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Executive Director's Report to Council 20/02/04

From December 4 to February 12 2004


Our focus for the next three months is to build a strong infrastructure. We move into the new office, an administration support assistant (Gale Blikshavn) is on board, a Project Management Office will be established, some components of the new web presence will come on stream, and committee support will start to provide benefits to committee chairs and active members. From now on most of the activities of the office will be reported on separately, this should mean the ED report is a simple overview.

1 Planning

1.1 Strategic Plan
The strategic plan is being used as the corner stone for all planning activities. As the business plan evolves and we start seeing outputs from the strategy we will need to fine tune the main strategic plan.

1.2 Business Plan
The first cut of the plan has been drafted by David Farrar. I am disappointed that the committees have not provided more solid input for this phase of the planning cycle. Once we have the main components firmed up, the office will set out the
model for delivering the support for the activities funded by the plan.

1.3 Resourcing plan
Two new position descriptions have been created. Zofia’s role has shifted, and Gale will take over some of Zofia’s work, while providing a new focus on projects, and pursuit of action. Once Gale has been on board for a month, we will adjust
the roles again.

1.4 Research
Once we have the Project Management Office function working, we will start defining a similar model for a Research Management Office. This is aimed for mid May.

1.5 Budget
With the new budget taking shape, the office is looking at better ways to report against budget activity. Having already set up project accounting, we need to refine the process to ensure that the financial and activity progress are mapped into a single form for regular review. Part of Gale’s role will be to work with technical support to get the best out of QuickBooks and the tools we can link it to.

1.6 Staff training
Our staff training continues to be ad hoc. We do not expect to be in a position to set a formal plan until June. However, training that has been defined and will take place includes:
A) Telephone answering. As a rule I recommend that all staff have a refresher course at least every two years.
B) PABX skills. Sietec are preparing a course for all staff.
C) Web tools. All staff will receive training on the tools used to develop the new site, and we will become less dependant on individuals to ensure updates are timely.
D) Financial modelling using our QuickBooks plus add-ons.

1.7 New Premises
The visit to the office will take the place of a formal report. We are moving in on March 4 2004. Our lease does not expire until the end of the month, and we are able to smooth our move. We do not expect any issues around the termination of
the Bond St lease.

1.8 Committee Support
The ability to reduce the amount of wasted volunteer effort will take some time to develop. Every committee and task force will have its agendas, task planning and reporting supported from the office.

2 Funding
We are in a stable state. I am awaiting the acceptance of the treasury policy to change the way we handle our invested funds. At this stage I simply keep as much money as sensible in fixed interest account with terms to ensure that funds are available in a reasonable time, while still earning as high and safe a return as possible.

3 External Projects

3.1 Cyberlaw Initiative
A separate report covers this initiative.

3.2 Proactive presence
We continue to develop our presence in the media. On most issues that affect our sphere of concern we are being approached for comment, and are seen as sound and publishable commentators. Even better, this role is being shared amongst a wider group of Councillors as well as the president and E.D.

One weakness is the failure to link media actions to gain momentum. We must ensure that every time we appear, we use that to gain more attention. This requires coordination, and better communication. I am working towards a solution. We will be arranging formal briefings as events dictate.

3.3 Stop spam
The spam task force has a separate report. Both Davids continues to enhance our credibility with their professional and sensible approach. We expect to start planning the government funded anti-spam law review workshop shortly, and will
be aiming for early April.

4 How we are seen

4.1 Internet Presence (Web Site CMS etc)
Shane Middlemiss will report separately on this project.

5 Internet Code of Practice

Reported separately.

6 Sibling Organisation Relationships

Over the next three months, we will develop an informal umbrella group to maintain the links and generate synergy amongst our siblings. This is going smoothly, and we talk whenever an issue arises. LLU is a good example, where even though we have divergent views on unbundling, we all agree on a common desirable outcome.

7 Membership Growth

No progress. We continue to promote membership on a one to one basis, with no plan, structure, or materials

8 Internal Processes

8.1 Process Review
Process review is parked until we move and stabilise our new structure.

8.2 Hardware environment
Shortly after the move we will upgrade our servers to improve performance and stability. We are standardising on Dell hardware, and through Derek Leitch, Dell’s NZ manager, Dell have given us the privilege of becoming a corporate account. I
am sure we are their smallest by a long way!

8.3 Desktop Software
Microsoft are allowing us to be recognised as a charity, and will have access to their desktop applications. There is no publicity associated with this. MS understand that we must be seen as brand neutral.

9 Conclusion
I am very happy to be on board for another year, and look forward to working with our three legged (Staff, contractors, volunteers) team to achieve many of the outcomes in our strategic plan. By the end of 2004 we aim to build a long term
high performing team. With the move to a single location, we have the critical mass to provide stability, without losing the energy and enthusiasm needed to ensure that the society is seen as a leader and reference point for the Internet both
in NZ and around the world.

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