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17 October 2003

Status: Accepted at Council Meeting 17 October 2003

Michael Wallmannsberger

17 October 2003

Proposal for an InternetNZ Activity Register

A considerable number of people are involved in the business of InternetNZ in various diverse roles (as councillors, staff, contractors, committee members or members) and interact through a range of structures (council, subsidiaries, sub-committees, offices, associated organisations, etc.). Whilst InternetNZ has a relatively small professional staff, given its member and stakeholder involvement, the scope of InternetNZ activity is, perhaps, surprisingly broad.

Sometimes, it is difficult to keep track of or make sense of all of this activity. An idea has surfaced amongst the musings of the Executive Committee that may assist in this respect.

Simply, the proposal is to maintain a quarterly register of InternetNZ activity. The notion is that various output activity such as meeting, voting, e-mailing, discussing and submitting reports could be summarised in a regular report.

The purpose of the report is to allow the agents of InternetNZ to check and balance their own and others' activity against what is required.

Whilst it is essential that InternetNZ remember that outcomes rather than outputs are our primary concern, a regular output comparison report might prove to be a simple but effective tool for troubleshooting excessive or inadequate attention to a particular area of concern.


  • THAT Council approve, in principle, the establishment of a quarterly InternetNZ Activity Register to be published on the InternetNZ website.
  • THAT Council delegate the Secretary to work with InternetNZ staff to agree suitable metrics and a format for the quarterly IntenetNZ activity report.

© 2001 InternetNZ
Last updated 10 October 2003

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