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Council Minutes 31/03/00

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Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

Minutes adopted at Council Meeting 000427


Peter Dengate Thrush opened the meeting at 13:30 and welcomed those present. The Chair noted the resignation of Cr Leeuwenberg and referred discussion of this matter to General Business.


Peter Dengate Thrush(Chair), Frank March (Secretary), Keith Davidson (Treasurer), Jim Higgins, Liz Dengate Thrush, Don Stokes, Richard Bourne, Mark Harris, Jennifer Northover, Andrew Mason, Jean Park, John Hine, Howard Frederick, Roger De Salis, Jim Shaw, David Farrar, Sue Leader (Executive Director).


Gail Cornell (Executive Assistant), Patrick O'Brien, CEO Domainz (for the duration of his report) and Peter McKnight Lawyer for Domainz(for the duration of his report)


Members: David Zanetti, Perce Harpham, and James Scott


ABSENT: John Vorstermans, Deb Struthers

(00/1) MOVED: (Chair) That the apologies be accepted.



Councillors are requested to forward amendments to the minutes prior to the meeting.

[Amendments to the Minutes.

p2 *8 Domainz Report

Insert after "Domainz CEO slide presentation"
- A point of Order was made by Cr Park regarding an offensive and unprofessional remark made by the Domainz CEO. A retraction and apology was sought from the DomainzCEO and received.
p5 Honoraria Review

The first line should read
- "Cr March, Davidson and P Dengate Thrush "

The third line should read
- "The secretary and Treasurer noted that their workload "]

(00/2) MOVED: (Chair) That the minutes of the Council Meeting as amended held Jan 28 2000 are signed as a true and correct recorded.



  1. pg 5 - Directors Fees
    Clarification was sought on when the rise in Directors fees applied. Chair of Admin Committee noted that the rise applied from the original decision in late 1999.
  2. Chair in reference to page 8 of 12 noted that with regard to:

    Motion : "THAT the status of two external Domainz Board Directors be two year terms as for ISOCNZ member Directors and that they be given notice that one is to end at the end of this Financial Year (March 31 2000) and the other to end one year later (March 31 2001).

    That this has not been done yet due to excessive workload.

(00/3) MOVED: (Chair/Higgins) That for the sake on continuity this action is deferred for 6 months at which time it should be reviewed by the Admin Committee.



Report as circulated report.

Cr March advised that this was an action point needed to bring up-to-date and ratify those votes cast by E-mail.

Cr Higgins asked what was the logic for ratification? Chair clarified motions to be received not ratified as an accurate record of the votes cast.

(00/4) MOVED: (Chair/Farrar) That the e-votes in relation to the Telecom Commission of Inquiry and Discretionary Budget for Executive Director for Research and Financial Support for IDNO travel to the ICANN meeting be recorded as a true and accurate record of the vote as recorded


(00/5) MOVED: (Chair) That all other E-votes as recorded are received.


Cr Harris suggested that all motions receive a number.

(00/6) MOVED: (Chair/Harris) That all motions recorded in the minutes of the Council meetings are given a number


Noted that the funding for IDNO travel to the Cairo ICANN meting was not taken up and that a reapplication would have to be made for future travel sponsorship.


Chair issued to council members a report in the form of a diary.**Document to come**

The chair wished to acknowledge the hard work of the Executive Director and that the Council record its thanks for that work including the interruptions caused by representing the Society at the ICANN meeting.
The Chair also recorded thanks for the work of the councillors, noting especially the work of Cr Harris and Cr Stokes. He also noted the work of Cr Hine on the Domainz Model Review Working Group and recorded thanks to all councillors attending the many meetings and in particular Cr Northover who has to travel down from Auckland to attend. He finished with apologies to the "Social Impact" Committee for not giving time to them and thanked Cr Frederick for stepping in as the Acting Chair of the Committee.

(00/7) MOVED: (Chair/Farrar) That the Chair's report be received.


Cr Farrar suggested that both the Chair and Executive Director reports be made public. Executive Director advised that they had been so for 18 months. Chair advised that it was the intention to get all reports out into the public domain. Cr Northover expressed concern that this was only done once accepted by council. Chair asked if the membership should have to wait?

13:50 Member/Observer Stephen Judd arrives.

There was general discussion that to wait for council acceptance off reports would slow the process down too much. It was suggested that this issue be put to the Communications people and the policy committee.


Reports as circulated.

Executive Director thanked the council for sending her to Cairo and Seoul. Distributed postcards of pyramids.

Two things for discussion.

  1. We are National partners for ThinkQuest. As former Cr Mukherjee was no longer available would the council endorse Wayne Leong as his successor?

Cr Harris asked what Wayne Leong would be doing? Executive Director advised that he would be carrying out promotion.
Cr Harris asked how much this would cost ISOCNZ? Executive Director advised that there was an amount of unused budget already available.
Cr Bourne asked if Wayne Leong was a member and Executive Director advised that he was.

(00/8) MOVED: (Chair/Farrar) That Wayne Leong be endorsed as the council representative for Think Quest.


  1. In regards to the ccTLD meeting at Cairo, was an offer from New Zealand that we would act as the Secretariat for the constituency for which a budget of $45,000US was agreed. The Executive Director was to put together a paper with the proposal and the budget. This has not yet happened as some political situations have since arisen. She noted that since the meeting the ccTLD Ad Com (Administration Committee) had circulated an e-mail, with a request for tenders for the interim Secretariat. The position is designed to be rotated on a yearly basis. Executive Director advised that if the Council decided to go ahead that we might lose the position in a couple of months and in light of this would the Council endorse the original decision or retreat.

Cr Stokes asked what would be the worst case scenario for ISOCNZ. Executive Director advised that we might spend money and employ a person for the work needed then loose the position in 3 months. Cr Higgins brought to the Council's attention that the offer was made properly and the budget agreed and it was not appropriate for the ISOCNZ to back down, we should proceed.
Chair advised that if the council agreed to continue legal advice should be taken as we would be managing the employee of the ccTLD's and this was an unusual situation. This is a critical time for the ccTLD's and they need to be better coordinated hence the need for the secretariat role. Cr L Dengate Thrush expressed her opinion that it is important to take risks and if the worst that could happen was that we got stuck with a salary bill then so be it. Cr Bourne saw this as a good opportunity.

(00/9) MOVED: (Hine/Chair) That ISOCNZ pursue obtaining the secretariat of the ccTLD.


(00/10) MOVED : (Chair/Davidson)That the Executive Director's report be accepted.



Reports as circulated. Statement of financial position at 29th February 2000
Statement of financial performance at 29th February 2000

Cr Davidson issued a reminder that all councillors need to have reimbursementclaims in by today.

Cr Farrar asked for clarification on the DNS income listed in the report of $91,820 and the travel budget of 29,000. Cr Davidson advised that the travel was for Executive Director, Cr Northover and Chair's trip to Los Angeles and reports were available for the breakdown. In regard to the DNS Cr Davidson would get back to Cr Farrar. Cr Northover asked for confirmation of the total of nothing against debtors. Cr Davidson confirmed that this was correct.

(00/11) MOVED: (Davidson/Mason) That the Treasurer's report be accepted with the proviso that Cr Davidson reported back to Cr Farrar on his questions.

CARRIED U 14:20 Peter McKnight (Domainz' Lawyer) arrives.

Observer Stephen Judd asked if there would be time for the observers to ask questions and Chair advised that there would.


  • Rollout of new system and it's reception. See Report **Document to come**.

CEO of Domainz started by outlining the current trends and growth rates. These have been rising consistently and will continue to do so. 5,000 names would be registered this month, which was the highest ever as opposed to 4,000 last month, which was the previous record.

Cr De Salis asked what was the current number of registered names. CEO Domainz advised 58,000.

System redevelopment status.
Who are top.
Software is now 2 months old and has been stable since mid-Feb. Major registrars currently testing 200 done 50 left to do over the next 3 weeks.
95% of names go though registrars.

CEO Domainz read out a letter from Waikato that could not be circulated. Bottom line of letter was that Waikato would be out after March 2000 and there would be no more extensions.

CEO Domainz advised that it was a slow process to get changes on the Agenda of the Registrars. Advised that the Waikato system is slow as it has a flat structure of 50,000 databases.

Cr Farrar asked how many potential Registrars had agreed to sign the new contract. CEO Domainz advised that as yet none had been asked to. They had been asked for feedback, of which very little had been received.

CEO Domainz opened the floor to questions. Chair asked James Scott (observer) to comment as the external director of Domainz. James Scott advised that he had looked and the system was progressing well.

  • Stephen Judd (observer) introduced himself as an ex staff member of Waikato and therefore had an understanding of the problems currently. Suggested the moving of the system to an external group while waiting for the findings of Cr Hines Review Working group. CEO Domainz advised that that this was not realistic.
  • Chair asked Stephen Judd what moving it would solve. Stephen Judd advised that it would be a political and holding manoeuvre, the system was currently reliant on a few key members of staff and therefore very vulnerable.
  • Cr De Salis asked why the system wouldn't scale. The answer was that it would to a point.
  • Cr Frederick asked how flexible is the new system to meet future needs. CEO Domainz advised that there was extreme flexibility and if there were changes to the model it would accommodate them.
  • Cr Higgins advised as Chair of the Domainz Board, that the Board had looked at a lot of pro's and con's. The radical change over has to happen and the risk increases with every month that passes of a failure of the current system. If the "Hine Commission" came back and said that the current model should continue then all would be well and no time lost. If tweaks were recommended then they could be done on the fly. ISOCNZ is not saying that a change will not be recommended. Stephen Judd advised that this message should be made a bit stronger.
  • Cr Davidson expressed concern that there was no indication of the current financial state of expenditure on this project.
  • Chair replied that the report just given by the CEO of Domainz was what was requested for this meeting.
  • Cr L Dengate Thrush asked what would be the cost of any delay. CEO Domainz advised that the approved $500,000 was a capital sum to invest. Running expenses and contract extension costs have risen significantly.
  • Cr De Salis asked if the Council could ask Domainz for a breakdown of the costs? Cr March advised that some additional costs were due to contractual cost of Waikato.
  • Cr Shaw asked on the list of "registrars" where Domainz fitted in. 5% of people go direct to Domains but provide their own second servers and are therefore self Registrars. On this basis they do not fit into the model but if they did would be about 6 or 7th.
  • Cr Park wanted assurances that the Domainz Board knew the exact financial situation and was assured by Cr Higgins that they did.
  • Chairbrought the discussion to a close.


Report as circulated.

  • Domainz activities with particular reference to the Defamation case

The Chair asked if the Chair of the Domainz Board could give any information before the observers were asked to leave.

An invitation was extended to the Council to attend the Domainz AGM on 10 th July at 17:30.Link to Public Part of Domainz chair report.

  • The treasurer noted that the Domainz AGM fell after the ISOCNZ AGM and requested that either the Domainz Audited Annual Accounts or Draft annual Accounts are made available for inclusion on the ISOCNZ Accounts.
  • The Domainz CEO advised that as the Domainz accounts go to the Auditor in the second week of May, Audited accounts would not be available in time to include in the required post out to ISOCNZ members 21 days before he ISOCNZ AGM. Further that pre Audit accounts were not suitable for circulation. The Treasurer and the CEO agreed to talk further on the matter.
  • The issue of extending the current ISOCNZ three-month deadline for holding its AGM to four months was referred to the Constitutional Review Working Group for consideration.

The Chair invited observers to speak before council moved into Committee.

Stephen Judd (observer) stated he was a long time Internet user in New Zealand since 1989. He has read a lot on the Internet in that time. Loose standards of language have always been the norm and he is concerned that this culture should not be affected. He accepts that the conduct in the current case might not have been acceptable but to move to legal proceedings is not appropriate. He is concerned that this will have a stifling effect and people will become afraid to express their opinions.

15:00 Stephen Judd (observer) leaves the meeting as does CEO Domainz.

Perce Harpham (observer) drew the attention of the Council to an article by Adam Gifford. He believes everyone should read it. No one owns a news group. ISOCNZ still owns Domainz and it seems that the CEO on Domainz is unaware of this. Upon reading the statements (regarding the currant action) it is difficult to agree with CEO Domainz. Considering one of the statements about which action was being taken implied that CEO Domainz was using Domainz money for his own gain, does not the current situation seem to bear that out? Domainz is paying for the legal action and if CEO Domainz profits from this then there is proof that the statement was correct.

Cr Higgins advised that this action was not being taken to make money, any money recovered would go towards costs. He assured that CEO Domainz would not make any money.

Peter McKnight (Domainz Lawyer) advised that only one person in New Zealand had ever benefited financially from a defamation case.

Perce Harpham pointed out that even if the gain were not financial, there might still be a gain and this again seemed to bear out one of the original statements about which the action was being taken. He urged the Society to think about the use of intemperate language and if they considered this needed to be decided by the courts then they should pay Alan Brown's costs too.

15:10 . Cr Davidson declares an interest and leaves. Executive Assistant and observers Perce Harpham, James Scott and David Zanetti also leave the room.

The Council moved into committee and received a report from the Chair of the Domainz Board regarding the defamation case. The Council also received a report from the lawyer acting for the CEO of Domainz (Peter McKnight). The Council discussed the reports and moved a motion to be read to the open meeting.

17:00 Cr Park, Cr Davidson and Cr De Salis departed.

17:05 the Chair reconvened the open meeting and the Executive Assistant and observers James Scott and David Zanetti return to the room.

Chair advised that the council had reached a decision and a slightly reworded motion was to be put.

Point of Order from Cr Harris - that a motion had already been passed and that this new motion could not be put as a number of those who had voted on the previous motion were no longer present.

Point of Order from Executive Director- that if the Council wished to put a reworded motion that the previous motion must be rescinded.

There was general discussion during which it was expressed that the previous motion could be rescinded and must be before the next motion was put. That the changes were not that big. It was asked if it were possible to rescind by list after the meeting, this is not possible.

(00/12) MOVED (IN COMMITTEE): (Chair/L Dengate Thrush) "RESOLVED that the ISOCNZ Council

  • Acknowledges the DOMAINZ Board's position
  • Recognises that the Council has an interest in wider issues affecting the Internet in New Zealand
  • Recognises that standards of conduct are critical and that certain types of conduct including personal abuse are not acceptable
  • Expresses its wish to see the current action adjudicated in the interests of the common good in order to set standards for the Internet
  • Recommends that an attempt at alternative dispute resolution be undertaken

For: Chair, L Dengate Thrush, De Salis, Frederick, March, Mason, Northover, Park, Shaw
Opposed: Farrar, Harris, Higgins, Stokes, Hine
Abstention: Bourne
Departed: Davidson (abstention recorded)

Council moved out of committee.

(00/13) MOVED: (Chair/L Dengate Thrush) That the previous motion be rescinded.

For: Chair, Higgins,Bourne,Hine,Stokes,Mason,March,Shaw,Northover,Frederick, L Dengate Thrush.
Opposed: Harris
Abstention: Farrar
Departed: Park, De Salis, Davidson

(00/14) MOVED: (Frederick/Chair) "RESOLVED that the ISOCNZ Council

  • Acknowledges the DOMAINZ Board's position
  • Recognises that the Council has an interest in wider issues affecting the Internet in New Zealand
  • Recognises that standards of conduct are critical and that certain types of conduct including personal abuse are not acceptable
  • Expresses its wish to see the current action adjudicated in the interests of the common good in order to set standards for the Internet
  • Recommends that an attempt at alternative dispute resolution be undertaken
  • Will work with the Internet community to put in place an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to resolve such disputes in the future.

For: Chair, Higgins, Bourne, Hine, Stokes, Mason, March, Shaw, Northover, Frederick,Dengate Thrush.
Opposed:Harris, Farrar.

17:15 Cr Higgins leaves the meeting.

14. Committee Reports: (Chair reports as circulated)

  1. Administration Committee

    Frank March (Chair), Keith Davidson, Mark Harris, Peter Dengate Thrush and Sue Leader (ex officio).

    Cr March gave a verbal report.

  • ISOCNZ Chair's Honoraria: procedures for the Performance Review of the Chair had been established and Cr March will be e-mailing all Committee Chairs and Working Group Convenors for their input.
  • Cr Bourne has replaced Cr Harris on the Admin Committee and Cr Harris moves to the Policy Committee
  1. Policy Committee

    Jennifer Northover (Chair), Liz Dengate Thrush, Richard Bourne and David Farrar.

    The Policy Committee report was circulated prior to the meeting. Cr Northover spoke to her report noting:

    1. The Committee's Purpose and Objectives are now set and are forward moving. There is now a clear distinction between the work of the Policy Committee and that of the "Impact" Committee.
    2. Cr Bourne had been working on the Acceptable Use Policy and Cr Harris would now pick this up.
    3. The draft paper on the Internet Code of Practice Complaints Board was previously circulated.

(00/15) MOVED: (Northover/Farrar) That the Council adopt in principle the draft paper on the "Internet Code of Practice Complaints Board" and that the paper be circulated to the members list and the Code of Practice list for comment for 4 weeks.


  1. The Communications Policy is under-way.
  2. The Draft "Offensive Words" Policy has been circulated.

(00/16) MOVED: (Northover/Farrar) That the draft "Offensive Words" Policy be received and be published for comment on both the public and members lists


  1. A sample Moderation Agreement has been prepared.

(00/17) MOVED: (Northover/Farrar) That the sample policy be circulated to current moderators for a comment period of two weeks then posted for public comment.


  1. A Hotline proposal will be developed.

(00/18) MOVED: (Chair/) That the report of the Policy Committee is received and the Committee is thanked for their work.


  1. "Social Impact" Committee

    Howard Fredrick (Acting Chair), Andrew Mason, Jean Park, Deb Struthers

    No report.

  2. Technical Committee

    John Vorstermans (Chair), John Hine, John Shaw, Don Stokes, Roger De Salis and Mark Davies (external member)

    No report.

  3. International Affairs Committee

    Peter Dengate Thrush (Chair ), Jim Higgins, Frank March, Sue Leader, Patrick O'Brian (ex officio)

  • The Chair spoke to the short report **Document to come**, which had been circulated and noted that the full reports would be placed on the web site shortly.
  • The Chair noted plans for another Summit on the major issues: ccTLD delegation and Best Practice Models, additional generic TLD's, and Trade Marks "Famous Names". As the last summit was in Auckland the plan was to have this one in Wellington and for it to be web-cast.
(00/19) MOVED: (Chair/) that ISOCNZ host a Summit on International Internet Governance in Wellington.


Cr Farrar asked that no policy paper or proposal be presented on behalf of ISOCNZ on .nz unless Council or the membership had approved it. This point was noted for future discussion.

The Executive Director noted that there were specific recommendations in her report to Council and asked that they be approved.

Cr Frederick asked to go to recommendations in Executive Directors report on Background Issues of ISOCNZ involvement with ICANN . (see last page).

Cr Harris advised that this implied the need for more discussion and these recommendations had already been received as part of the report.
Going to DNS not to technical, this is to be accepted as a principle.

(00/20) MOVED : (Chair/Farrar) That the recommendations as set out on the last page of this report are accepted in principle.


REF: Executive Directors recommendation in report on APTLD and ICANN meetings .

(00/21) MOVED : (March/Mason) That this recommendation is passed to the Technical Committee for comment by the next council meeting.


REF: Executive Director's recommendation in report APTLD and ICANN meetings .

(00/22) MOVED: (Harris/Farrar) That formal endorsement is given to this recommendation.


17:25 Cr Shaw leaves.

REF: Executive Directors recommendation in report on APTLD and ICANN meetings 1 st recommendation.

(00/23) MOVED: (Chair/??) That this recommendation be received and referred to the Summit.


REF: Executive Directors recommendation in report on APTLD and ICANN meetings 2 nd recommendation.

Chair noted that if the Council decided to support this recommendation there was the issue of funding. The International affair committee should decide on whom was to go. Cr Dengate Thrush agreed that this must go through committee. Executive Director advised that this was a one off situation.

(00/24) MOVED : (Hine/Farrar) That the recommendation be accepted in principal and passed to the International Affairs Committee to decide who should be sent.

CARRIED U 17:30 Cr Bourne leaves.

REF: Executive Director's recommendation in report on APTLD and ICANN meetings .

Chair advised that we should endorse this and send someone. Cr Harris offered to go J

17:35 Cr Bourne returns

(00/25) MOVED : (Northover/Mason) That this recommendation is passed to the International Affairs Committee.


(00/26) MOVED: (Northover/Harris) That the Executive Director is thanked for her excellent reports and all the work carried out.


(00/27) MOVED: (Chair) That the whole report be accepted.


15. Working Group Reports:

(Convenor Reports as circulated)

  1. DomainzModel Review (Convenor - Cr Hine) - to review the operational model of the Registry. First report back- this report will include the terms of reference of the working group, a work plan and budget.

    Report as circulated.

  • Cr Hine posted to the list on Monday 27 th his report on the Terms of Reference for the Review of Registry/Registrar Structure for .nz. The report handed out at the meeting was dated 30th and is the final draft (see report). Rick Shera has joined the Working Group since that time.
  • Cr Hine questioned the timings requested by council for receiving reports. The work plan was for Draft 1 to be reported back in 4 weeks, and draft 2 by the end of May. Was it not better not to be constrained to produce the April report but just report orally on how things were going at the Council Meeting.
  • Chair advised that once the committee has the draft the council must see it before it goes to the public. It could be approved by e-mail.
  • Cr Hine referred to the budget, which was estimated at $3000. As Christchurch was to be included as a meeting venue scheduling could mean over night accommodation being required and the $3,000 might not be enough.

17:45 Cr Northover leaves the room.

  • Chair suggested raising the budget to $5,000 to be used if necessary.

17:47 Cr Northover returns.

(00/28) MOVED: (Chair/March) That this review be initiated under the term's set out in the Report with the amendment of the Budget to $5000.

CARRIED Abstention: Cr Northover

  • Chair expressed his concern that his position as head of Council would compromise any findings and was therefore withdrawing from the Working Group. Cr Hine however was seen as neutral.
    Political Liaison (Convenor - Andrew Mason) Report as circulated.
  • Cr Mason asked for a budget of $2,000 for the putting together and editing of an information pack for MP's.

(00/29) MOVED: (Mason/Chair) That the requested budget of $2,000 be approved.


  1. ISOCNZ-Domainz Relationship

    (Convenor - Cr P Dengate Thrush)

    **Document to come**

  • Cr Farrar asked that Schedule A be ready before the new Domainz system goes live for consultation with the membership.
    Cr Hine advised that he was unaware of the content of Schedule A.
  • The Chair noted that Schedule A had not been forgotten but a variety of more urgent issues had been dealt with first. Schedule A would be the next priority.

(00/30) MOVED: (Chair/Mason) That a draft of Schedule A is prepared for consultation as soon as the immediate issues had been dealt with.


(00/31) MOVED: (Chair/Hine) That the report from the ISOCNZ-Domainz Relationship Working Group be received.


  1. 0867

    (Convenor - Don Stokes)

    Report as circulated.

  • Cr Stokes noted that some material had been received from the Commerce Commission but no action was recommended yet.

(00/32) MOVED: (Chair/Mason) That the report from the 0867 Working Group be received.


  1. Constitution Review

    (Convenor - Frank March)

  • Cr March advised that Rick Shera and Chris Streatfield had joined Cr Park and Cr Farrar on the working group.
  • Terms of reference would be available by the next Council Meeting.

(00/33) MOVED: (Chair/March) That the report from the Constitution Working Group be received.


  1. Methods of Electronic Participation

    (Convenor - Mark Harris)

    No report.

  • Cr Harris advised that there is great difficulty in security in any electronic voting system. It can be done but it is expensive, is it something ISOCNZ can afford? No meeting has been held yet. The aim is to have something in place for the AGM.
  • Chair noted offers of help from members David Zanetti and Joe Abley.

(00/34) MOVED: (Chair/Harris) That the report from the MEP Working Group be received.


  1. Open Relay

    (Convenor - Richard Bourne)

  • This is a new working group. Cr Farrar and Cr Davidson volunteered to join the Working Group. Cr Stokes asked that legal advice be obtained. Chair to advise Cr Stokes of a firm that could second a lawyer. The Executive Director is to collate and pass on the complaints received to date.

(00/35) MOVED: (Chair/Bourne) That the report from the Open Relay Working Group be received.


16. General Business

  • Chair advised that the Executive Director would be investigating alternatives for the ISOCNZ offices. A centre and heart was needed for the society, which would also hopefully provide meeting space.
  • In regards to the resignation of Cr Leeuwenburg , the option of co-opting was discussed. Cr Farrar suggested that 18 was as good as 19 and there was no need for co-option.

(00/36) MOVED: (Chair/Harris) That no one be co-opted to replace Cr Leeuwenberg due to the nearness of the AGM.


(00/37) MOVED: (Chair/Harris) That Cr Leeuwenberg be thanked for her service on Council.


  • Draft Nameholder Relationship Paper
    Cr Harris has prepared a Draft Nameholder Relationship Paper as a clarification of formalising of existing Policy. The draft has been referred to the Policy Committee.

(00/38) MOVED: (Chair/Harris) That the council record its thanks to Gail Cornell for all her hard work in preparing for this meeting and her work as scribe.


18:10 Meeting ends

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

© 2000 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 1 May 2000

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