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ICOP Task Force Report to Council 24/04/04

Background catch-up in brief:

1. Process commenced in August 2003

2. An overview project document was commissioned from Zwimpfer Communications Ltd.

3. The Report was presented to Council at September meeting.

4. Issues of concern were raised by a couple of members of the ICOP Task-force concerning the proposal so a F2F task force meeting took place in November which determined to obtain alternative proposal(s).

5. Interviews were set up with two possible project managers, Laurence Zwimpfer and Tony Baldwin.

6. These occurred at end of January 2004. Both expressed reservations about the requested "way forward".

7. In the event only one of these persons forwarded a proposal, in mid-February, with a budget line in excess of $150,000. More reservations were expressed at this time from within the TF.

Moving forward:

At this point the task-force Chair took the matter to the Executive Committee to discuss how further to proceed in the light of the divergent views expressed with in the task-force. Exec discussed the matter and a proposal was discussed to bring the project "in-house" and handle the matter with our own people. This will be of enormous benefit to INZ, both in terms of visibility and with maintaining "ownership" of the project through all its stages. It is important to note that INZ is the funding agency for this project, unlike Interop that was funded from external bodies. Bringing the project in-house will put the project into the budget limit identified and gives a framework within which scope-creep and budget controls are quickly and easily identified and any necessary steps can be taken rapidly.

The task-force Chair then met with the Executive Director. It was agreed that if the matter is to be handled in-house the only persons deemed capable of progressing the COP would be a combination of the ED and the President. The President will need to remain in office because from the point of view of the Society it is precisely because Keith is the President that will give the ICOP the needed status.

Both Keith and Peter are very keen to take on the project but there is need to recognise the work-load necessary to ensure a satisfactory outcome. The Project will need to be given a top level priority status in the "ED's priorities list" that is always under review by the Executive Committee.

Next stage:

Having discussed time requirements and agreed that it would be viable, at my suggestion the ED and myself explored the concept of paying an honorarium to Keith to head up the project. This led to a discussion concerning other Council persons that lead projects. A productive and wide-ranging discussion took place concerning not only the COP but other similar projects and specifically how to handle the dichotomy between hiring expensive external consultants and Councillor project-leaders that are unpaid despite the often considerable time and resource commitment required. When this matter went back to Executive Committee there was full agreement to sort out an honorarium for this project but some reservations were expressed about widening out the scope to other projects so a further discussion will be needed before this matter for other projects will be finalised.

It is not envisaged that the Project Sponsor will be remunerated either for this project or for any other. It is important to stress that this is an honorarium structure, not a direct payment for services, although the new regime will require signed confirmation of commitment to undertake the project through to completion.

Putting this system in place allows InternetNZ to appoint Councillor members to lead projects when INZ is the sole or principal funder and where it is determined that a Councillor is the best person to undertake the task. It follows on therefore that the COP Task-force can ask Keith to act as Project Leader and Pete as Project Manager for the project so ensuring that the project is an InternetNZ-owned project, not an external company's, and has the added benefit of being an excellent profile raising exercise.


That for the ICOP:

1. Keith Davidson, President be confirmed as Project Leader and Pete Macaulay, Executive Director, as Project Manager.

2. Chris Streatfield be confirmed as Project Sponsor

3. Keith Davidson remain in his office as President of the Society for the duration of this project (and within the Constitutional requirements of ToO)

4. An honorarium structure will be put in place to ensure that financial recognition is possible for the huge time-commitment necessary for the Project Leader.

5. That this report be accepted.

Chris Streatfield
Chair ICOP Task Force.
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