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Admin Committee Report to Council 04/04/03

1. Administration Committee has met twice face to face since the last Council Meeting and once by teleconference. The face to face meetings were on 21 February and 14 March 2003.

2. Annual Report

a. As the recent year has been one of such great change and in many cases achievement, it was felt desirable to produce a formal annual report rather than just e-mail out a collection of reports

b. The ED has been tasked to get quotes for production of such a report

c. A print run of around 700 is thought sufficient which could cover all members, ISPs, Registrars, MPs and other key stakeholders

d. No specific budget exists for production of the report but overall expenditure is well under budget so a cost of around $5,000 is thought reasonable

e. The annual report would be in two halves – society and DNC, but with consolidated accounts for all of INZ including our two subsidiaries

3. AGM

a. The provisional date of Saturday 28 June 2003 is no longer suitable as any delegates to the ICANN meeting will not have returned in time

b. Consideration was given as to whether to have a face to face AGM at all, in light of possible rule changes, but it was decided that even if purely online AGMs become an option, we would like to have a face to face AGM this year as there is so much to report on

c. To add interest to members to attend, the possibility of having the Domainz and NZRS AGMs on the same day has been canvassed with Domainz and NZRS

d. With no known controversial items on the agenda, and a bad history with weekend AGMs, a new date of Thursday 19 June has been provisionally set with a start time of 6.00 p.m. and expected finish time of 8.30 p.m.

4. Executive Director Priorities

a. The Committee is still working through priority areas with the ED and will report these back more fully once settled

b. The Committee has noted there are currently 20 major work areas for the ED and is supplying feedback to the ED on these

5. Summit

a. A provisional date for the summit has been scheduled for Friday 16 May

b. The ED is looking at venues suitable for approximately 50 people

c. The ED and DNC have joint responsibility for content

d. Identified topics likely to be covered at the summit include
i. ICANN ccNSO Membership
ii. .nz 2LD Policy
iii. Review of International Affairs
iv. .nz LDRP Policy
v. Internet Code of Practice

e. Other worthy issues such as IPv6 and NGI are unlikely to be able to be included as they are not so time sensitive as the other issues. Discussions will be held with the NZNOG Conference organisers about possibly covering some of issues at their conference

f. Possible overseas speakers identified include a representative from CIRA (manager of .ca) which has recently changed their 2LD structure and maybe a representative from ICANN

g. It was felt appropriate to have a standing invite to AUDA (manager of .au) to attend any major summit or conference dealing with .nz policy but that this would be left to NZOC/DNC

6. Sale of Domainz

a. The Committee has had regular briefings from Officers on the Domainz Future Taskforce, regarding progress with the sale, and related issues.

b. It authorised legal advice from Buddle Findlay on managing conflicts of interest relating to the sale.

7. Membership

a. The ED has asked for guidance as to the priority for membership growth

b. The Committee has indicated that in line with the objectives in our constitution the initial priority is to increase ISP membership of InternetNZ

c. Specific material to help with membership recruitment of both individuals and organisations will be developed over time

d. Membership Statistics will be included in the monthly report of the ED

8. Website

a. The Committee concurred with concerns raised on multiple occasions by Technical Committee that the structure of the website needed revamping

b. The ED has been authorised to start work on looking at suitable solutions, preferably involving a distributed content management system so committee chairs for example can directly update their areas

9. Internet Code of Practice

a. With the recent select committee report calling for licensing and regulation of ISPs, it was agreed that this has become a more urgent priority

b. It will be included as a specific item for the Summit

c. ED will write to CEOs of ISPs regarding the select committee report

10. Disposal of Surplus Equipment

a. The old office laptop is no longer particularly reliable, but the Treasurer has managed to get it working again

b. No staff currently need the laptop and it has a book value of around $100

c. Administration Committee agreed to the Treasurer’s suggestion that it could be donated to Te Omanga Hospice in the next financial year

11. Root Server

a. InternetNZ has been asked by ISC to consider whether it can help with donation or in kind towards the any-casting of the F Root Server in the Asia Pacific

b. We believe this is worthy of support as the operation of .nz relies on the sound operation of the root servers

c. Discussion with NZOC and NZRS will be held as to how we can best make a contribution

12. It is recommended that Council

a. Approve the report of the Administration Committee
b. Approve the production of an annual report for 2002/03
c. Set the AGM to commence at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday 19 June 2003
d. Confirm the date of the summit to be Friday 16 May 2003

Keith Davidson Chair
Administration Committee
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