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DNC Report

Two major tasks dominated the past year:

  • implementing the SRS, and
  • ensuring the .nz market was effectively established and monitored.

Accomplishing these tasks was made easier by drawing on the hard work of Rose Percival and Doug Mercer, who did much of the policy planning, technical functionality and consultation.

Between September and December 2002, two major milestones critical to the tasks' timely implementation were achieved, namely:

  • publication of a Registrar Implementation Kit (RIK), an essential resource for potential registrars containing:
    • technical information potential registrars require to connect to the SRS
    • .nz policies and procedures, and
    • agreements and forms applying to the .nz environment.
  • transfer of the .nz registry functions from Domainz to NZRS, with Domainz taking on the role of Stabilising Registrar, and all domain names being placed under their registrar ID on the SRS)

Authorised registrars were able to connect to the SRS from December 2002. Applications (which were taken from mid-October) were soon rolling in, and ended up exceeding all our expectations, with:

  • eight applications received by the end of October, climbing to 20 by the end of November.
  • three registrars connected to the SRS on the first possible date of 7 December, and
  • a steady rate of applications and connections ever since (resulting in 32 authorised registrars by the end of March, 26 of which have connected to the SRS).

The presence of so many authorised registrars, and the range of services and prices offered, is good for registrants and the market. In March 2003, the NZOC declared the .nz market competitive based on the number and nature of registrars who were operating on the SRS.

By the end of March 2003, a number of domain names had transferred away from the Stabilising Registrar, Domainz, to other registrars. The transfer rate was assisted by a policy enabling a formal process for bulk transfers of domain names where the registrar met certain criteria.

Bulk transfers have proved an effective way of allocating domain names to the appropriate registrar, and preserving relationships between registrars and customers that existed when the SRS was implemented. Domainz has played an important role in identifying the domain names for transfer, and their assistance is appreciated.

NZRS has also played a key role in the transfer of domain names, as well as many other aspects that have led to the successful SRS implementation. The Registry Manager, and also his colleague in more recent times, has provided great support to the DNC.

I am therefore very pleased with the year's achievements, and value the input and support of the registrar organizations and others who have provided information to the DNC.

In particular, I would like to thank the members of the NZOC for their input; efficient and prompt decision making; and strong support of me as the DNC. I appreciate the range of skills and experience NZOC members contribute. Frank March, as Chair, has been a strong source of guidance and advice and I enjoy his approach to the role.

The year ahead promises to be exciting and challenging, building on the work done to date.


Debbie Monahan
Domain Name Commissioner

© 2001 InternetNZ
Last updated 04 June 2003

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