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Executive Director's Report to Council - 31 August 2006

Report from the Executive Director for the InternetNZ Council


Richard Wood has commenced in the role of Communications and Research Officer, and has already been most useful in keeping the telecommunications regulatory issues alive in the media during the past 2 weeks. Richard is partly funded by ISPANZ, and we are currently scheduling his work flow to accommodate their requirements also.

During October / November I will start recruitment processes for a more junior communications role, perhaps incorporating some INZ website editorial requirements.

Telecommunications Act

Our work during August and September has been dominated by the telco regulatory issues, with particular emphasis on the INZ submission to the Select Committee. By necessity we will need to continue strong advocacy and publicity as the amendments progress through the house.

Our submission to the Select Committee was fairly powerful, and the questions coming back from Committee members were generally supportive.

Our costs for the use of Wigley & Co have exceeded expectations, but are within budget. Some recovery from ISPANZ may be possible, and discussions with members of the ISPANZ board are continuing.


I attended board meetings on 11 August in person, and then 8 September by teleconference. ICT-NZ is moving forwards rapidly, with major updates coming on their website including membership packs and application forms and also with advertising for recruitment of an Executive Director. It is worth noting that the Software Association of NZ has unanimously agreed to voluntarily wind up, and transfer all assets to ICT-NZ, and all previous Software Assn members have agreed to become members of ICT-NZ. A new presentation on reasons to join ICT-NZ is being finalized and I hope to have more on this by the 13 October Council meeting.

Unfortunately I will miss the next ICT-NZ board meeting as it clashes with our 13 October Council meeting. The ICT-NZ meeting will incorporate an SGM seeking to amend their constitution most particularly to allow for individual membership in the organization.

I also attended an informal meeting called by NZ Computer Society members in Wellington, to discuss their amalgamation into ICT-NZ, and it appears that some NZCS members are less than happy with the concept.


ISPANZ held their AGM at InternetNZ on 16 August, and I attended part of their meeting. It is pleasing to see ISPANZ remains strong and unified and is progressing its work on a broad range of issues, most importantly the telco regulatory issues. Of main interest to InternetNZ is that ISPANZ have established a Code of Practice working group, and InternetNZ has been asked to workshop the CoP alongside the TCF’s Dispute Resolution Service, to assist ISP’s in assessing the worth of the CoP. Some further drafting work for InternetNZ is a possible outcome, perhaps to convert aspects of the Code to best practice statements.

I also updated ISPANZ members on the anti-spam legislation and circulated a copy of the anti-spam Code of Practice for their review.

Work on drafting the TCF Dispute Resolution Service continues, primarily by mailing list, and it is likely a firm final draft will be ready for general consultation in the next few weeks.

Wireless / Broadband Forum
I am meeting with Steve Ingles this week, to discuss InternetNZ’s participation in their Forum.

Telecom “Kick off Broadband” Campaign

It was agreed by participants that working groups be established under the TCF rules to progress the issues of LLU, Naked DSL and UBS, as a jump-start on the forthcoming legislation. The working group meetings are being held fortnightly and are well attended by the telcos and ISP’s, with some significant progress on the groundwork for the policy and technical issues. Jordan, Richard and I are representing InternetNZ on these working groups and we will rotate our attendances to ensure one of us is at each meeting. We see the role for InternetNZ as primarily to support the ISP community and to ensure the work progresses in line with the INZ view of an open and uncaptureable Internet, and a level playing field for all service providers.

MED Peering Report

InternetNZ has made submission to MED on its Peering Report, and will also be assisting ISPANZ on its submissions to MED .

Liz Dengate Thrush Foundation

We continue to receive contributions to this foundation, and it is my feeling that the December ICANN meeting may be the catalyst for further contribution.

Structural Review

The interview process was completed in August, with Westlake Consulting Ltd contracted to undertake the review. The review is underway, and Council has been requested to complete the Leblanc diagnostic. Individual interviews have started and the


I have met with Ernie Newman from TUANZ 3 times over the past month, specifically to discuss collaboration between our organisations on telecommunications regulatory issues. With the alignment of interests on the issues, and select committee submissions, there has been useful cooperation in this area.

I have written to the Chair of TUANZ inviting them to appoint one of their governance board to our Public Policy Committee, and have had some ongoing clarification dialogue with their Chair.

I have also commenced discussions with TUANZ over collaboration for the possible IPv6 Hui.

Sibling Organisations

Apart from the several meetings with TUANZ and ISPANZ, I have met with representatives from Netsafe, Hi Growth, REANNZ and NZCS in the past month, on a variety of issues.


I met with Malcolm Alexander (Chair of the TCF) on 21 September and we mutually agreed that due to the excessive resourcing pressure on the TCF and INZ due to the telco regulatory changes, that we suspend the work of the joint working group on ENUM until April 2007. Malcolm agreed that re-engagement at that time would involve INZ’s input into policy development in cooperation with the TCF.


As at 31 August 2006 InternetNZ membership stood at 197, comprising the following:

Total last month end 197
Less Void / Resigned 0
Plus new members 0
Total this month end 197


  1. That the Executive Directors report be received

  1. That the agreed delay in future joint TCF/INZ ENUM meetings be noted

Keith Davidson
25 September 2006

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