at GAC meetings. He also indicated strong support for industry self-regulation and the adoption of the Internet Code of Practice.


Staff numbers doubled in January with the addition of Gail Cornell as Executive Assistant. Gail has done a sterling job in taking on not only the website and ever increasing mailing lists, but also the maintenance and development of the Membership Database, reception duties, preparation for Council Meetings, minuting of Council meetings, and much of the work in arranging the Summit and this AGM. The new Chair introduced monthly Council meetings and the process of printed reports going out to all Councillors before each meeting, so the workload both before and after each meeting (with the subsequent 'webbing' of all documents) has risen hugely. Audio recording has also increased the workload - but we trust all this work improves our communications with the membership.

Our part-time (4 hours per week) Financial Officer, Lyudmyla Arkhypova, found herself full time employment in February and we have been operating on an ad hoc basis since then. I want to acknowledge Lyudmyla's work on the Annual Accounts as she came in and did this over and above her new full-time job.

I'm delighted to tell you that Beverly Irvine will be rejoining us, this time in a full time role as Administration Manager, on July 10. Beverly is already contributing hours to us, again over and above her current full-time job.

The next stage, assuming Budget endorsement by the AGM, is to buy some office equipment and find new premises.


Once again, I wish to thank the Administration Committee for their back-up and support, especially the Chair; the councillors; and Gail for all her work which has lifted a considerable load off my shoulders. And all you members - your involvement is what keeps us going!

Sue Leader
Executive Director

© 2000 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 23 June 2000

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