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Council Minutes 13/04/02

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Minutes of the General Meeting of the Council of InternetNZ Held at the InternetNZ Council Room, L4, 4 Bond Street Wellington Saturday 13 April 2002

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

Status: Minutes Adopted at Council Meeting 020607


Keith Davidson (President) opened the meeting at 9.25am and welcomed those present.



Keith Davidson (President), David Farrar (Secretary), Steven Heath (Treasurer), Jonathan Ah Kit, Richard Bourne, Bob Gray, Jennifer Northover, Bill Parkin, Simon Riley, Chris Streatfield, Joop Teernstra, David Zanetti, Sue Leader (Executive Director).

Late arrivals: Jordan Carter, Rick Shera (Vice President), John Russell.

Early Departures: Bob Gray, Steven Heath (Treasurer)


Beverley Irvine (Administration Manager),

John Vorstermans (Technical Manager)

Rose Percival (SRS Implementation Project Manager) and Doug Mercer (SRS Technical Project Manager) for the duration of their report

Derek Locke for the duration of the Domainz Report

Peter Dengate Thrush for the duration of the International Affairs Committee Report


Absence: David Archibald, Howard Frederick, Drew Whittle

Early Departure: David Farrar (Secretary)

02/37 MOVED : (President/) "THAT the apologies be accepted." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Simon Blake, Roger De Salis


 02/38 MOVED : (President/Secretary) "THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 1 March 2002 be accepted as a true and correct record."



  • Cr Gray raised that he was unhappy that it had been decided that there would no longer be detailed written minutes of Council Meetings (Item 6, 01/03/02), and that these would be replaced with a summary of discussions and Motions, since the full meeting was available verbatim on the audio recordings which were available to members on the website. He commented that not everyone found it easy to access the recordings and suggested that the cost (reported by the Treasurer as $300 per meeting + attendance of Technical Manager at meetings) of hiring the recording equipment was unnecessary if there are detailed written minutes.
  • It was noted that the marginal cost of placement of audio-recordings on the website is low as the audio-recordings are used to assist with preparing the Minutes.
  • The President referred the item to the MEP for consideration and report at the meeting on 7 June. In the meantime, the minutes will continue be recorded and prepared as a detailed document.

5. ADMIN COMMITTEE (in committee)

(Agenda Item #5)

9.30am POR

During the "In Committee" session, the Vice President and Cr Russell arrived

10.45am Recording resumes

President requested that the Agenda be re-ordered, as the Domainz CEO was available for only a limited time to answer questions, and that the Domainz Report be taken next. The Executive Director noted that the SRS Technical Project Manager also had a limited time and requested that the timeframes be managed with this in mind.

Derek Locke (CEO Domainz) joined the meeting


(Agenda Item #8)

Cr Gray spoke to the report [Council Only] and invited Derek Locke to explain figures in the report and take questions from Council. Derek explained that the graph detailing the length of time answering emails was an "average time" so that although most queries are cleared in up to an hour, some complex issues can take days so they distort the figures.

Derek commented that it would be helpful to the Domain Name Commissioner to spend some time at Domainz actually seeing the processes, he believes it is necessary for her to have fully trained staff working when the change over takes place. It was pointed out The DNC has very strong experience in these matters.

The graph of the rate of growth showed a decline in February, The Zone file measurement done by Mark Davies was different from the DRS numbers. Anecdotal evidence shows that name holders are amalgamating and consolidating names. A similar drop has been by other ccTLDs. The difference between the Zone Files and DRS will be checked out. He expressed concern that the cost of Domain Names not increase under the SRS.

11.00am POR

During "In Committee" time, discussion moved to the confidential section of the InternetNZ/Domainz Liaison Task Force Report.

11.27am Recording resumes


( Agenda Item #7 )

Doug Mercer spoke about the SRS Technical Implementation.

  • First phase is complete
  • No negative feedback on technical architecture
  • 2 quality reviews have been carried out - no significant issues raised, Catalyst considering the outcomes
  • Prototyping is under way, boxes are running at Catalyst and Domains without problems
  • No significant problems are anticipated with migration
  • Functionality testing is now underway
  • Domainz have been working well with the SRS, but are also busy installing their new accounting system
  • Anticipate being able to announce start up date in the next few weeks
  • Domainz are conscious that they have a very large amount of work to do in anticipation of the new system
  • A working group of anticipated Registrars under the new environment has been set up (5 + Domainz). They are interested in testing the new system

11.30am Cr Carter arrives

11.35am Derek Lock, Rose Percival and Doug Mercer leave the meeting.


(Agenda Item #18)

The Vice President spoke to his report [Council Only].

02/39 MOVED : (Vice President/President) "THAT the Terms of Reference of the InternetNZ/Domainz Liaison Task Force set out below be approved:

"To identify, explore, and try our best to solve, as quickly as practicable, any issues arising in the transition to the SRS envisaged by the resolutions of the InternetNZ Council.

To do so, the TF will facilitate free and open dialogue and transfer of all relevant information among Domainz board and management, the SRS implementation team and InternetNZ (council, new domain name commissioner, new registry etc).

The TF will draw on resources and personnel from InternetNZ and Domainz as it considers appropriate.

Solutions recommended by the TF will need to take account of the rights and obligations of all stakeholders in the local internet community (a la RFC 1591) including Registrants, providers of DNS services (whether Domainz Accredited or not), Domainz Directors, staff of both Domainz and InternetNZ, and Members, Councillors and Officers of InternetNZ."


There was general agreement that the InternetNZ/Domainz Liaison Task Force should be kept going.

11.42am POR

11.45am Recording resumes


(Agenda Item #6)

The Secretary spoke to published papers:

a. AGM

  • 2 months before the AGM nominations are due for Councillors and Officers
  • There is no intention of having a video link to Auckland or other online participation on the day as the online procedures prior to the AGM introduced under the new Constitution remove the need. The cost-benefit ratio also doesn't justify the expense.
  • Payment will be made for Councillors coming to the Council meeting on the same day but past practice has been to not pay expenses of attending the AGM

b. Meeting Dates

  • The dates set out in the paper are not binding on the new Council.
  • The meeting on the 26 th of July conflicts with a current booking in the Boardroom so will be brought forward to the 19 th of July
  • Dates will need to be compared against international meeting dates
  • There is concern that 7 Council meetings is not sufficient in a year - suggestion is that, as constitutionally any 3 councillors can call a meeting, if more a needed they could be arranged as necessary.

A straw poll was held which showed the majority wanted more meetings. Secretary will redraft the schedule.

c. Honoraria/meeting fees

  • The changes in setting and paying honoraria over the past year were discussed. Current system is complicated and difficult to implement.
  • Suggestion now is to go to a "per meeting" attendance payment.

Discussion came to 4 alternatives:

  • Per meeting fee (as proposed)
  • Honoraria to all Councillors on application (as currently)
  • No Honoraria to be paid at all
  • Limited Honoraria to be paid - officers only

Straw poll was taken and final recommendation is that a limited honoraria be paid. Admin committee to take a recommendation to the AGM.

12.25pm Secretary leaves

Lunch Break

1.15pm Meeting resumes

(continued from before lunch break)

c. Honoraria/meeting fees (Cont.)

Cr Bourne asked if there was a mechanism where unhappiness with the performance of an Officer could be raised, without making a formal vote against honorarium being paid.

The current process was explained and the need for performance reviews was noted. Complaints should be referred to the Chair of the Admin committee.

d. Draft Councillor Role Descriptions

Cr Streatfield spoke to the draft paper from the Constitutional Review WG in the absence of the Secretary.

It is hoped to have Councillor Role Descriptions in place before the nominations are called for for the next Council elections. Details will be presented to Admin Committee who will refer to Council.


(Agenda Item #9)

The Treasurer spoke for the Panel [Council Only]. He explained that Cr Carter had replaced Cr Bourne on the Panel. Institute of Directors had been approached for a list of potential Directors and 11 nominations (including 3 IOD recommendations) had been received and Interviewed.

Those nominated who were present left the room

1.25pm POR

1.40pm Recording resumes

02/40 MOVED : (Treasurer/) "THAT the recommendations of the interview Panel be accepted and the 5 people approached to join the Board of the Registry Company


FOR: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Ah Kit, Bourne, Carter, Parkin, Riley, Russell, Streatfield,


ABSTAINED: Teernstra

ABSENT: Northover, Zanetti

Cr Gray stated that he will vote against the motion not because he questions the caliber of the nominations but because he is not comfortable with the structures of the new company and feels that the financial implications have not been explored.

1.45pm Cr Gray leaves


(Agenda Item #10)

There was no report. Cr Northover reported that follow up to "NetSafe" had begun. She asked for clarification that the new budget is for the period April to September 2002. This was confirmed - $10,000 has been allocated for the first half year, with $5000 proposed for the second half.


(Agenda Item #7)

The Vice President referred to the published report .

A Submission will be made on the proposed "Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Bill". There is a need to involve ISPs - he is looking to set up a Task Force and try to get involved in the drafting stage rather than reacting to what is produced.

13. 2 nd LEVEL DOMAINS (

( Agenda Item #12 )

  • The Treasurer reported that an application fee of $500 + GST had been agreed and will billed.
  • The 30 day consultative period will begin at the end of April.
  • A presentation will be made to Council (June meeting) by representatives of both in favor and opposing (if any) submissions.
  • The Executive Director noted that the timing needs referral to the Office for discussion as they are dealing with preparations for the new DNC's arrival during the same period.


(Agenda Item #13)

Cr Carter spoke to his report of the WG's first meeting. He explained the aims of the group were working with Government and providing information on Internet related issues. A newsletter is proposed and the working group has budget available to produce printed material.


(Agenda Item #14)

Cr Zanetti spoke to his paper re input requested from the SRS Implementation team on Lame Delegations and "Non-delegated" registrations.

  • NZ NOG has been consulted

2.15pm POR

2.17pm Recording resumes

Suggestion is 7 - 10 days public consultation on the proposed change and then e-vote. Decision will change current Policy.

  • Technical Committee membership

Cr Zanetti invited councillors with an interest in joining the Technical Committee to email him.


(Agenda Item #14a)

The President spoke to his report , which will shortly be published.

  • He described his attendance of the APNIC meetings in Bangkok as useful and thanked Cr Bourne for filling in at the very last minute for Peter Dengate Thrush, who was unable to attend, and for reporting back to Council on the meetings. He noted that he and the Executive Director also attended the APNIC meeting. Discussions with other organisations suggest that the demand for IP numbers is not decreasing. He observed the governance of other TLDs.
  • The ICANN meetings he felt were not progressive and concentrated on the restructure of ICANN. The first day of the ccTLD meeting was a "shambolic waste of time" but Day Two made some progress with the arrival of Peter Dengate Thrush. The input from New Zealanders is seen as positive and rational and there is a significant input from our representatives.
  • He is pleased the application is proceeding
  • Sees the Liaison Task Force as hugely progressive
  • He congratulated the interview panel on the process and appointment of Debbie Monahan as new the Domain Name Commissioner
  • He expressed some reservation about the final outcome of the Strategic Planning process
  • He Suggested that the same process be followed to appoint the .nz Oversight Committee as that appointing the Registry Company Board. It is important that this is in place before the commencement of the Domain Name Commissioner on 13 May.
  • He expressed thanks to Vice President Rick Shera and Secretary David Farrar for their considerable effort on a number of fronts in the last few weeks.
  • He noted that the media has been very quiet in the last month.


(Agenda Item # 17 - Report and February P&L )

The Treasurer reported that the year end 31 March 2002 figures were complete and due to go to the Accountant next week for finalizing. Broadly it would appear that there is an excess of $245,000 of income over expenditure which will keep the Society running until further dividends are paid.

There has been discussion with the bank to finance the SRS but this was no longer needed. He expressed his gratitude to the work done by the Office to get the year end figures available so promptly.

2.45pm POR

2.53pm Recording resumes

The Treasurer left the meeting


(Agenda Item #17)

The Chair of IAC spoke to the reports and asked to have an "In Committee" time at the end.

  • A second country (Japan) had signed the ICANN Contract - an enhanced version since Australia signed. Canada is negotiating.

There has been discussion about a ccTLD Managers' group also incorporating as an external 'trade association' type of body, but the current focus is on the ccSO formation.

  • The report contained a number of Recommended Motions which the IAC Chair requested be moved by Council:

I. ICANN Restructuring

02/41 MOVED : (Riley/Carter) "THAT

A. The Lynn report be not accepted by InternetNZ as fully accurate in diagnosing the causes of the current problems facing the corporation

B. The solutions proposed not be accepted by InternetNZ, which should continue to work towards:

(i) incremental change, not radical re-structuring of ICANN, and in line with the White paper principles

  1. maintenance of the Reconsideration Policy, with assistance to be provided to seat the Panel
  2. Development of a ccSO,
  3. Development of an International Association of ccTLDs, incorporated outside ICANN
  4. Support for the establishment of the ALSO, with a specific focus on developing (a) outreach to academia, NGOs and other institutional user groups, and (b) online voting of at least an AL Council.

C. ( Friendly amendment) InternetNZ supports the development of effective liaison between the ccSO and governments, other SOs and the staff


II. Funding

InternetNZ has been asked to contribute US$7000 to ICANN. IAC recommends sending a letter outlining the following principles.

01/42 MOVED : (Streatfield/Parkin) "THAT a letter be sent to ICANN making the following points:

a. That InternetNZ is and has been a supporter of an ICANN based on the White Paper principles of an industry led, self regulating, bottom up and government free organisation to take over administrative and management of the root from the US government;

b. that support has included participating in the formative stages of ICANN, including making financial donations to the corporation, and funding participation by members of InternetNZ;

c. that given our view that the solutions proposed by the CEO, Dr Lynn, for the problems currently facing ICANN are inappropriate,

d. and our further concern that some of those solutions appear to have begun to be implemented without sufficient input from the internet community in a manner which may foreclose meaningful debate,

e. and given our continuing concern over the inadequate performance of the IANA function;

f. that the sum of US $5,000 would be paid by InternetNZ

(i) by way of donation

(ii) to be held in trust by the InternetNZ Solicitors (Attorney), or any other subsequently approved ccTLD escrow agent

(iii) pending InternetNZ's satisfaction that re-structuring of ICANN had resulted, or was reasonably likely to result in an ICANN having:

1. a technical mandate as its mission statement, formally agreed to by each

SO including the ccSO, the GAC, and the DoC;

2. a structure and operating plan substantially in accordance with the White

Paper principles

3. a ccSO for the development of global policies affecting the ccTLDs

4. a reconsideration policy substantially as developed,

5. Effective liaison between the ccSO and the staff,

6. an At Large Support Organisation, with on-line voting to establish at

least an At Large Council.


III. At Large Membership

Cr Teernstra spoke about the current status of the At Large group ( are currently 752 members and will be elections in late April for a supervisory panel of 7 members. A Charter is to be written and members asked to contribute. The hope is to have 1000 members by Bucharest.

01/43 MOVED : (Teernstra/Riley) "THAT InternetNZ supports the At Large effort by

a. encouraging individual members of InternetNZ to sign up

b. conducting outreach within New Zealand

c. funding of US$1000 to set up and maintain the At Large website

FOR: President, Vice President, Teernstra, Ah Kit, Bourne, Carter, Northover, Parkin, Riley, Russell, Zanetti


ABSTAINED: Streatfield,


It was noted that significant support and financial pledges have been received- refer to the website (

3.38pm POR

3.50pm Recording resumes


(Agenda Item #16)

The Executive Director spoke to her published report . She highlighted various points in her notes of the APNIC meeting and noted that the URL for her presentation to APIA is in her report. The full proceedings of APRICOT are available if anyone would like to view them and the President will also make his copy available.

She asked Councillors to note the Travel Policy, which has not changed but which it is important that everyone is aware of.

She commented that the Open Document Policy comes into force only from the date the "Addendum" was passed (February 2002). As flagged, the work to reorganise the website was deferred because of other priority work but is now proceeding. The Technical Manager has completed the following:

  • The Minutes for 2002 are now Public
  • The AGMs and SGMs are now Public but the "Defamation SGM" remains confidential to members.
  • Chairs of Committees are responsible for labeling any Confidential items in their reports - she will post a reminder.

She explained that confidential matters are handled by the document being moved to a confidential area and a hyperlink to an intermediate document being put in which explains why it is confidential, to whom, for how long, and calls for a password to gain access.

She described the successful presentation to the Commerce Select Committee on the proposed Consumer Protection Legislation. Her presentation made use of audio-visual aids (a letter and envelope) to assist the Select Committee members to grasp the 'mechanics' of the Internet. She will be following up with comment on the issue of slow/broken connections on dial-up as this appeared to be the Committee's real concern.

She reported that membership at 31 March 2002 was 192 Financial and 3 "non-voting" members for a total of 195 members

4.00pm POR

4.02pm Recording Resumes

Thanks were expressed to the Executive Director by the Vice President for her making the Oral Submission to the Select Committee for him.


a. 02/44 MOVED : (President/Vice President) "THAT Reports from Admin Committee, SRS Implementation Team, Domainz Board, Legal and Regulatory Committee, Second Level Domains, Political Liaison Working Group, The President, Finances, Executive Director, Technical Committee, International Affairs Committee, Domainz Liaison Task Force be accepted.


b. Cr Riley asked whether InternetNZ has a role in promoting IP Version 6 (128 bit address Base). Cr Zanetti for the Technical Committee answered that we should have. The Executive Director noted that IPv6 Special Interest Group at APNIC and the fact that IPv6 addresses are being assigned.

Cr Riley asked that it be recorded that we are taking action.

02/45 MOVED : (Riley/Bourne) "THAT Council requests the Technical Committee prepare a position paper on IPv6 and its impact on the New Zealand internet community.


c. Cr Riley expressed reservations about the Strategic Planning processes and has left a copy of an example of a plan with the Executive Director that councillors can peruse as he believes it is important to understand the true nature of strategic planning.

Crs Riley and Northover are prepared to work together to focus on the issue of preparing a strategic plan.

The place to implement 'Public Good' issues from strategic planning is probably Social Impact Committee

There was concern that issues from the Planning day (held yesterday) were not followed up at this meeting.

The Facilitator to report back to the Executive Director.

Half day in May needed to consider outcomes from planning day. A group had been appointed (Secretary, Executive Director and Facilitator) to report back.

d. It was noted that the ICANN meeting in Bucharest (23 - 28 June) will cause problems with our scheduled AGM on 29 June.


The meeting closed at 4.30 pm.

Note - for links to papers etc, see the Agenda.

© 2001 InternetNZ
Last updated 26 April 2002

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