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ICTUS Report as at 14/01/05

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Report to InternetNZ Council As at 14 th January 2004

Current Situation

The ICTUS Web site is now up and running. The first issue, the review of the Telecommunications Act is being managed using the ICTUS site and the survey tool which comes with the MoST CMS in which the site has been developed.

Most of the major ICT Industry organisations have been interviewed and the majority have expressed support.

ICTUS has now established a level of visibility within the ICT Industry and Government circles. Support is high and the concept accepted as valid by the Industry.

ICTUS is at something of a watershed and the next two to three months will make or break the initiative. There are two key success factors:

  1. Practical support from Industry organisations. This will involve those organisations providing support by responding to surveys, initiating issues, providing submissions and being prepared to negotiate their positions where relevant.
  2. Establishing a sustainable funding model. This is likely to be difficult until ICTUS has proved its value to both the Industry and to the Government. While the Telecommunications Act review will assist with this, it is likely that it will take at least two successful issues dealt with before full confidence is achieved.

Programme over the forthcoming two months

The next two to three months will be make or break for the ICTUS initiative. I am encouraged by the level of support which the initiative has had from the Industry at large and with the way the Issue Management Processes have gelled. There is still an amount of work to be done on getting the administration set up, with extending contact with Industry organisations and with extending knowledge of ICTUS and it' s aims and objectives. Over the next two months the following work needs to be done:

  1. Completion of the Telecommunications review - three days
    1. Encouraging the sector to come forward with submissions
    2. Monitoring submissions
    3. Handling collation and unification
    4. Final presentation to Government
  2. Contact with further Industry organisations - three days
    1. Major Telecommunications companies
    2. Major computer companies
    3. Additional Industry organisations
  3. Arranging the Industry meeting - three days
  4. Generating issues from the sector - one day

Further Work

Work will also be done on setting up the Advisory Board. This is rather a delicate exercise, as bringing industry organisations to a level of expectation if the initiative does not continue - for example if the funding model is not achieved it could reflect badly on InternetNZ. On the other hand, a carefully selected Board comprising astute and experienced business people could greatly assist ICTUS to establish a successful funding model.


To cover the above work for a two month period the following budget will be required:

Travel & Accommodation $ 800

Contract Fee $ 5900

Industry Meeting $ 700

Stationery $ 2,000

Contingencies $ 800

TOTAL for Two Months $10,200


J A Higgins
Acting Executive Director
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