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Council Minutes 21/08/97

Minutes of a Meeting of the Council of The Internet Society of New Zealand Inc. held at the Ministry of Commerce Building, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington, on 21 August 1997.

Status: Minutes adopted at Council Meeting 3 December 1997


  • Jim Higgins (Chair), Liam Greenwood, John Hine, John Houlker, Mark Harris, Colin Jackson, Andy Linton, Don Hollander, Jenny Shearer, Stephen Bell , Rodney Prescott, Brenda Lobb, Neil James (arrived 10.15am)


  • Steve Withers, Roger Hicks, Donald Neal, John Vorstermans, Jim Shaw

The meeting was opened at 9.15am.

Tony Smallwood, Senior Consultant, Datacom was welcomed and acknowledged as an observer. The presence of Patrick O'Brien was also acknowledged.

Jim moved that the apologies be accepted.


Jim moved that the minutes for the meeting of 21 May 1997 be accepted.


There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.


John Hine advised that document was placed on the web site after the last meeting. Two submissions have been received.

The discussion around the table saw cautious slow movement as prudent. Radical change at this stage is not sensible. This is to be reviewed next year if appropriate.

John Hine moved:

That the policy framework described in the document "Future Development of the .NZ Domain Name Space" and located at http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~hine/ISOCNZ/DNS/Change2LD.html be accepted as ISOCNZ policy and that the Working Group be asked to rewrite the DNS policy documents to incorporate the changes.



Patrick O'Brien presented his report on the operation of NZIRL since the last meeting.

Registrations continue to rise, currently they are running at over 900 per month. All pre-July names have been resolved. Currently NZIRL is focussing on its debtors.


NZIRL has been using a URL based on the ".to" domain (Tonga) in an attempt to form a short URL to help publicise the drive for full registration. Jim has had no comment from anyone in the Internet community regarding this. However some councillors felt that this was not good practice and that ISOCNZ and its subsidiaries should be models of good practice in their use of Internet resources.

Andy Linton moved that:

In publicity material prepared by ISOCNZ, the Society should use URL's constructed from the Domain name of the Society, isocnz.org.nz to refer to material published by the Society on the Internet. ISOCNZ will invite the NZIRL to adopt a similar policy by constructing URLs based on its domain name, domainz.net.nz



Gavin Adlam spoke on the relationship between ISOCNZ and NZIRL. ISOCNZ is the owner of NZIRL, and ISOCNZ purchases services from NZIRL. It is important to keep these two relationships distinct. ISOCNZ can reasonably direct NZIRL in matters of policy as part of the purchase arrangement, but it cannot direct it in detailed operational matters unless it wishes to risk accepting some liability for the company's actions. ISOCNZ may require NZIRL to perform according to any contract or agreement which might exist between them, but may not tell it how. ISOCNZ can also invite NZIRL's directors to do specific things, but it is up to the directors whether or not these things get done.

Jim moved that:

A group will be formed to develop an operating agreement and report back to council within three weeks. The Group will consist of: Jim Higgins, Colin Jackson (to chair) and Mark Harris; Gavin Adlam will be engaged to assist.


Gavin Adlam is leaving Rudd Watts & Stone. Council discussed whether ISOCNZ will keep Gavin (as a sole practitioner) as their lawyer or get someone other at Rudd Watts & Stone or another company.

Colin Jackson moved:

To continue to use Gavin Adlam as the Society's lawyer until such time that it is thought inappropriate.



Since the last meeting council published a discussion document on the structures for administering the New Zealand DNS. This document laid out the separation between infrastructural services and name holders services, and stated that NZIRL would hold tenders for the infrastructural services. A few submissions were received, none had substantive criticisms.

Colin Jackson moved:

The discussion document on DNS structures in NZ be adopted as policy and NZIRL be invited to implement it.



A letter has been sent to Frank March (Implementation Manger, NZ Internet Institute) declining his proposal for joint research based on the DNS.

With regard to the letter from MoC re WIPO it was moved by Liam Greenwood that:

A letter be drafted in response to Andrew Wierzbicki of the Ministry of Commerce expressing disappointment over the lack of New Zealand representation at the next WIPO meeting.

Abstention: Colin Jackson



Strategic Planning Meeting - this went well. It contributed substantially to ISOCNZ and NZIRL. Recommendations from it are now being implemented.

Forum - Don Hollander has offered to help with the Forum, leading a group whose other members are Colin Jackson, Jim Higgins, Rodney Prescott, and Andy Linton.

Information Flow - Donald Neal will enhance the list server to pass attachments if possible.

ACTION: Donald

ITANZ -Jim Higgins will liaise with Tony Tait to establish relations between ITANZ and ISOCNZ.

Closed Domains - ISOCNZ is seeking to identify someone to moderate small domains which serve a recognisable community, such as .govt.

It was moved by Jim Higgins:

That the Chairman write to the following organisations/people to offer them the delegated management of the respective second level domains:

.govt Chair, The Interdepartmental Committee on IT
.iwi The Iwi Heritage Trust (when formed)
.cri Frank Edwards, Ministry of Research, Science and Technology
.mil Jason Tidswell, NZ Defence Forces




ISOCNZ has instructed Beverley Doughty-Pratt of NZCS to purchase a computer on its behalf. A printer is to be purchased at a later date.

The administration contract is in order.


Peter Dengate Thrush was present for this item.

Discussion centred around the role of ISOCNZ in seeing a public key cryptography widely used. Options for ISOCNZ range from providing links to PGP to offering a full public key service. A halfway position would be creation of a Key Registry which is a relatively easy exercise, and does operate in other parts of the world.

There are a number of reports of large organisations showing an interest in Public Key Registries.

Peter Dengate Thrush said that people were looking to the society for leadership in this area. The consensus was that leadership on the personal side is the way to go rather than attempting to compete with big companies to provide a full public key service.

John Hine voiced that there were two points to this discussion;

Set up PGP Public Key facility or

Bring it up to a verisign class 1.

It was moved by Stephen Bell that:

The Working Group to come back with a detailed plan for setting up a Key Registry Pilot. The Working Group will be coordinated by Rodney.



The report was held over due to the secretary's absence.


The Balance Sheet YTD 31 July 1997 showed a surplus of $11,482. Colin said that unless something was done with regards to the membership the income will fall. However, YTD is positive and ISOCNZ will have made money this year.

When NZIRL and the Society separated in April the liabilities connected with DNS operations exceeded the revenue by approximately $100,000. Consequently ISOCNZ has a book loss and a loan for this amount from NZIRL.

There are two main sources of income; subscriptions which are non-taxable and management fees from NZIRL with are taxable. The loss can be used to offset tax liabilities.

On a separate issue, the amount owing from NZIRL to ISOCNZ for DNS management fees has been the subject of discussion and no amount has been paid since the separation. This will be resolved and paid up to date on the basis of a constant monthly management fee by the end of the financial year. The fee may be taken in part as reduction of the outstanding loan.


This group was established at the 21 May 1997 Council meeting to bring down recommendations for fee structures for members. Brenda reported that they had been unable to come up with anything as yet as at the last meeting it all came undone. They are working on it again. Brenda said there was nothing else to report at this stage but hopes to get something out electronically in the next month.

A discussion around the table commenced on offering a discount on membership if the person has a domain name. It was said that NZIRL and ISOCNZ must remain to be seen as separate entities.

It was mentioned that members are not receiving anything from ISOCNZ when they join the Society.

Don Hollander and Colin Jackson volunteered to put together a membership package. Don also volunteered John Hine to assist. Don, Colin and John are to report back on this at the end of September. Colin is to Chair this group.

The Membership Group is to get back to Jim on things they think are members requirements.


[The Chair passed to John Hine from Jim Higgins for this Agenda item.]

The Honoraria Working Group (consisting of Roger Hicks, Jim Shaw and Mark Harris) reported through Mark Harris. Mark reminded council that it had previously accepted a recommendation a maximum amount of $8000 per annum be approved for the office of Council Chair, and a maximum amount of $5000 per annum each for the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. In the event of those offices being held by a single individual simultaneously, only one amount of $5000 is to be available.

The working group had done more work on the payment mechanism and recommended that payment should be made quarterly in arrears on invoices from those receiving honoraria. NZCS will raise pro-forma invoices on their behalf which will be sent out with the payments. It is up to the person receiving the money whether they accept the payment or send it back to ISOCNZ.

It was moved by Mark Harris that:

Council approve an invoicing system for recompensing Officers of the Society to previously agreed levels, subject to the Society having the funds available.

Abstentions: Colin Jackson, Jim Higgins

[The role of Chair reverted to Jim Higgins.]


Jim Higgins has received an email from Steve apologising for his inactivity and tendering his resignation from the Committee.

It was suggested by John Hine that the Committee rest for this year as Communications Trumps are doing public relations for the Society. This is to be reviewed at the next meeting.


Jenny Shearer will be presenting a paper at the WebNet '97 Conference in Toronto in October 1997. The paper is good publicity for ISOCNZ, demonstrating our model policy, etc. Jenny sought sponsorship of $1500 from the Society.

Liam Greenwood moved:

That ISOCNZ subsidise Jenny Shearer's attendance at this conference to a maximum amount of $1500.

Abstention: Jenny Shearer


John Houlker is to report back to Council on the mailing list.

ACTION: John Houlker


Jim Higgins referred to the quote from the Internet Institute which had already been forwarded to councillors.

Liam is to write the overall specification for item 22: A Technical Guide to the Internet.


Jenny Shearer is to email Jim Higgins regarding item 20: A Guide to Behaviour on the Internet. There is a need to ensure that ethics are dealt with in this document.

ACTION: Jenny, Jim

There was some discussion was on whether item 21: A User's Guide to the Internet was a reasonable thing for ISOCNZ to be funding.

It was agreed that all authorship will be correctly attributed.

NZII proposed joint copyright on the material; it was agreed that since the Society is paying ISOCNZ expects sole copyright on the material.

It was moved by Jim Higgins that:

The Internet Institute is to work on documents 20 and 22 following consultation on specifications from Council.


It was moved by Jim Higgins that:

Copyright on any work contracted by ISOCNZ is to remain with ISOCNZ and authorship is acknowledged.



The problems of having the executive effectively concentrated in Wellington were acknowledged. This can lead to non-Wellington councillors feeling marginalised.

Colin Jackson suggested teleconferencing. It is expensive but can work well. SOCNZ will consider purchasing teleconferencing equipment to be placed in the Chair's office. Rodney volunteered to coordinate a meeting in Auckland at Clear's premises using their teleconferencing equipment. Don Hollander offered to provide teleconferencing facility free of charge. Jim Higgins is to liaise with Don Hollander and Rodney Prescott on this.


There was a suggestion to appoint a Deputy Chairperson. Discussion around the table indicated this was a good idea and this fourth person would not necessarily need an honorarium.

Rodney Prescott suggest the Deputy Chair be in another centre for PR work outside of Wellington.

Don Hollander moved that:

The Administration Committee report back on the necessary work needed to introduce the position of the Deputy Chairperson. The report is to be completed by the end of September.


Jenny Shearer raised the issue of business cards and whether they were available to Councillors. Jim Higgins will investigate the production of business cards.



It was recommended that the Society look at Fellow status for ISOCNZ members to show earned recognition. Jim thought this subject was worth exploring by the Membership Benefits Group. To be reported on at the next meeting.


The task list had not been prepared at the time of this meeting. The Committee will deal with enquiries as they come up.


Progress is nil. Colin Jackson requested a volunteer to take over Chair. Rodney Prescott volunteered to do this. Rodney is to report back at the next meeting on Year 2000 Issues.

ACTION: Rodney


NZCS Sponsorship of the National Programming Competition Jim Higgins to suggest to Bev Doughty-Pratt that she approach TradeNZ for sponsorship.

Councillors were generally in favour of sponsorship. Brenda Lobb suggested a budget be set up for future sponsorship funds available.

Rodney Prescott moved that:

Subject to funds being available, ISOCNZ sponsor year one at $1000 plus GST and review at the next Council meeting for year two sponsorship.



Mark Harris moved:

That a Working Group be formed consisting of himself (as chair), Roger, Colin, Jenny, John Hine, Andy and Liam to consider the consequences of ISOCNZ becoming a Chapter of The Internet Society and present the results to Council and then to the full member list for discussion at the November AGM.


The Meeting formally closed at 4.30pm.

©1997 The Internet Society of New Zealand

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