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Liaison Task Force Report to Council 13/04/02

First Report of the Liaison Task Force


The task force was created at the last Council meeting to look at issues for Domainz and more generally arising out of the implementation of the SRS.

The Task Force members are:

  • David Farrar
  • Drew Whittle
  • Rose Percival
  • Donna Hiser
  • Derek Locke

It is envisaged that the Domain Name Commissioner will take Rose's place when Rose's involvement comes to an end.

Terms of Reference - APPROVAL SOUGHT

The task force has looked at what its terms of reference should be and given the fact that issues with the transition and Domainz role during and afterwards can not necessarily be predicted, has decided that an explicit set of terms in not possible.

APPROVAL is therefore sought for a general term of reference as follows:

ToR of InternetNZ/Domainz Liaison Task Force

To identify, explore, and try our best to solve, as quickly as practicable, any issues arising in the transition to the SRS envisaged by the resolutions of the InternetNZ Council.

To do so, the TF will facilitate free and open dialogue and transfer of all relevant information among Domainz board and management, the SRS implementation team and InternetNZ (council, new domain name commissioner, new registry etc).

The TF will draw on resources and personnel from InternetNZ and Domainz as it considers appropriate.

Solutions recommended by the TF will need to take account of the rights and obligations of all stakeholders in the local internet community (a la RFC 1591) including Registrants, providers of DNS services (whether Domainz Accredited or not), Domainz Directors, staff of both Domainz and InternetNZ, and Members, Councillors and Officers of InternetNZ.

Activities of the LTF to date

[1]. Face to face meeting of RJS, DL, DH and Bob Gray at which the processes to address current issues were discussed and subsequently agreed.

These are:

Agreed current issues and processes to resolve

1. TOR - Resp: RJS

2. Formulate high level principles for Domainz legacy registrar (flowing from the InternetNZ Council December 2001 resolutions) - RJS to bring forward initial draft based on Rose's doc in week beginning 18/03/02

3. Cutover - transition of:

3a. Accredited Providers (eg Webfarm)

3b. Non Accredited providers (eg xtra)

3c. Registrants (incl unallocated)

The task before us is to identify the issues in transitioning the relationships which Domainz has with each of these categories to the new structure and to resolve those issues with a view to cutting over as soon as we reasonably can. Domainz is currently seeking advice on these issues and will also follow up on that to ask for solutions to any difficulties.

Therefore, initial responsibility for fact finding on this rests with Domainz but it is an issue that does need to be addressed since it affects timing significantly which in turn affects financing decisions etc.

As part of this Domainz will be taking a closer look at any issues in respect of registrant allocation or lack of allocation. Doug Mercer is also involvedin this aspect.

4. Finances:

4a. Interim business up to cutover - Domainz resp

4b. Legacy registrar after cutover - Domainz resp (based on understanding of 2 and 3 above)

4c. InternetNZ/New registry etc - InternetNZ resp

5. Integrate all of 4 into agreed overall position - TF primary resp

6. Document Domainz/InternetNZ relationship as it will apply post cutover based on 2,3 and 5.

We agreed that the overriding objective of the TF must be to focus on any problems or issues which have arisen and which will continue to arise in the implementation of the SRS *with a view to solving those issues/problems*

[2]. A closed discussion list has been established and we are finalising item 2 (high level principles for stabilising registrar) in the above list for recommendation to council.

[3]. Domainz has now provided detailed financial forecasts which are being assessed and will be used as the basis for decisions on dividends/loans etc to fund the implementation.

[4]. By the time this report is presented the TF will have a further face to face meeting and we will report further on that.

General Comment

The level of cooperation and progress on the LTF is excellent and our feeling is that it will continue to be useful tool to facilitate solutions to perceived problems and to ensure good communication with a view to minimising uncertainty and tension.


That the Terms of Reference of the InternetNZ/Domainz Liaison Task Force Set out below be approved:

To identify, explore, and try our best to solve, as quickly as practicable, any issues arising in the transition to the SRS envisaged by the resolutions of the InternetNZ Council.

To do so, the TF will facilitate free and open dialogue and transfer of all relevant information among Domainz board and management, the SRS implementation team and InternetNZ (council, new domain name commissioner, new registry etc).

The TF will draw on resources and personnel from InternetNZ and Domainz as it considers appropriate.

Solutions recommended by the TF will need to take account of the rights and obligations of all stakeholders in the local internet community (a la RFC 1591) including Registrants, providers of DNS services (whether Domainz Accredited or not), Domainz Directors, staff of both Domainz and InternetNZ, and Members, Councillors and Officers of InternetNZ.

Rick Shera
Liaison Task Force Convenor
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