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Executive Director's Report - 31 August 2007

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee resolved to support the WSA Awards entries from New Zealand with a budget allocation from the Special Projects Fund of $7,000.


As at 31st July 2007 our membership was:

Fellows                           14

Individual                      108

Professional Individual   65

Small Organisation          41

Large Organisation            6                                              

Total membership         234

We have agreed to sponsorships at Novembers Digital Strategy Summit, Decembers Wireless and Broadband Conference and NZNOG in January 2008 with a view to recruiting members at these events.


  • Campbell Gardiner joined the staff on 9 July 2007.
  • Simon Riley has been contracted in a part time role as Senior Advisor
  • 4 of the 6 full time InternetNZ have elected to participate in Kiwisaver
  • Jordan Carter is now based in Brussels on his EU Parliament internship and will be back in NZ on 8 December 2007. Jordan will contribute 1.5 days per week to InternetNZ activities.


International Travel

It is my intention to attend the following international meetings:

  • 24 – 25 October                      APTLD Meeting, Bangkok
  • 27 October – 2 November      ICANN Los Angeles
  • 7 – 9 November                       ArchEcon Los Angeles
  • 12 – 15 November                   IGF Brazil
  • 10 – 12 December                   GKP Kuala Lumpur

The APTLD meeting is a precursor regional meeting leading up to the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles. The dominant issue for the ccTLD community is the .idn issues. I think all will be aware that Peter Dengate Thrush has a nomination for the Chair of ICANN, and InternetNZ should actively support this nomination. My attendance at ICANN is most essential for my role as co-chair of the GAC / ccNSO Liaison Group, and as the GAC have for the first time sought input and agenda items from the ccTLD community it is imperative we deliver a useful programme for the joint meeting in Los Angeles.

The ArchEcon meeting is being hosted by Gordon Cook and given that it is in Los Angeles, and relates to a number of useful broadband projects, it would be useful to also attend this meeting.

The IGF meeting in Brazil is the second annual meeting of the UN / ITU Internet Governance Forum and requires the input of sensible ccTLDs to help avert risk from interference in the core fabric of the Internet by these treaty organisations. Some useful outreach especially with our Pacific Island neighbours can be harmonised at this event.

The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) GK3 ( meeting looks to provide a most useful insight into the overall direction of ICT and the Internet and will provide connection with a different network than those usually associated with the ICANN and IGF processes.

Returning Officers Report on AGM

There were two issues that arose during the AGM voting process that should be given consideration by Council, as follows: 

Majority vote for constitutional change

The current constitution clause states:

“14.5 No motion proposing any amendment to this Constitution at a general meeting shall be deemed to have been passed unless two-thirds of the votes cast on the motion were in favour.”

A supermajority of 66.67% is required to adopt a change to the constitution, and this currently arises from the votes for, against and abstaining. A number of members elected to abstain from voting, whereas their probable intention was that they did not wish to vote, rather than abstaining due to some conflict of interest etc. Given the constitution in its current form, a vote of abstention effectively is a vote against the motion. If Council has concerns with this, I would recommend an amendment to clause 14.5 of the constitution as follows:

14.5 Motions proposing amendments to this Constitution at a general meeting require a two thirds majority of either Yes or No votes to carry.

The other issue that arose during the voting was a number of “ties” in the voting. Currently the constitution states:

“4. If at the end of a round no candidate has reached the threshold, the lowest polling candidate is temporarily removed from the count. (If there are two tied for lowest vote, it is done by `toss of the coin´).”

It occurs to me that a nominee may have greater support at earlier iterations of the preferential ballot, but that this greater support is valueless should a tie occur later down the ballot order, and the “toss of the coin” rule applies. Within the preferential voting system, the drop off rate for voters in their rankings of candidates is high. I believe it would be more representative of a preferential ballot system, in the event of a tie, to re-evaluate the earlier higher order preference votes for the tied candidates. The constitution could be reworded as follows to allow this change:

4. If two candidates are tied for the lowest vote the candidate who received the higher number of earlier preference votes will win. If there is still a tie the successful candidate will be decided by a ‘toss of the coin’.


1.      That the Executive Directors Report be received


2.      That Council recommends amendments to clauses 4 and 14.5 of the constitution to the 2008 AGM.


3.      That an additional budget of $15,000 from the Special Projects Fund be allocated to the History of the Internet project.



IPv6 Workshop

From 6th to 10th August a 5 day IPv6 workshop was held on the 10th Floor, sponsored by InternetNZ and REANNZ, and supported by Cisco and Packet Clearing House. Jonny Martin spotted the opportunity and facilitated the workshop, which was well attended with more than 20 participants. Participation was keen and there is enthusiasm to repeat the event in either Auckland or Christchurch in the future.

The total cost to InternetNZ will be less than $4,000, and I will approve this unbudgeted expenditure against the Technical Capability Development Fund.

Congratulations should be recorded to Jonny Martin for his efforts.

APNIC Meeting

InternetNZ has prepared a bid to host the August 2008 APNIC-26 meeting in Christchurch. A copy of the proposal is attached. The proposal indicates a potential funding requirement for the budget shortfall of around $11,000 and we have noted this amount for inclusion in next years budget should we be successful in our bid to host this meeting. APNIC have never hosted a meeting in New Zealand previously, and as part of our commitment to improving technical knowledge in New Zealand, this is an obviously useful event for our technical community.

E-Gov BarCamp

I have been approached by the organizers of the E-Government BarCamp for InternetNZ to be a sponsor of this event, which will be held in Wellington on Saturday 15 September. I have agreed to their requested $250 sponsorship package.

See for details.

Constitutional Changes

The changes to InternetNZ’s constitution have been accepted by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

Anti-spam Code of Practice

  • Service providers are currently signing up to the code.
  • We have a potted power point informational presentation on the legislation and code of practice, for general distribution and use.

Council e-votes

Since the last Council meeting on 18 June 2007 there have been 2 Council evotes conducted, as follows:

EVOTE 070709 - Governance Remuneration, moved Jackson, seconded Riley

1.       That NZRS Directors Fees be increased to $93,600 per annum for the current financial year, with the NZRS Board empowered to allocate these fees as they deem appropriate.

2.       That the NZOC members honoraria be increased to the following applicable from 1 August 2007:

a.        Chair                           $12,000

b.       Deputy Chair              $  9,000

c.       Member                      $  6,000.

3.       That InternetNZ Council honoraria be confirmed for the forthcoming yearas follows:

a.        President                     $24,000

b.       Other Officers            $12,000

c.       Executive Committee non-officer $,9,600

4.       That InternetNZ Councillors receive an annual honoraria of $5,000, applicable from 1 August 2007.


FOR: Baddeley, Farrar, March, Martin, Streatfield, Jackson, Macaulay, Northover, Harris, Reilly




FOR: Baddeley, Farrar, Martin, Streatfield, Jackson, Macaulay, Northover, Harris, Reilly




FOR: Baddeley, Farrar, Martin, Streatfield, Jackson, Macaulay, Northover, Harris, Reilly




FOR: Baddeley, Farrar, March, Martin, Streatfield, Jackson, Macaulay, Northover, Harris, Reilly



Cr Farrar declared a conflict of interest in casting his vote.

EVOTE 070719 - 2020 Survey, moved Baddeley, seconded Northover and Wallmannsberger

"That $7,500 from the special projects fund be allocated to the 2020 Communications Trust's 2007 survey of ICT in New Zealand Schools, combined with input from council and the office of INZ on a set of 3 questions to be covered."

FOR: Farrar, Wallmannsberger, Martin, Streatfield, Macaulay, March, Northover, Baddeley, Speight


ABSTAIN: Jackson

These evotes were declared carried.



Our priorities for the immediate future include:

·         ICT Week in Parliament

·         Submissions on the TSO Bill

·         Submissions on WiFi Bill

·         Submissions on Election Spending Bill

·         Submissions on Naked DSL / UBA etc

·         Telecom Operational Separation Plan

·         NZBA Code of Practice

·         Anti-spam code of practice signing

·         Structural Reform implementation

·         Peering position paper published

·         Cyberlaw project (next year, ensuing years, last year)

·         NZ CERT Scoping

·         History of the Internet project

·         IPv6 Hui

·         Access Grid / Telepresence

·         Certification Authority Scoping


1.      That the supplementary Executive Directors report be received.

2.      That the e-votes be ratified.

Keith Davidson

Executive Director

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