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General Communications

(Links to All Strategies)

Sponsor: N/A

Staff Support: Richard Wood and Campbell Gardiner

Status: Active Smiley Smiley 


Internal and external communications activities on behalf of all parts of InternetNZ, targeted at public, media, industry stakeholders and INZ members.



Overall Progress Summary:

Media releases, issues of The Browser and links to the Blog and Digest can be found here

Activities Planned for This Month:

Business as usual.


August 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to the InternetNZ Council Election results, the departure of Pete Macualay from the Presidency, the visit of Vint Cerf for the IPv6 Hui, InternetNZ's submission on the MED's copyright proposal, and the appointment of David Wright to the NZRS Board.

July 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases for the .nz awareness campaign, the Best Practice and LDT Awards, the thanking of the Executive Director on his change of role, and on the Government's proposal for replacement of Section 92A of the Copyright Act.

June 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases against termination of Internet accounts for copyright infringement. Met again with LCA2010 organisers to assist in their planning.

May 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to the Australasian Linux conference LCA2010 and upcoming ICANN event in Sydney. Met with the LCA2010 organisers to identify how we can assist.

 April 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to the broadband investment initiative and the appointment of the acting CEO. The digest website was restructured to improve categorisation and readibility. A comms plan for the 2009/2010 year was drafted.

March 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to online fraud, copyright and Section 92A, and the structural refresh. A joint release was also undertaken with ISOC France supporting their stand on copyright issues.

February 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to fibre, copyright section 92A and cancellation of the Broadband Investment Fund.

January 2009

  • Business-as-usual including releases relating to copyright and the appointment of Jay Daley to the NZRS CEO position.

December 2008

  • Business-as-usual including releases on accounting separation, the Network Strategies Broadband report, formation of the IPv6 Steering group, the Mangamaire Fibre to the Farm project and David Farrar's appointment to the Executive Board. The Briefing to Incoming Ministers was completed and distributed. November and December issues of The Browser were produced and distributed.

November 2008

  • Business-as-usual including announcing political questionnaire responses, commenting on World Internet Project announcement. A release was distributed on behalf of the President and TUANZ Chair in respect to the two organisations working together. October issue of Browser was produced and distributed.

October 2008:

  • Business-as-usual including an announcement relating to .nz name servers on behalf of NZRS, and updating the news digest and INZ blog

September 2008:

  • Business-as-usual, including preparing and issuing a variety of media releases, updating the news digest and INZ blog; as well as publishing the September 2008 edition of The Browser, InternetNZ’s monthly newsletter to members.

August 2008:

  • Business as usual including around communications related to the AGM, Election Results, History Book, Digital Strategy, LDT Foundation Launch, Broadband Subscriber numbers. and OLPC in Nuie.
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