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Council Evotes 31/03/00

ISOCNZ COUNCIL E-VOTES June 1999 - March 2000

I present the following e-votes from the period for ratification by Council as agreed at the last Meeting. There are more to come but these represent significant decisions by Council in the period. Unless otherwise noted the voting responses were presented by the Executive Director on the Council mailing list.

1. Telecom Commission of Inquiry and Discretionary Budget for Executive Director for Research

Date sent: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 10:44:11 +1300


Arising from last week's meeting with the Chair is the acknowledgement that I do not have the time to go to the Commerce Commission to sift through all the boxes of submissions to see what is relevant for our submission to the Commission of Inquiry into Telecommunications. It is estimated that this will take up to three days (6 hrs per day) and requires a certain level of expertise and experience of the issue.

Proposal One

It is proposed to offer this work to Cr Don Stokes as he has both the time and expertise to get it done quickly. However, he will have to put off other paid work to do so (as he did with our original paper on 0867). This time it is proposed to pay him for the work.

Proposed Budget:

$100 per hour for 6 hours/day to a maximum of 3 days ($1800) plus upto $200 for disbursements (photocopying of relevant documents will need to be paid for at Commerce). Total maximum budget $2000.

On 28 Feb 00, at 9:09, Frank March wrote:


In favour: Hine, Dengate Thrush, Davidson, Frederick, Bourne, Mason, Harris, March, Farrar, Leeuwenberg (10)

Abstention: Stokes

Absent: L Dengate Thrush

Proposal Two

That as research needs often arise on a tight time frame out of Committee or Working Groups work, that the Executive Director be granted a discretionary Budget of up to $10,000.00 p/a. This would require a practice model to be written and for the process to be contestable where appropriate. Although this is an issue now, it certainly would be catered for in the next Budget.

No Vote taken - tabled

2. Financial Support for IDNO Travel to ICANN Meeting(Cairo) 

Subject: [i-council] VOTE: Support for Joop's travel

Date sent: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 19:24:58 +1300

Greetings Crs

The Chair of the International Affairs Ctte has asked that I poll the Council for budget approval to support Joop Teernstra's travel on behalf of the IDNO (Individual Domain Name Owners) "pre- constituency" to the ICANN meeting in Cairo.

Longer serving councillors will be aware that the Council has supported Joop to the value of $1500 twice before. The reason is that the IDNO is the only group who speak for the individual at the ICANN fora, and Joop as their spokesperson spent much time and his own money travelling to early ICANN meetings to put their case. He has been a strong voice for a stance which NZ supports, and this is even more pressing with the delays in implementing the Membership at Large provisions. ICANN has yet to recognise the IDNO, and as Joop was not able to attend the LA meeting I can confirm that the IDNO case never came up.

The request is for $1500.

Subject: Date Result: IDNO travel
Date sent: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 10:19:38 +1300

<snip I note that several of those who voted against noted that it was "no now, possibly yes in future & quot;, so I assume that you'll be comfortable with the outcome even though it is close.


Outcome: Carried 7/6/4

FOR: 7 Frederick, Struthers, Higgins, P Dengate Thrush, Vorstermans, Bourne, Harris

AGAINST: 6 Hine, Davidson, Farrar, Leeuwenberg, Northover, March

ABSTENTION: 4 Stokes, Park, Mason, De Salis

ON HOLIDAY/UNAVAILABLE: 2 Shaw, L Dengate Thrush

3. Vote for Chair of ISOCNZ Council 1999-2000

Subject: I-COUNCIL] VOTE for Chairperson:Declaration of Result
Date sent: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:52:54 +1300

The final vote (last vote received just before the deadline!) is as follows:

Richard Bourne: 6
Peter Dengate Thrush: 10
Abstentions recorded: None
Non voting Councillors: 3 (Jim Shaw, Jean Park, Roger de Salis)

I therefore declare Peter Dengate Thrush elected as Chairperson of the Internet Society of New Zealand, effective as of the time of this announcement.

Congratulations, Peter and the best of luck!

I will retain the ballots until Sue returns in the New Year so that she can independently verify the count and then, unless there is any objection, I will delete them.

Frank March
secretary, ISOCNZ

4. Election of Officers for ISOCNZ Council 1999-2000

Subject: Congratulation of Officers/Notice of Election

Date sent: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:45:31 +1200


No further nominations were received for any of the Officers of Council by close of nominations at 5:30pm today.

Nominations received are:

Chair: Richard Bourne (nominated by Brenda Leeuwenberg)
  Peter Dengate-Thrush (nominated by Jennifer Northover)
Secretary: Frank March (nominated by John Vorstermans)
Treasurer: Keith Davidson (nominated by David Farrar)

Congratulations to the new " Secretary" and " Treasurer". (I cannot confirm them, so leave that to Jim!)

5. Terms of Office for Councilors 1999-2000 with Change to Financial Year

Date sent: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:26:14 +1200
Subject: [I-COUNCIL] Vote Two result - Crs terms

" Moved March/Farrar/Linton

"That the Council to agree that the 1998 AGM meant " the end of the 2000 AGM" when it specified a two year term for Councilors; therefore if the 1999 AGM passes the new Financial Year, Councillors elected for a two year term in 1998 will only serve an eighteen month term ending at the June 2000 AGM"


FOR - 11 March, Farrar, Linton, L Dengate Thrush, Leeuwenberg, Jackson, Vorstermans, Harris, Davies, Davidson, De Salis

AGAINST - 1 Northover

Abstentions - 0

6. Shareholder Approval of Domainz Expenditure

Date sent: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:28:26 +1200
Subject: Re: [I-COUNCIL] Domainz Vote Result


In line with the Domainz Constitution (Cl 17.4), a Special Resolution of the Shareholder is required to approve the transaction.

"That the Shareholder approves by way of Special Resolution of Domainz, that Domainz enters into a Major Transaction for the replacement of its systems, in accordance with the recommendation of the Domainz Board, dated Friday 13th August, 1999"

[The Domainz Board has satisfied itself with the approach taken by the Company, and the solution chosen.At the Board meeting of Friday 13th, 1999, it was resolved to,

  1. Authorise the CEO to proceed with formal contract signing with Glazier Systems Ltd for the supply of the required services, subject to conclusion of the contract,
  2. Approve investment of $475,000 on the Network Architecture and Application Design; and,
  3. Delegate the CEO in conjunction with the Chair, to commit to further additional project expenditure up to 10% (i.e. $47,500) of the approved investment without the need for further Board approval.]


FOR: 12 Leeuwenberg, Davies, March, Harris, Jackson, Davidson, Hollander, Northover, Bourne, Sim, Farrar, Shaw

(with three councillors recording objections to the process followed in introducing the Resolution, and one the need for competent QA)

AGAINST: 2 De Salis, Linton

ABSTENTION: 3** Higgins, Vorstermans, Stokes

ABSENT: 1 L Dengate Thrush

**Date sent: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 15:52:24 +1200
Subject: RE: [I-COUNCIL] Domainz Vote Result


As this vote was very important,Cr Prashanta Mukherjee wishes the record to note his "abstention" to the Domainz Expenditure vote.

Sue Leader - Executive Director

7. Four Motions - Names Council Candidacy, Domainz AGM, Internet Code of Practice

Date sent: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 04:34:18 +1200

NB:Absent: Jackson

MOTION ONE : "That Patrick O'Brien be nominated for the DNSO NamesCouncil" Moved: Chair (9/7/99) Seconded: Harris (12/7/99)

The Motion is CARRIED. 14 For/3 Against/1 Abstention Total: 17

FOR: Higgins, Harris, March, Vorstermans, Leeuwenberg, Shaw, Bourne, Leeuwenberg, Hollander, Northover, Stokes, Mukherjee, De Salis, Sim

AGAINST: Linton, Farrar, Davidson

NO VOTE: Davies


MOTION TWO: "That ISOCNZ Members be emailed the background to the issue of nominating Patrick O'Brien for the DNSO Names Council and be asked for expressions of interest and/or nominations for the position " Moved: Farrar (12/7/99) Seconded: Davidson (12/7/99)(See amended result below)

The Motion is CARRIED. 11/4* Total - 15

* two of the Against votes indicated they would support asking the members for comment, but not nominations

Recorded Votes:
FOR: Jackson, Farrar, Linton, Shaw, Leeuwenberg, Hollander, Davidson, Davies, De Salis, Mukherjee, Sim

AGAINST: Vorstermans, Stokes, Bourne*, Northover*


MOTION THREE: "That the Council request the Domainz Board via the Shareholder representative to invite the general membership of ISOCNZ to the Domainz AGM" Moved: Linton (20/6/99) Seconded: Farrar (23/6/99)

The Motion is CARRIED. 11/3/1 Total: 15

FOR: Linton, Farrar, Davidson, Stokes, Jackson, Sim, De Salis, Bourne, Hollander, Davies, Mukherjee

AGAINST: Vorstermans, Northover, Leeuwenberg



MOTION FOUR: "That the Code of Practice working group put a final draft of the Code in front of Council for its consideration"Moved: Linton (13/7/99)Seconded: Farrar: (14/7/99)

LOST. 5/10/1 Total: 16

FOR: Linton, Farrar, Northover, Davies, Mukherjee

AGAINST: Vorstermans, March, Harris, Leeuwenberg, Davidson, Stokes, De Salis, Bourne, Higgins, Sim



Date sent: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 05:26:48 +1200

Crs - Cr Davies has emailed to indicate that I misinterpreted his vote on Motion Two. The corrected result is below. It appears that the phrasing of the motion (which was how Cr Farrar's email was written) was a problem for some on both sides of the vote and my reading of the discussion on the issue was that there was strong support in letting the members know what was going on, though not necessarily asking for nominations. However, Cr Farrar'smotion/intention was quite clear, and so I phrased the motion accordingly.

This points to the difficulty of email ballots and the lack of process for emailing amendments so that the exact meaning is achieved under our current set up. Normal parliamentary procedure is that once a motion is voted on it is not revisited for a set period, but there is also normally a chance to suggest amendments in advance.

Since I'm making a correction it is probably also appropriate to notify you that Cr Farrar's original email vote indicated that he was not changing his notified votes but that "if motion two is successful and consultation with our members happens and is positive I am quite prepared to consider voting yes on motion one." Once again, we have no way of catering for this in an email ballot, whereas in a face to face situation you would all have known that.

Sue Leader - Executive Director


MOTION TWO: "That ISOCNZ Members be emailed the background to the issue of nominating Patrick O'Brien for the DNSO Names Council and be asked for expressions of interest and/or nominations for the position " Moved: Farrar (12/7/99) Seconded: Davidson (12/7/99)

The Motion is CARRIED. 10/5* Total - 15

* three of the Against votes indicated they would support asking the members for comment, but not nominations

FOR: Jackson, Farrar, Linton, Shaw, Leeuwenberg, Hollander, Davidson, De Salis, Mukherjee, Sim

AGAINST: Vorstermans, Stokes, Bourne*, Northover*, Davies*

8. Results of Member's Vote on 0867

Date sent: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:46:55 +1200
Subject: [ISOCNZ-COUNCIL] URGENT: Voting Results & Draft Final Position

Good afternoon

The promising start to the voting didn't continue to the end, but we still ended up with 37 votes or 25.3% of the eligible membership voting (only seven of which were Councillors). There was one late vote which was not counted.

I attach the full results, but the quick look is:

1. Kiwi Share - 89% chose (a) - Kiwi Share covers data calls.

2. Local call charging - 62% chose (b) that no charge is acceptable

3. 0867 numbers - 57% chose (c) ISOCNZ should neither support nor oppose 0867

4. Interconnection payments - 70% chose (a) ISOCNZ should not get involved in the issue

5. Service level - 76% chose (a) supporting ISOCNZ trying to get better assurances

9. Support for IDNO Travel to ICANN Meeting (Santiago) and Website expenses

Date sent: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 14:20:43 +0000
Subject: [ISOCNZ-COUNCIL] Joop support


I have had eleven votes for supporting both Joop's travel and the WebSite for 12 months.With my own vote that makes twelve and passes the motion.

Sue, could you please organise payment. I will pass the news on to Joop. -- Regards

Jim Higgins

©2000 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 12 April 2000

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