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Technical Committee Budget Draft 2004/2005

NZCS Scholarship Modules | Internet Innovation Fund | Travel Fund | Technical Library

NZCS Scholarship Modules

There is an initiative where InternetNZ will provide funds to NZCS who will administer an Internet related scholarship for year 3 university or technical college undergraduates. Budget is available for the current year. After some discussion at the most recent Technical Committee meeting, it was agreed six $1500 scholarships to support students studying internet networking technology and related subjects for the 2005/06 scholastic year. Applications to include a written submission. Technical committee will approve final selections after student presentation.

Funds need to be provided for ensuing years.

Strategic Objective: Supporting Internet Innovation and Technical Leadership, 8.3 Support Internet Research

Proposed budgetary amount for next financial year: $ 10,000

Internet Innovation Fund

To provide a fund for supporting internet community in pilot type projects. [RP/SR to provide business case] The fund to be announced at NZNOG next year.

Strategic Objective: Supporting Internet Innovation and Technical Leadership, 8.3 Support Internet Research

Proposed budgetary amount for next financial year: $ 20,000

Travel Fund

A travel fund for those putting NZ perspective either by way of presentations or panel attendance. This might be applied either to fund a NZ person to travel overseas and speak at a conference on the NZ experience; or for nominating an NZNOG speaker and contributing to cost to enable the speaker to engage in other initiatives whilst here.

Strategic Objective: Supporting Internet Innovation and Technical Leadership, 8.3 Support Internet Research

Proposed budgetary amount for next financial year: $ 5,000

Technical Library

InternetNZ to provide a technical library for members of the Society, to be managed by the Office. This is to include books/documents that might be of value to the INZ community, but which are unlikely to be held by a public library or other lending institution.

Strategic Objectives: Supporting volunteers, members and the organisation; Supporting Internet Innovation and Technical Leadership

Proposed budgetary amount for next financial year: $ 1,000

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