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Meeting Schedule Report 31/05/03


  1. In line with Council resolutions, a draft council meeting schedule for 2003/04 has been drawn up. It is attached as a separate document, having been created in Excel.
  2. In the table below, the abbreviations used in the schedule are expanded, and the rationale for each set of meeting dates set out.

    Council INZ Council meets 7 times a year, on Fridays and Saturdays alternatively for full day meetings
    Admin Admin Cmte meets monthly, two weeks before Council when there is an upcoming meeting for normally three hours
    DFTF Domainz Future Taskforce Meets as needed until sale completed by 30 Sep 2003. Try to coincide with Domainz Board meetings.
    Domainz Domainz Board Monthly as set by Domainz
    NZRS NZRS Board Monthly as set by NZRS
    AGM INZ AGM Annually - 2004 based on rule change so that AGM can be held within 4 instead of 3 months of year end 31 Mar
    RAG Registrar Advisory Group As scheduled by DNC
    NZOC .nz Oversight Committee As scheduled by NZOC
    G&C Governance & Constitutional Cmte Quarterly at least
    L&R Legal & Regulatory Cmte Quarterly at least
    Int International Cmte Quarterly plus week before ICANN meetings where possible
    Tech Technical Cmte Quarterly at least
    Audit Audit Cmte Annually and as needed
    Outreach Outreach Cmte Quarterly at least
  3. It is intended August Committee Meetings will be initial ones to confirm terms of reference.
  4. The February Committee Meetings will be to consider budget and business plans for the forthcoming year.
  5. The Office has been asked to support committee meetings in the following ways:
    1. Month before meeting date request Committee Chair to confirm date, whether face to face or teleconference, and venue
    2. Keep chasing up Committee Chair for details, so three weeks before meeting all other members can be notified of meeting details and travel details, if necessary, are made
    3. Work with Committee Chair to produce agenda for meeting and publish this to committee members two weeks before the meeting
    4. Work with Committee Chairs and Members to produce, when appropriate, a paper for each agenda item, and place on website
    5. Publish to committee members (and members-discuss plus website) the final agenda and papers at least a week before the meeting
    6. Take minutes of meeting (or ensure someone does) and arrange for minutes to be published within a week and action points also to be published within a week
    7. Do at least monthly follow ups of action points not yet resolved
    8. Notify President if there are problems with functioning of Committee despite staff support
  6. It should be noted that the combined meeting schedule is not binding, and each Committee has the power to vary as they see fit to deal with workload. However it is expected at least four meetings a year will occur.
  7. It is recommended that Council approve the meeting schedule.
David Farrar

© 2001 InternetNZ
Last updated 26 April 2003

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