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Council Minutes 26/10/00


Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda

Status: Minutes adopted at Council Meeting 001124


In the absence of Peter Dengate Thrush who was unavoidably delayed, the Secretary assumed the Chair and opened the meeting at 4.15pm


  • Frank March (Secretary), Keith Davidson (Treasurer), Simon Blake, Richard Bourne, Jordan Carter, Howard Frederick, Bob Gray, Mark Harris, John Hine, Andy Linton, Jean Park, Arron Scott, Rick Shera, Sue Leader (Executive Director).


  • Beverley Irvine (Administration Manager)


  • C. Streatfield, D Farrar, D. Stokes


  • Absence: Jennifer Northover, David Zanetti,
  • Lateness: Peter Dengate Thrush, Andrew Mason, Steven Heath, Roger De Salis
  • Early departure:

00/200 MOVED: (Chair) That the apologies be accepted.



Cr Gray asked that the Minutes be amended to show that he left after item 10 (Report from Domainz Board).

Cr Linton advised that he had sent an apology to the meeting.

Cr Hine noted that it appeared that Motion 00/188 was a duplicate of 00/185 – this was accepted as a typographical error and the note that the Treasurer was speaking in relation to Domainz financials in 00/188 would be added

Cr Hine asked that it clarified that Motion 00/191 refers to the report on the appointment of the SRS Project Manager, and not on SRS Working Group Report itself.

Executive Director noted that Motion 00/196 contained a process error and an E-vote has been incorporated as an addendum.

00/201 MOVED: (Chair) That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22 September 2000 be signed as a true and correct record.



Re: Motion 00/184 - Evote on other matters arising from Tiopira Hape's report had not been actioned.

ACTION: Chair to initiate an Evote in relation to Motion 00/184

Re: Motion 00/186 The Council has not moved forward on the election of a new Domainz Board

ACTION: Chair to initiate electronic discussion on requirements for reappointments of Domainz Directors as per Motion 00/186


The Executive Director spoke to her published report.

00/202 MOVED: (Chair/Bourne) THAT the de facto position that the Executive Director is not enforcing the AUP on the lists be endorsed by Council pending Council decision on the future of the lists.


There was discussion that the MEP Working Group should urgently address the issue.

ACTION: MEP Working Group to urgently consider the enforcement of the AUP on lists.

00/203 MOVED: (Chair/Park)THAT the Executive Director’s report be adopted  


The election of the Executive Director the UniForum Board was noted and after discussion it was accepted that this was an appropriate liaison point in view of the ongoing relationship between the two organizations.

Peter Dengate Thrush arrived at 4.33pm and assumed the Chair

Andrew Mason arrived at 4.35pm


The Treasurer apologised for the lateness of having his report available. He commented that there were no outstanding financial issues. See Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss

00/204 MOVED: (Treasurer/Chair) THAT the Treasurer’s report be received.


The Treasurer advised the Council that he had received notification from the Inland Revenue Department that they would be auditing the 1999 Tax Return and would be wanting to meet with the "Tax Payer".


The Chair apologised for his lateness and welcomed new Councilor Mark Harris. The Chair then spoke to his report which he provided to Council Members.

00/205 MOVED: (Chair/Secretary) THAT the Chair’s report be received.


11. International Affairs Committee

The Chair spoke to his report, which he distributed. There was discussion amount the merits of sending one or two delegates to the international fora. The general feeling of the council is that 2 is the minimum and probably more gets a diminishing return.

00/206 MOVED: (Chair/)THAT the report of the International Affairs Committee be received



Cr Gray apologized for not having a written report available. He commented that it is difficult to provide a written report unless the Council meetings are held later in the month because of the Domainz financial reports and therefore the Board Meetings are based around the 20th of the month. He requested Council to note this when setting Council Meeting dates for next year.

He reported that the Inland Revenue Department had requested Domainz to provide a list of all Domain Name Holders. Provision of this information is authorized in the Domainz Contract. IRD advised they required this information to increase compliance of Internet Related Businesses. It was suggested that the Members be alerted via the list that this had happened.

ACTION: Treasurer to advise ISOCNZ Members that the Inland Revenue Department had requested a list of Domain Name Holders via the list to see if this is a social policy issue.

Cr Gray advised that the new interim CEO of Domainz, Donna Hiser, had started on October 24th. Ms Hiser had come to the Council Meeting venue before the meeting and been introduced to Councilors.

The new CEO was working through the priority list which was the basis of her contract and, amongst other things was looking at the timing of financial reporting and conducting a six-month audit as a matter of routine given the upcoming change to Domainz's structure. A Customer satisfaction survey is to be undertaken.

Cr Gray emphasized the need for the ISOCNZ Council to make early decisions with regard to the impact of the SRS Working Group report so that Domainz could undertake those budgetary changes required as soon as possible to minimize any negative impact on the company and the staff. Domainz will then be able to provide indications on the dividend and the future direction of the company. Domainz has been working on how to undertake the split out of the registry.

Cr Heath arrived at 4.47pm

Cr Gray reported that Domainz has recruited a new customer service officer, and is in the process of hiring a new financial support officer and a technical support officer to liaise with the ISPs. However there was no job description prepared as yet for the last of these. He stated that the Board is targeting provision of written reports to Council Meetings from December

00/207 MOVED: (Chair)THAT the Domainz Board's oral report be received and the Board members thanked for their work.



The Secretary spoke to the previously published report.

00/208 MOVED: (Secretary/Chair) THAT Council authorise Admin Committee to commit to a three year lease on suitable premises at a cost not to exceed $24,000 plus 10% ($26,400). If this is not possible, an e-vote will be notified if it is necessary to reach a decision before the November Council meeting.


It was noted that Seranova, through the person of Cr Heath, had offered free temporary emergency accommodation if needed.

Cr De Salis arrived at 5pm.

00/209 MOVED: (Secretary/Linton)THAT Council authorise the Administration Committee to conduct a formal review of the performance of office holders and committee chairs against performance standards with a view to paying honoraria.

Abstentions:Davidson, Shera, March, Dengate Thrush

ACTION: Admin Committee - complete writing of ISOCNZ Chair's and Committee Chair's Performance Standards and circulate for an Evote.

ACTION: Admin Committee - conduct review of Officer Holders and Committee Chairs and report recommendations for payment of honoraria to November Council Meeting

The Council noted the major contribution to the ThinkQuest that had been put in as co-ordinator by Wayne Leong who was now unable to carry on in that capacity.

00/210 MOVED: (Secretary/Treasurer)THAT Wayne Leong be formally thanked for his contribution to ThinkQuest


The Council noted that as a token of the Council's thanks and goodwill wayne Leong be given the Modem which had been supplied to him in his capacity as ThinkQuest Co-ordinator

ACTION: Executive Director A letter of thanks setting out the Council’s gratitude for his work be sent to Wayne Leong, advising him that the Modem is now his.

ACTION: Executive Director The Modem be transferred from the Asset Register of ISOCNZ.

There was discussion about the involvement of ISOCNZ with ThinkQuest. Cr Davidson enthusiastically endorsed the project and Executive Director is to give a short presentation at the next Council Meeting. It was suggested that a ThinkQuest Committee could be set up as it seems that it is too large a task for one person to take on as a volunteer. The suggestion was also made that to make the most of the project a full or part-time Co-ordinator should be funded for the 2002 year to spend time travelling around schools highlighting the opportunity it presents. The concept needs to be marketed to our Corporate Members.

ACTION: Executive Director prepare ThinkQuest presentation (20 minutes) for next Council Meeting

ACTION: Executive Director investigate addition of ThinkQuest video to website

ACTION: Executive Director/Treasurer - add ThinkQuest paid Co-ordinator's position to next budget planning round

00/211 MOVED: (Secretary/Chair) THAT the Admin Committee report be received


Supplement to Admin Committee Report: Website Upgrade

Cr Harris reported that he is overseeing the redevelopment of the website which is being undertaken as a special Project by the Executive Assistant Gail Cornell. The role of mentor was undertaken before his co-option as a Councilor. All work will be to W3C and WAI Accessibility standards, lowest common denominator standards, and aim for easy maintenance. He is planning to present preliminary designs at the next Council Meeting. Because of the imminent rebranding of the organisation this re-design is to be kept simple.


There was no report


The Chair reported that he attended a meeting organised by Clear, with Clear and other Corporate Members". There were few present but the group undertook to encourage others to come to the next meeting and hope to get a consensus to elect a representative to Council.


Cr Hine spoke to the published report. He noted that it includes recommendations additional to those presented at the AGM. He emphasised that he does not wish this report to become a policy document.

00/212 MOVED: (Hine/March)THAT the report be received(the motion received a friendly amendment below)

Extensive discussion then took place:

Cr March asked to address the Council as the first speaker as he tabled a paper on the Draft Report where he had been strongly critical of the report. This report however is excellent, meets his concerns and recognises central issues. He welcomes it and has pleasure in formally seconding the motion.

Cr De Salis spoke stated that the Board of Domainz also welcomes the report. The Board notes that it is well prepared and is clear and understandable and allows us to move forward. Domainz would like to have the opportunity to come back to Council with proposals for implementation.

Cr Mason spoke as Seconder of Cr March's motion before the AGM. This report address the concerns which were the basis for his seconding. He expressed his appreciation for all the hard work of the SRS Working Group and the great document produced.

Discussion from Councillors was enthusiastic and supportive. Appreciation was expressed for the hard work that went in to it. The issue now confronting Council is how to speedily implement the recommendations

The Chair suggested that an implementation team needs to be set up with the brief of examining the issues:

  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Technical
  • Employment of Implementation Project Manager
  • Contracts
  • Budgets
  • Business/legal
  • Milestones

He suggested that consultation with members during the process, and noted that Domainz had to keep running in the meantime, and that Domainz staff had to be considered. Some kind of sign-off would be needed and he suggested the composition of the team (see below) It was noted that Cr De Salis felt that three lawyers on the team was too many.

The Secretary commented that the team should be small, high level with an oversight brief. It should construct and present a working document. The SRS Manager should liaise at a technical and operational level.

Cr Carter noted that its first priority is to fill the role of the SRS Implementation Manager with a target time of December for interviewing.

Cr De Salis raised the issues which need to be resolved:

  1. Who will pay for this work and the SRS Implementation manager (Domainz?)
  2. ISOCNZ must instruct, Domainz must interpret and put into action. Therefore there should be no involvement by Domainz staff on the implementation team.

It was agreed that since Domainz has done some preliminary planning work this should be presented to the Steering Committee as a working document which can be accepted, rejected or modified as the Steering Committee chooses.

It was considered that the detail needs to be commented on by membership and there should be discussion before the Implementation Review Steering Committee begins. The Committee to take its instructions from Motions put at the November Council Meeting.

It was hoped that the SRS Working Group could remain available for the month of consultation.

00/213 MOVED: (Hine/March)

THAT Council receives the report of the SRS Working Group.

THAT Council accepts the broad direction of the report and agrees to initial implementation mechanism, while consulting with the Internet Community on the detail of the report for a further two weeks.


ACTION: Cr Hine to update members via the members' list on status of SRS report and establishment of Implementation Oversight Team.

To initiate implementation Council establishes an implementation oversight team consisting of

  • Chair ISOCNZ
  • Chair Board of Directors Domainz
  • Chair Legal and Regulatory Committee
  • Chair Technical Committee
  • ISOCNZ Executive Director (ex officio)
  • Industry representative

The team should be responsible for:

  • Employment of an implementation manager
  • Creation of a detailed implementation plan.

ACTION: Implementation Oversight Team to co-opt an industry representative for the team.

ACTION: Implementation Oversight Team to prepare job description and detailed implementation plan for presentation at November Council Meeting after seeking necessary advice and input from relevant parties.

ACTION: Implementation Oversight Team to recommend who prepares the Policy documents arising from the SRS Final Report.

A Break was taken at 6.25pm for tea.

17. Social Impact Committee Report

Associate Membership of ISOC

A letter had been received which welcomed the ISOCNZ application to become an associate member.  The issue has been discussed at three ISOC Board meetings now and it is hoped to progress the setting up of Associate Membership at the next ISOC Board meeting in LA in December. We are encouraged to bring the new ISOC Membership Chair up to date after his appointment at that meeting.

ACTION: Cr Frederick to continue negotiations with ISOC re Associate Membership status.

Digital Divide Road Show

No further progress on this because of lack of commitment of funds by ISOCNZ.

There was discussion about the lack of clarity in ISOCNZ of how funding was to be available for issues similar to this, particularly within the NZ community. General feeling was that with progress being made on the Domainz issue the Society should be able to address other goals, particularly when the longer term funding issues have been addressed.

00/214 MOVED: (Chair/Harris)THAT the Social Impact Committee oral report be received



Cr Shera (Chair) spoke to his report.

The Auckland District Law Society Technology Committee of which Cr Shera is a member, has recently met and heard from a representative of the Police electronic surveillance group. As there are law changes going on it is timely that the Society's working group on "email tapping" has been set up.

There is discussion on the setting up of a UDRP and a committee to implement policy on this. D Farrar indicated he would be prepared to join and Cr Shera undertook to ask Judge David Harvey from Auckland if he would also serve.

00/215 MOVED: (Harris/Mason) THAT the Terms of Reference for the Internet Surveillance Working Group be approved.


00/216 MOVED: (Chair/)THAT the Legal and Regulatory Affairs Committee report be received



Cr Bourne spoke to his report. If there was a permanent arrangement for the Council Room which could be set up and left in place then it might be wise to consider owning microphones etc instead of renting them each meeting.

There have been offers to stream the audio from the website and the commercial cost would be around $2700pa. Concern was expressed at using voluntary services because of the difficulty with servicing. If funding were to be available then competitive quotes would be sought.

00/217 MOVED: (Chair/)THAT the MEP Working Group report be received.


ACTION: Treasurer to note MEP working group request for $2700 when making final budget recommendations


Cr Scott reported that there are questions to be distributed to members and nonmembers – to the Council list in 2 – 3 weeks, and planning to be in the public arena by the next Council meeting. The issues include do we need a policy at all, Make the relay open – why we should or shouldn’t.

00/218 MOVED: (Chair/Harris)THAT the Open Relay Working Group oral report be received


ACTION: Cr Scott to circulate the Open Relay Working Group questions to the Council list within a fortnight and after approval circulate to members.


00/219 MOVED: (Chair/)THAT this item sit on the table until the next council meeting


ACTION: Executive Director - add Action Sheet to November Council Meeting's Agenda


The Chair speaking in his capacity as Chair of the International Committee noted the loss of two long serving and hard working members from the Committee (J Higgins and P O'Brien).

The Committee's report was presented at the same time as the ISOCNZ Chair's report (above) and the decision on how many delegates to send to the November ICANN meeting in LA is referred to General Business.

ACTION: Executive Director to refer the APNIC request for ISP addresses for inviting NZ ISP's to the APNIC workshop to Domainz who will send out the invitations on APNIC's behalf.


Report from Special Business Plan/Budget 2000 Working Group

The Special Business Plan/Budget 2000 Working Group had not been able to arrange a time to meet so had not been able to consider the budget.

The Chair asked that the whole Council consider the spreadsheet of the budget figures given to that group. They were photocopied and distributed and then the Executive Director explained the figures on the "Draft Discussion "Business Plan" Budget, noting that she had also sent the working group a draft "Business Plan" Narrative, together with the 1998 Business Plan, the 1999 Strategic Plan, and the September 1999 Council Minutes relating to the Strategic Plan., She pointed out that the working group was to consider the figures and decide which items would be removed or if resources would be redistributed. She re-iterated that this document was not a business plan.

The need seemed to emerge from discussion for a process to decide the priorities of spending. Cr Gray noted that the Council was to have reported back to the members by the end of October with a Business Plan to go with the approved Budget. He noted that the International Fees (ICANN, APTLD, and CENTR) could be resourced by Domainz as they were related to .nz.

ACTION: Executive Director to provide Chair of Domainz with copy of the approved International Fees and the rationale for their payment.

ACTION: Cr Gray to arrange funds from Domainz to pay approved Intentional Fees upon receipt of information from Executive Director.

Cr Heath expressed concern that the WG had not been able to meet because the figures were not provided on the stated day, he asked that the Executive Director withdraw her statement that the Working Group had not completed its task.

The Chair noted that the material was provided only two days late and that the Working Group had since had two weeks to meet. He therefore declined the request for the Executive Director to withdraw the statement.

Cr Heath left the meeting at 8.10pm.

There was discussion on the need for a new strategic plan as the AGM had set new priorities for the Society this year, therefore rather than trying to set a budget within the existing framework a new planning round needs to be undertaken.

Cr Carter left the meeting at 8.17pm

Cr Scott pointed out that the resource used to send the Executive Director to Los Angeles could be diverted to support local initiatives, that she should be staying in Wellington sorting out the budget problems, he expressed concern that she has too much influence.

Cr Davidson pointed out that more money would not be forthcoming by the Executive Director further studying the figures. They clearly set out now that there was a shortfall and no amount of moving them around would create more funds to be spent. It is up to the Council to make the Budget decisions in the light of the AGM decisions.

Cr Harris pointed out that there is an obligation on ISOCNZ as the manager of .nz to be represented usefully at the ICANN meetings, and the council had already discussed that the optimum number attending is two.

Cr Gray commented that the Society has difficulty articulating exactly what its purpose is; since the clearest purpose is looking after .nz then that at least must be done. If members want to do other things then they must decide where the money to do those things is to come from. Protecting the interests of .nz must come out of the Management Fee. If the members want Domainz to pay for other things it must come from Dividends, and if the company must make a profit and that will depend on the SRS review providing for Domainz to continue to prosper.

Cr Shera pointed out that the Council only implements the wishes of the Members as articulated at the AGM. If a new direction is required the members must be asked for it. In the meantime it is obvious we cannot do everything that the AGM asked to be done. New direction must be sought.

Cr Park reminded Councillors that it not the fault of the Executive Director if there is insufficient resource to complete the tasks required.

The Chair then asked the Members present for their comments.

D Farrar commented that it was intended that Domainz pay ICANN Costs.

D Stokes commented that the funds retained in Domainz accounts should be earmarked for the SRS Review process.

Returning to the Special Business Plan/Budget Working Group, Cr Davidson suggested that they meet as soon as possible by audio-conference to move the issue forward with a view to making recommendations to Council to take to the members.

ACTION: Special Business Plan/Budget Working Group to meet as soon as possible by audio-conference and report to Council with recommendations

00/220 MOVED: (Harris/Gray)THAT the Council approve the attendance of the Executive Director and the Chair at the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles

FOR: Mason, Bourne, De Salis, Frederick, Blake, Shera, Davidson, Hine, Park, Gray, Harris, March
Abstained: Linton, Dengate Thrush
Against: Scott

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Next Meeting: Friday November 24, 1300-1800

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda

© 2000 The Internet Society of New Zealand
Last updated 13 February 2002

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