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Remuneration Review Interim Report 18/04/04

Purpose of this Report :

To update Council on the progress of Remuneration Review Panel.

There are no recommendations to made at this time.


Council approved a recommendation from Executive Committee to establish a remuneration review panel which would make recommendations to Council regarding remuneration of INZ officers.

Following a report and recommendations to Council dated 12.02.04, Chris Gilchrist of Sheffields has been retained to assist the Panel; specifically to conduct one on one interviews with current officers and a past officer and to make recommendations to the Panel

The Interview process has now been completed and a draft discussion document has

been received by the Chair of Remuneration Review Panel. The draft discussion document is considered to be only a first draft since the initial findings will require further deliberation and review by the Remuneration Review Panel which has yet to meet.

The following have agreed to serve on the Remuneration Review Panel:

  • Jennifer Northover. Councilor
  • Nick Wallingford , Councilor
  • Dave Moskovitz , Audit Committee

Initial Findings:

Several significant issues have been identified by Sheffields

1. Workload

A significant amount of work is being undertaken by Officers which should be done by management; an example being policy formulation.

Sheffields concludes that &8220;in a normal world this would not, and should not be done &8220; by officers or members of Council.

Clearly one of difficulties in making final recommendations re levels of honorarium will be reconciling the workload expected of Officers according to current roles and responsibilities vs workload that should be undertaken by INZ management

2. Levels of Honorarium

Sheffields initial findings conclude that the

&8220;the current honorariums are far too low &8220;


&8220; recommend that the Role Descriptions for Officers and Councilors do need revising to reflect what members want of them and, for those receiving payment, there must be a mechanism to evaluate each persons contribution and performance.&8221;

The biggest discrepancy is that of the President whose honorarium is the equivalent of $ 13 - $17 / hr

This discrepancy is further compounded when compared to the Chair of NZOC who receives the equivalent of $ 83 / hr.


It is anticipated that Remuneration Review will make final recommendations for next Council meeting in July .


1. Renumeration Report to Council 12.02 04

2. Remuneration Review

Cr Farrar said that Council was required to review the remuneration of officers, and suggested that an appropriate panel be convened for that purpose.

MOVED (Northover/Harris): &8220;THAT Cr Riley co-opts appropriate persons to form a remuneration review panel.&8221;

General Meeting of the Council of InternetNZ

13 December 2003

Simon Riley
Chair , Remuneration Review Panel
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